Pei Min served as the Longhua military envoy and guarded Peiping. There are many tigers in Beiping, and Min is good at shooting. He kills thirty-one tigers in one day because he rests at the foot of the mountain and looks around calmly. An old man came and said: "These are all tigers, they look like tigers but not real tigers. If a general encounters a real tiger, there is nothing he can do." Min said: "What does it matter if a real tiger is safe?" The old man said: "From now on, thirty miles to the north, there will always be one. "Min jumped on his horse and walked towards it. In the middle of the thicket, a real tiger emerged. It was small but powerful. It roared from the ground and the rocks cracked. When Min Ma makes a move, his bows and arrows all fall, which is almost unavoidable. From then on, I felt ashamed and stopped shooting tigers. ("Supplement to the History of the Tang Dynasty")
1. Translate the following sentences:
Look around: look around with a proud expression.
Pei Min's horse was so frightened that his bow and arrows fell to the ground, making it almost impossible to escape.
2. Explain the following usage of "er"
Like a tiger but not: a conjunction indicating a turning point, but
Small but powerful: indicating a turning point Conjunction, but
Leaping up to the horse: indicates a conjunction that follows, and "leaps" modifies "go"
Smart and studious, and is not ashamed to ask questions: indicates a conjunction that follows, and< /p>
People who have no faith do not know what they can do: a conjunction expressing assumptions, if
3. Why does Pei Min look around so calmly? Then why did he stop shooting tigers?
Answer: Because he didn’t know that he was shooting a fake tiger like Biao, but he thought that he had shot thirty-one tigers in one day, which was really amazing, so he was proud and looked around with pride. look.
Why didn’t you shoot tigers anymore? Because he met a real tiger, he knew his true ability. From then on, he was very ashamed and stopped shooting tigers.
4. What inspirations did you get from reading this story?
Answer: It is important for people to be self-aware, and they must not mistake ignorance for knowledge.
Pei Min is the military envoy of Longhua and guards Peiping. There are many tigers in Beiping. Pei Min was good at shooting and once shot to death thirty-one tigers in one day. Then he looked around at the foot of the mountain, showing a complacent look. An old man came over and said to him: "Those you shot to death were all tigers. They looked like tigers, not tigers. If you encountered a real tiger, there would be nothing you could do." Pei Min said, "Where is the real tiger? The old man said: "Thirty miles north from here, tigers often appear." Pei Min urged his horse to go north and came to a place with thick vegetation, and sure enough, a tiger jumped out. This tiger was smaller in size but fierce in its momentum. When it stood there and roared, the rocks cracked. Pei Min's horse was so frightened that he backed up. His bow and arrows fell to the ground and he was almost eaten by the tiger. From then on, he felt ashamed and afraid and stopped shooting tigers.