Doomsday scene

The vision that John saw.

God revealed to Jesus Christ that he would show his servant what was going to happen. So Jesus sent messengers to learn more about John, recorded what he saw and told the public as witnesses of these prophecies. God will bless those believers who have heard these prophecies and kept them.

John is now in exile on Patmos Island. When Sunday arrived, John was moved by the Holy Spirit and heard a voice saying to him, "What you see should be written in a book and given to the seven churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamo, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. When John heard the voice and wanted to see who was talking, he saw seven golden lampstands, one of which was dressed in a long robe and hung to his feet like a son of man. He wears a golden ribbon on his chest, his hair is as white as snow and wool, his eyes shine like flames, his feet shine like copper, and his voice thunders like a flood. He holds seven stars in his right hand, spits a double-edged sword, and his face is like the scorching sun. John was so scared that he threw himself on the ground and fell at his feet, unable to move. Then the flashing man said, don't be afraid. I am the first, I am the last, and I am alive; I was dead, and now I am alive, forever and ever; Holding the keys to death and the underworld. So, write down what you see, what is now and what will happen. As for the mystery of the seven stars and seven golden lampstands in my right hand that you have seen, those seven stars are the messengers of seven churches; Seven lampstands are seven churches.

John knew that this was the revelation of the Savior, so he wrote to the messengers of seven churches to convey the Lord's meaning.

In the letter from Ephesus to the church messenger, the Lord said: I know your behavior, your labor and your patience, and I know that you can't tolerate the wicked. You worked hard for my name, and you are not tired. However, I have one thing to blame you, that is, your first love was abandoned. So remember where you fell, and repent and do what you did at first. If you don't repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. The Lord also asked John to tell him: listen to the Lord's teaching and persist in loving and hating the wicked whom the Lord hates, and the Lord will give him the fruit of the tree of life in God's paradise.

In the letter to the messenger of the church in Smyrna, the Lord asked John to tell him that the Lord knew all his troubles, poverty and slanderous remarks made by pretending to be a Jew. The devil will put some of them in prison for trial and suffer for ten days, but don't be afraid of this kind of suffering. You must be faithful to the Lord until you die, and the Lord will give him the crown of life.

In a letter to the messenger of the church in Pergamo, the Lord said: I know where you live and Satan is sitting there; When antipas, my faithful witness, was killed among you in the place where Satan lived, you still held fast to my name and did not reject my words. But what he is to blame is that some people obey Balaam's teaching and Nicholas's teaching; Balaam had taught Balak to put a stumbling block in front of Israel, so that they could eat things sacrificed to idols and commit adultery. The behavior of Nicholas's side is an abomination to the Lord.

The Lord said: So repent; Unless I repent, I will come to you quickly and attack them with the sword in my mouth. Believers who listen to the word in the church will get real information from the Lord.

In the letter to the messenger of the church in Thyatira, the Lord asked John to tell him that the Lord knew his actions, love, faith, diligence, patience and more good deeds. But he tolerated Jezebel, who claimed to be a prophet, to seduce the servant of the Lord to commit adultery and eat sacrifices. He must accuse Jezebel, an unrepentant woman, and those who commit adultery with her will be punished and suffer great suffering. People in the church will be rewarded according to their actions, and adulterers will be killed; And those who don't learn from prostitutes and don't know Satan's evil principles must persist in doing good until the Lord comes; Whoever obeys the Lord's command will get the iron power given by the Lord to subdue the nations and the morning star given by the Lord.

In a letter to the church in Sardi, John told the messenger that nothing in his behavior was perfect before God, so he had to remember how he received and heard God's teaching, and be alert and repentant of his mistakes. There are still some people in Sadie who have not defiled their clothes. All those who follow the Lord's teaching and behave well should walk with the Lord in white. The Lord will not blot out his name from the book of life, but will confess his name before God and his angels.

In a letter to the church in Philadelphia, the Lord told the messenger that because he kept the way of the Lord and never denied his name, the Lord would open the door before him, and no one could shut it. Satan's liar, pretending to be a Jew, will bow down at his feet; When the whole world is exhausted. He won't be tried, he should continue to stick to his just behavior and keep his crown. Successful people who often do good deeds will enter the temple of the Lord and never come out, and will be regarded as pillars in the temple. The Lord will bring the name of God and the name of God's city to God's new Jerusalem, and write the new name of the Lord on the pillar.

In the letter to the church in Laodicea, the Lord told the messenger not to be lukewarm in faith, not to be satisfied with the present wealth, and not to forget that he was so poor, pitiful and pitiful. It was the Lord who made him rich so that he could wear white clothes to cover his naked body and polish his blind eyes with medicine. The Lord loves him so much that he blames him for disciplining him. He needs to be full of enthusiasm and repent for all his mistakes. Those who obey the Lord's teaching, repent and succeed will share the throne with him.

Later, John saw a door opened in the sky and heard a voice as big as a trumpet say, Come up here and I will show you what will happen in the future. John saw a throne in the sky, and in the middle of the throne was a man like a jasper and a ruby. Emerald rainbows surround the throne, and twenty-four elders sit on twenty-four seats around the throne. They are wearing white clothes and golden crowns. There were lightning and thunder in the throne, and seven fire lamps-the seven spirits of God-burned in front of the throne, making it sparkling and crystal clear.

He also saw four strange creatures placed in and around the throne. These creatures are full of eyes and each has six wings. The first is like a lion, the second is like a calf, the third is like a face, and the fourth is like an eagle; They kept saying: sacred! Holy! Holy! The Lord God is the Almighty. He was, is and will be forever. The twenty-four elders fell down before the throne and put their crowns on the throne, saying, Our Lord and God, you deserve glory, honor and authority, because you created all things, and all things were created by your will.

Then, John saw the Lord God sitting on the throne with a book full of words in his hand and sealed it with seven seals. A powerful angel announced that no one can open and read this book, because no one is worth it. At this time, I saw three lambs standing in the middle of the throne, four creatures and twenty-four elders. This lamb has seven horns and seven eyes. These are the seven spirits of God. He took the scroll from the Lord God who sits on the throne. Only he can open the seven seals, open it and read it.

Immediately the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders each took a harp and a golden censer full of incense and fell down before the lamb. The incense in the incense burner is the prayer of all saints. John heard four living creatures, twenty-four elders, and many angels around him, and all the creatures in heaven and earth all said the same thing: the lamb killed is worthy of holding the scroll, opening seven seals, gaining authority, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and praise; May all this be attributed to my Lord God and the Lamb on the throne forever.

The lamb opened the first of the seven seals, and one of the four living creatures said, Come! A winner with a bow and a crown appeared on the white horse; The lamb opens the second seal, and you come with another voice! A red knight appeared and was given authority and a big knife, indicating that he could seize peace from the earth and make people kill each other; At this moment, the third seal was opened, and a man appeared in front of John, with a Libra in his hand and riding a dark horse. You can also hear a voice among the four living creatures saying: a penny buys a liter of wheat and a penny buys three liters of barley; Oil and wine should not be wasted.

The fourth seal was opened, and the fourth creature said you came again! A knight on a gray horse appeared. His name was death. With him is the underworld, and they have the right to destroy a quarter of the people on the earth with swords, famines, plagues and wild animals.

When the fifth seal was opened, souls cried under the sacrifice:-They were killed for supporting God's word and testifying for God-holy and true Lord, how long will you not judge those who live on the earth and avenge our blood? So when they were given white clothes and told to rest, they were satisfied.

When the sixth seal was opened, the heavens and the earth shook, and the sun and the moon were dull. The stars in the sky fell on the tree like a gale, and the unripe fruit fell to the ground. The sky has changed, and the mountains and islands are drifting ... this is the anger of the lamb! Kings, courtiers, generals, strong men, rich people, all slaves and autonomous people on earth hide in caves and caves to avoid the face of God and the anger of lambs on the throne.

So, four angels in charge of the wind on the ground stood at the four corners of the ground and stopped the wind. Another angel came up from the sunrise and took the seal of the living God and put it on the forehead of God's servant. Among the tribes of Israel, the number of seals is 144,000. Twelve thousand of the tribes of Judah, Reuben, Gad, Avi, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Yue Se and Benjamin were each sealed.

Since then, many people from different countries and nationalities have come from all directions, all dressed in white and holding palm branches, standing in front of the throne and the lamb, worshiping and praising the God and the lamb on the throne, and angels also fell to the ground and worshipped God and the lamb.

An elder came to ask John who these people in white clothes were and where they came from. John said, My Lord, you know. So the elders told John that they were out of big trouble. Their white clothes were washed by the blood of the lamb. They serve God day and night in the temple, and they no longer suffer from hunger, thirst and sun exposure. The lamb fed them and brought them to the fountain of life. God wiped away their sad tears.

The lamb finally opened the seventh seal, and the sky was quiet at once. After about two minutes, the seven angels standing in front of God got seven trumpets. An angel with a golden incense burner came to the altar, and the cigarettes in the incense burner and the prayers of all the saints rose slowly before God. The angel filled the altar with incense burners and then poured them on the ground. Suddenly, there was thunder and lightning and the earth shook.

At this time, the seven angels with horns blew their horns respectively. When the first angel sounded the trumpet, hail mixed with fire and blood fell from the sky, and trees and grass were burned by a third.

When the second angel sounded the trumpet, the burning mountain rolled into the sea, and the sea became blood, killing a third of the creatures and ships in the sea.

The third angel sounded the trumpet, and there was a big star named Chen Yin, which burned rivers and their water sources from the sky. So the water in the river became as bitter as Chen Yin, and many people died.

The fourth angel sounded the trumpet, and the sun, the moon and a third of the stars were darkened, and the day was no longer bright, and there were no stars at night. An eagle flew in the air and shouted: three angels want to play the remaining trumpet; Woe to those who live on the ground! Woe to you! Woe to you!

The fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and a star fell from the sky. He opened the bottomless pit with the key of the bottomless pit, and a puff of smoke came out of the pit, covering the sky. Swarms of locusts gushed out with the smoke. These locusts look like war horses, with golden crowns on their heads, men and women on their faces, teeth like lions, breastplates on their chests, and scorpions dragging their tails. They flapped their wings, just like Wan. Their emissary is to hurt people who don't have the mark of God on their foreheads, and to hurt them with the poison hook on the scorpion's tail for five months, so that these people can bear it like scorpions during this period. The messenger of the bottomless pit is the king of locusts, and his Hebrew name is Abaddon. This is the first disaster for people on earth.

The sixth angel sounded the trumpet, and a voice came out from the four corners of the golden altar before God, and commanded the angel who sounded the trumpet to release the four angels bound in the Euphrates River. These four messengers have made up their minds to kill a third of the people. Released at this time, he immediately obeyed. I saw that they had a lot of horses and chariots, and the cavalry's chest was armored like fire, accompanied by purple horse sulfur, as if it were burning; All horses are gorgeous, a lion head, a snake tail and a snake head. Fire and smoke spewed from their mouths, and there was thick sulfur, so a third of them died at their feet. The remaining two-thirds still do not repent, still worship ghosts and idols, and continue to kill, practice witchcraft, commit adultery and steal.

When the disaster passed, another angel descended from the sky. He is wearing colorful clouds, surrounded by rainbows on his head, his face is like a red sun, his feet are like pillars of fire, and he is holding an unrolled scroll, with his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the ground, shouting like a lion's roar. With this sound, the seven thunders were deafening. Just as John was about to write down what he saw, the words fell from the sky: What Qi Lei said, you should seal it up and don't write it out. Then tell him to take the small scroll from the angel and eat it, saying that when he eats it, his mouth will feel as sweet as honey, but when he enters his stomach, he will feel bitter. John did it. It happened.

The angel asked him to continue to predict as a witness. At this time, someone gave him a reed, and a voice told him to measure the temple and altar of God and the worshippers in the temple. The courtyard outside the temple is not needed, because it will be reserved for foreigners, who will trample on the holy city for forty-two months. John heard it again: I want my two witnesses to put on sweaters and preach for 1,260 days. These two men will spit out flames and consume their enemies; On the day of their preaching, if it doesn't rain, water will turn into blood. They can attack the world with all kinds of disasters anytime and anywhere at will. When they have finished their testimony, a beast will come up and fight them in the bottomless pit and kill them. The body will stay on the streets of a big city called Egypt or Sodom for three and a half days, and people will be happy about it. Three and a half days later, God's anger entered their bodies, and they came back to life and listened to God's call to go to heaven. People who saw them were very scared. At this time, the city shook, the city collapsed by one tenth, and 7000 people died in the earthquake.

The seventh angel sounded the trumpet, and John heard a voice from heaven announcing that the kingdom of the world had become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ. So the twenty-four elders fell to the ground, worshiped Almighty God and thanked him for taking power as king. At this time, the temple in the sky opened and the ark appeared in the temple, followed by lightning, thunder and lightning, earthquake and heavy hail.

There are various illusions in the sky: a woman walking on the moon in the sun, wearing a twelve-star crown, crying in the pain of childbirth; A red dragon, with seven crowns and ten horns, dragged a third of the stars on its tail and tried to swallow the baby in front of women. The woman gave birth to a baby boy and was immediately taken to the throne of God. In the future, he will rule all countries with iron bars. The woman fled to the wilderness according to God's instructions, where she could live 1260 days.

The angel Michael and his angel fought the dragon and his angel. The dragon was defeated, fell to the ground and ran after the woman. The woman got a big eagle with wings and flew to the wilderness. The dragon chased after her and sprayed water to wash her away. At this time, the earth cracked and swallowed the flood, and the woman was saved. The dragon had to stand on the beach and lose his temper. This dragon was transformed from Satan, an ancient deceitful snake.

At this time, a strange beast appeared in the sea. It had ten horns and ten crowns, seven heads with blasphemous names, a body like a leopard, four feet like a bear, and a mouth as big as a lion. One of the seven heads seemed to be injured and had recovered. The dragon gave its authority and seat to the monster and let it exercise for forty-two months. The beast desecrated God, defeated the saints and subdued all nations, people, parties and countries. Then another monster came out of the ground. Its horn is like a lamb, and its voice is like a giant. It gave the power to send fire from heaven, so that all people, big or small, rich or poor, slaves or slaves, were marked on their right hands and got the name of the beast or the number of its names. This number is 666.

At the same time, lambs stood on Mount Zion, with 144,000 people. On their foreheads are written the name of the lamb and his father. They have never been defiled by women, never told lies, and have no flaws. They are with the lamb, singing new songs with the piano. There are three angels flying in the sky, and there must be an eternal gospel to people on earth, telling people that the date of God's judgment has arrived; The great city of Babylon has fallen; Those who are marked by animals and worship them will suffer and have no peace day and night.

A white cloud floated by, and a man sat on the table like a son of man, wearing a golden crown and harvesting mature crops on the ground with a sharp sickle; Another angel came out and harvested the ripe grapes on the ground with a sickle, and then poured them into God's drunkenness, from which blood immediately gushed out. He who defeated the beast stood on the sea of glass, playing the harp of God and singing the songs of Moses and the Lamb. The temple where the ark of the testimony was kept opened, and the seven angels in charge of the seven plagues came out of the temple, dressed in fine linen and girded with gold belts. One of the four living creatures gave seven golden bowls full of God's wrath to the seven angels and made them fall to the ground.

The first angel poured his bowl on the ground, and those who had animal marks and worshipped animal images were covered with poisonous sores.

The second angel poured his bowl into the sea, and the sea immediately turned into blood, and all the creatures in the sea died.

The third angel poured his bowl on rivers and many sources of water, and the water became blood.

The fourth angel poured the bowl on the sun, and immediately it was baked in the hot sun, and the heat wave hit people.

The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and the kingdom of the beast was dark. All the people in the countryside are covered with poisonous sores and are in great pain, so they vomit foul language and bite their tongues.

The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the Euphrates River, and the river dried up and showed the way. From the mouths of frogs, dragons, beasts and false prophets, three filthy spirits-ghosts and demons-spit out, and these three demons called the kings of the world to war in Hamigidom.

The seventh angel poured his bowl into the air, and the voice on the throne in the temple said yes. Then there was lightning and thunder, the earthquake city collapsed and the islands and mountains disappeared. Heavy hail fell and fell on people.

An angel in seven bowls called John and took him into the wilderness to see the punishment for the adulteress. John saw a woman dressed in purple and scarlet, riding a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns, wearing gold, silver and jewels, holding a gold cup full of her filth and fornication, and writing on her forehead: Mystery! Babylon the Great, the mother of an adulteress and all the abominations of the earth. The adulteress drank the blood of saints and the blood of witnesses to Jesus as wine and got drunk. John was puzzled, so the angel told him the mystery of the prostitute and the beast with seven heads and ten horns that she was riding: the beast was there before, but now it is gone, and it will climb up from the bottomless pit and sink. Its seven heads are seven mountains made by women, that is, seven kings, five of which have fallen, one is still there and one is coming; The ten horns of a beast are ten kings. They have not yet gained the kingdom, but once they gain power, they will give it to the beast wholeheartedly to fight against the lamb, but the lamb of the Lord and the king of kings will defeat the beast. The water where an adulteress sits implies many people, many people, many countries and many parties. An adulteress is a great city that rules the kings of the world.

At this time, another powerful angel came from heaven and loudly announced that the city of Babylon had fallen! It has become the devil's residence, and it has also become the nest of all kinds of evil spirits and disgusting birds.

Another voice said in the sky, let the people leave the city and avoid punishment with prostitutes. Because of her extravagance, her sin and her injustice, God will punish her doubly, and she will be miserable and burned to death. The monarchs who committed adultery with her on the earth and the businessmen who made a fortune through her all mourned and wept for her. But the saints, apostles and prophets who were oppressed by her rejoiced at her punishment, because God had avenged them.

A powerful angel raised a huge stone and threw it into the sea, saying that the city of Babylon would sink and disappear like this stone and never appear again. People sang hallelujah loudly in the sky. Twenty-four elders and four living creatures fell down to worship God and said "hallelujah". The people rejoiced and rejoiced, celebrating the power of Almighty God and preparing the wedding feast of the lamb.

John saw the sky open and a man on a white horse appeared. His eyes are like flames. He wears many crowns and his clothes are covered with blood. He is honest and true, and he shows integrity. His name is the way of god. All the armies of heaven followed him on white horses and dressed in fine linen. His clothes and thighs read: King of kings and Lord of lords. They fought against the gathered beasts, the kings and rulers of the earth, caught the beasts and the false prophets who worshipped their images, and threw them into the lake of fire burning with sulfur. All the sergeants and people with the mark of beasts were wiped out by soldiers on white horses. Another angel stood in the sun and called the birds to enjoy their meat. Another angel grabbed the snake's happy but changeable dragon with the key and chain of the bottomless pit, bound it for 1000 years and sealed the bottomless pit.

The souls of those who were beheaded for testifying to the words of Jesus and God, and those who did not worship animals and their images and were not marked by animals, have all been resurrected and will fly with Christ for a thousand years. 1000 years later, Satan will be released, confusing the countries in the four corners of the earth to gather to fight, so the sky will send fire and destroy them, and the devil will be thrown into the sulfur fire lake where man and beast are located, where they will suffer forever.

At this time, a big white throne and people sitting on it appeared. All the dead stood before the throne. The files and the book of life are opened, and everyone is judged according to what is recorded in these files and what he has done. The nobody in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Finally, John saw a new heaven and a new earth, and the holy city of New Jerusalem from God. A loud voice came out of the throne, saying, God will live with people and be their God, and they will be his people. God will wipe away their tears. There will be no more death, sadness, crying and pain in the world. The past has passed, and God has renewed everything. God will give the water of life to those who are thirsty for free. Those who are timid, unbelieving, detestable, murdered, promiscuous, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars will enter the lake of sulfur and fire.

Then, an angel took seven golden bowls full of the last seven disasters, took John to a mountain, showed him the holy city of New Jerusalem, which came down from God, and told him that the city was a bride and the wife of a lamb. John saw that the city was full of the glory of God, shining with gems, jasper and crystals. The tall walls of the holy city are all made of jasper, and the city and streets are pure gold; Twelve pearls serve as the gates to the east, north, south and west of the holy city. Twelve gates were guarded by twelve angels, and the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the twelve gates. The city wall has twelve foundations, each of which is decorated with different gems, and the names of the twelve apostles of the lamb are written on it.

There is no temple in the Holy City, because God and the Lamb are the temples of this city. There is no need for the sun and the moon to shine in the city, because the glory of God illuminates the whole city; Lamb is the beacon of that city. There is no night in the city, the gate is open day and night, and all the people walk in the light of the city, but the unclean, the lying and the nameless in the lamb's life book are not allowed to enter the holy city.

There is a crystal clear river in the streets of the holy city, which is the water of life flowing from the thrones of God and Lamb. On both sides of the river, there are twelve kinds of fruits in the tree of life, and the leaves on the tree can cure all people. The throne of God and the Lamb stood in the city, and his servants wrote his name on their foreheads, serving him forever. The light of God shines on them and makes them king forever.

The angel once again told John that what he heard and saw was that God sent his angel to show his servant what he had to do at once. Blessed are those who keep the prophecy. John heard him say, "Look at that!" I will come soon. Rewards and punishments are mine, and I will repay everyone according to their actions. I am alpha, I am omega; I am the first and I am the last; I am the beginning, I am the end. ..... my Lord Jesus sent my angel to prove these things to you for the churches. I am the root and descendant of David; I am the bright morning star.

Finally, John told everyone according to God's revelation: I testify to all those who have heard the prophecy in this book. If anyone adds anything to this prophecy, god will add the disaster written in this book to him; If anyone deletes anything from the prophecy in this book, God will delete his share from the tree of life and the holy city recorded in this book.