On the Dragon Boat Festival, the emperor gave precious court clothes, and the favor was added. The fragrant silk is spun into fine kudzu vine, and the soft wind blows as white as new snow.
From the sky, rain and dew are mixed, but in the heat, it is very cool to wear it. The length of the clothes in the palace is all combined with the mind, and I will bear the hospitality of the emperor all my life.
On the Dragon Boat Festival, the emperor gave precious palace clothes and praised them greatly. Xiangluoyi is made of the finest kudzu vine, so soft that it flutters with the wind and is as white as new snow. Falling from the sky, the rain and dew are moist, and it is extremely cool to put on in the hot summer. The length of the palace dress is to the liking, bearing the emperor's hospitality to life.
Ji You Dragon Boat Festival
Yuan Dynasty: Beiqiong
There is always sunshine in the end, and Miluo has nowhere to hang her soul. Liu Hua should laugh at each other and wake up alone without wine.
Last year, during the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather was bad, the wind blew hard and it rained heavily. At first glance, it was dark. There is no place on the whole Miluo River where people can race dragon boats to mourn the soul of the ancient hero Qu Yuan.
Pomegranate blossoms like fire, as if laughing at me. I had to laugh at myself: in fact, Tao Yuanming admired Qu Yuan's outstanding sobriety even if he didn't drink; Today, although I can't mourn Qu Yuan, I still admire him.