An old friend, the heart of heaven and earth, the end of the five elements, the eater, is quiet and colorful.

. The Book of Rites says: "An old friend has the virtue of heaven and earth, the intersection of Yin and Yang, the meeting of ghosts and gods, and the elegance of the five elements. Therefore, the sky holds the sun. Hang the sun star; The ground is shaded by trees, and you are familiar with mountains and rivers. When you broadcast five elements at four o'clock, you will be born on the moon. It's based on three to five. It's three to five. The five elements move and overlap. The five elements are at 4 o'clock on December, and they are also based on each other. The five tones, six laws and twelve tubes are also palaces. Five flavors, six foods and twelve foods are also qualities. Five colors, six chapters and twelve clothes are also quality. Old friends, the heart of heaven and earth, the end of the five elements, the taste of food is not color and life is also. " On the surface, this is a systematic life theory, and its five elements theory has been abandoned by modern people, but the important question is, where is the basis of this system? This passage points to some kind of root consciousness, and its intentionality is obvious. In other words, because man has this power from the origin, he can explore the mystery of everything in the world, find its truth, express the meaning of existence in the art of music, enjoy life to the fullest, grasp the essence of the world in his heart, and experience heaven and destiny. Who can deny that there is a deeper meaning behind this infinite activity? And man's "virtue of heaven and earth" and "intersection of yin and yang", that is, man's repeated existence, do not prove the existence of destiny? Fundamentally speaking, it points to the principle consciousness, which is contained in the profound religious consciousness, which is inherently abstract and restorative.