w-inds. All album single names

w-inds. is a Japanese boy group famous for singing and dancing. The members of this group are:

RYOHEI=Chiba Ryohei, born on November 18, 1984 in Shiraishi District, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan. He is mainly positioned in chorus, dance, and rap. He is also the leader of this group. .

KEITA=Tachibana Keita, born on December 16, 1985 in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, is mainly positioned as the lead singer in the group.

RYUICHI=Ogata Ryuichi was born on December 17, 1985 in Toyohei District, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan. In the group, he is mainly positioned as chorus, dance, and RAP.