"Qingming is like a year, Taomi is wrapped in zongzi, and sweet wheat collapses!" This is a folk proverb of he cheng. On the eve of Tomb-Sweeping Day, every household will buy zongzi leaves. When they get home, they will soak them, cook them, wash them and wash them. They will prepare soy sauce bacon, red beans, red bean paste, red dates and candied dates to wrap zongzi.
According to experts' research, Zongzi is just a common folk food, which was not fixed in the Dragon Boat Festival at first. It is said that eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is a sacrifice to Qu Yuan, which is formed by the attachment of future generations and only reflects the wishes of the people. In fact, the origin of eating zongzi (the day before Tomb-Sweeping Day) is earlier than eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival, which was formed to commemorate the meson push of Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period. Until now, many places still have the folk custom of Tomb-Sweeping Day eating zongzi the day before.
Zongzi not only has many shapes and varieties, but also has different tastes in different places, mainly sweet and salty. Sweet dumplings include white dumplings, red bean dumplings, broad bean dumplings, red date dumplings, rose dumplings, melon seeds dumplings, red bean paste lard dumplings, jujube paste lard dumplings and so on. There are pork jiaozi, ham jiaozi, sausage jiaozi, shrimp dumplings, diced pork jiaozi and so on, but pork jiaozi is more common.
In addition, there are assorted jiaozi, jiaozi with bean paste and jiaozi with mushrooms. Southern flavor, and a sweet and salty "double dumplings". These zongzi have different tastes, which makes the zongzi family colorful.