1 the Lord said to Moses:
Speak to the Israelites and say to them, The feast of the LORD shall be proclaimed as a holy convocation.
You have to work for six days, and the seventh day is the Sabbath. When there is a holy meeting, you can't do any work. This is a sabbath to the Lord in all your dwellings.
These are the appointed feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim as holy convocations at the appointed time.
On the fourteenth day of the first month, at dusk, it is the Passover of the Lord.
On the fifteenth day of this month, there is a feast of unleavened bread to the Lord, and you shall eat unleavened bread for seven days.
On the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and you shall do no laborious work.
Offer an offering made by fire to the Lord for seven days. The seventh day is a holy meeting; You should not do any hard work. "
The Lord said to Moses:
Speak to the Israelites and say to them, When you get into the land I am giving you, when you harvest the crops, you shall bring a bundle of the first fruits to the priest.
1 1 He will shake this bundle before the Lord to make you acceptable. The priest is to shake the burden on the day after the Sabbath.
12 On the day of shaking this bundle, you shall offer a lamb of one year old without defect as a burnt offering to the Lord.
13 The grain offering together is two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, and it is an offering made by fire to the LORD for a sweet smell. Those who make a drink offering together need a quarter hin of wine.
14 You shall not eat any bread, roasted seeds or new ears until the day when you offer an offering to God. This will be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
15 When you offer a sheaf as a wave offering, you shall keep seven sabbaths from the day after the sabbath.
16 Fifty days after the seventh Sabbath, you shall offer a new grain offering to the LORD.
17 Take out two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour from your dwelling place, add yeast, bake two wave offering cakes and offer them to the LORD as the first fruits.
18 Seven one-year-old lambs, one calf and two rams, all of which should be presented with the bread. These grain offerings and drink offerings are to be offered to the Lord as burnt offerings, even as offerings made by fire for a sweet smell to the Lord.
19 You shall offer one male goat as a sin offering and two one-year-old male lambs as peace offerings.
The priest shall wave these cakes with the firstfruits of wheat as a wave offering before the Lord. This is a holy thing for the Lord, and it belongs to the priest.
2 1 On this day, you will proclaim a holy meeting; Don't do any hard work. This will be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
When harvesting crops in your land, don't cut all the corners of the field, and don't collect what you leave behind, but leave it to the poor and strangers. I am the Lord your God. "
The Lord said to Moses:
Speak to the Israelites and say to them, "On the first day of the seventh month, you shall keep a sabbath, blow the trumpet as a memorial, and have a holy convocation.".
Don't do any hard work. Offer an offering made by fire to the Lord. "
The Lord said to Moses:
On the tenth day of the seventh month, Yom Kippur is Yom Kippur. Keep it as a holy convocation, afflict yourself and offer an offering made by fire to the Lord.
Do no work on that day, because it is the day of atonement, and you shall make atonement before the Lord your God.
In that day, whoever does not afflict himself will be cut off from his people.
I will cut off anyone who does any work on this day from his people.
3 1 You can't do anything. This will be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
Keep this day as a sabbath, and be bitter to yourselves. From the evening of the ninth day of this month to the evening of the next day, you shall keep a sabbath. "
The Lord said to Moses:
Speak to the Israelites and say to them, This fifteenth day of the seventh month is the Feast of Tabernacles, which shall be observed before the LORD for seven days.
On the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and you shall do no laborious work.
Within seven days, you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord. On the eighth day, you shall have a sacred assembly and present an offering made by fire to the Lord. This is a serious meeting, you can't do any hard work.
This is the feast of the Lord, and you shall proclaim it a holy convocation. Every man shall offer an offering made by fire, a burnt offering, a grain offering, a peace offering and a drink offering to the Lord according to his own days.
This is in addition to your offerings, your vows and your freewill offerings to the Lord on the Sabbath day of the Lord.
When you have collected the produce of the land, you shall keep the feast of the Lord for seven days from the fifteenth day of the seventh month. The first day was a holy rest, and the eighth day was also a holy rest.
On the first day, you shall take the fruits of beautiful trees, branches of palm trees, branches of dense trees and branches of willows by the river, and rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.
Every year in the seventh month, you shall observe this festival to the Lord for seven days, which is a perpetual statute for your generations.
You shall live in booths for seven days, and all the house of Israel shall live in booths.
So that your generations may know that when I brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt, I made them live in booths. I am the Lord your God. "
So Moses told the Israelites the feast of the Lord.
Scripture sharing:
This passage describes that Israel should observe the holy day and the holy meeting of God. God told Israel what to do in different festivals and festivals. Festivals include Sabbath, Passover, unleavened bread, first ripening, July 7th, trumpet blowing, Yom Kippur Day and the tent of meeting.
First of all, God told Moses that the Israelites should gather in a festival and have a holy meeting on the day appointed by God. The congregation is related to the holiness of God. Because God is holy and the congregation helps Israel to be holy, these festivals are called Jehovah's festivals (v. 4).
Sabbath: In the Jewish timetable, the Sabbath is Saturday. Every Sabbath, the Israelites should rest and have a holy meeting, that is, worship of God (what we call the meeting today). The Sabbath is to put aside all work, come to God and enjoy the relationship with him. Because on the day of Christ's resurrection, Christians rest and worship on Sunday, so we should worship God on Sunday and establish a relationship with God.
Passover/unleavened bread: Passover is on the fourteenth day of the first month, and unleavened bread is on the fifteenth day of the first month, which is our March/April. Passover is a day to commemorate the exodus of Israel from Egypt (see chapter 12). Passover is followed by unleavened bread, which lasts for seven days. There should be a holy meeting on the first and seventh days. On the day of the holy meeting, you can't do any hard work or worship God alone. However, during the seven days of unleavened bread, there must be offerings made by fire to God (including burnt offerings, grain offerings, peace offerings, etc.). ).
First Harvest Festival: When the crops are harvested, on the Sabbath, a bundle of the first harvested crops is offered as a wave offering to God. And a ram of one year old without defect shall be offered as a burnt offering, a grain offering and a drink offering. However, Israel's firstborn crops must be given to God before they can be eaten by themselves. This is a continuous sequence, just like Christians pray for thanks before eating, with the aim of thanking God.
July 7th: Seven weeks, counting 50 days from the day after the Sabbath (Sunday) of the first harvest festival. On the seventh Sunday, there will be sacrifices (new grain offerings, wave offerings, burnt offerings and drink offerings) and holy meetings. You can't do any hard work on the day of the holy meeting.
God has mercy on those who are poor and in need of help, and ordered the Israelites not to harvest all the wheat to plant the first ripe crops, but to leave some for those who are poor and in need of help to eat and make a living. Because of God's mercy.
Trumpet Festival: The time is the first day of July. On this day, you must rest, and then blow the horn (maybe the horn). This day is a festive day. On that day, there shall be a holy convocation, and you shall do no laborious work, but you shall present an offering made by fire to God.
Yom Kippur: On the tenth day of the seventh month, that is, the Sabbath, there is a holy meeting, and no work can be done. People should work hard on this day. This is the only designated fasting day (Acts 27:9). Among the Israelis, this is a big day, which is called the "Holy Sabbath" (Lev. 23:32). Apart from the weekly Sabbath, this is the only day when work is not allowed. Anyone who violates this day will be put to death.
Tent Festival: The time is July 15 and the festival lasts for seven days. On the eighth day, there shall be a holy convocation and sacrifices (burnt offering, grain offering, peace offering, drink offering, vow offering and freewill offering). The festival of tabernacles is a happy day to commemorate the day when I left Egypt to live in a tent, that is, the day when I was in the wilderness.
The purpose of festivals and festivals is not only to have a rest and not to work, but to get together happily. Its purpose is to commemorate God's behavior, establish a relationship with God, worship and praise God. Because this is the day set by God. Therefore, God told Israel to be careful to perform their duties during the festival.
However, today's Christians ignore the days and rest days of worship with God. There are too many Christians who don't go to church today, and even some Christians only spend holidays (Christmas) in church.
So we should ponder, what kind of Christian am I? Is my Sunday worship normal? Because what will stop me from getting close to God? Is worship normal? Every time I worship, I just want to gather joy. Or to commemorate and meditate on the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ? What about the relationship with god to repair life?