Suffering and religion

The suffering of the cross

Whenever I am moved by the Holy Spirit and think that the Lord Jesus Christ will die instead of me (sinner), so that I can get rid of the punishment of sin and live forever, I can't help crying and thanking him for his kindness. How much my Lord suffered on the cross! "My Lord, you are poor, because you died on the lonely Golgotha Mountain for my sins." The Lord Jesus is a glorious God in heaven. He is the most sacred. He doesn't have to die.-he can't die. But because he loves the sinners in the world, he came to the world of sin, and stood in the position of sinners in the form of others, and was punished by the suffering people. He died, so you and I can live. What a love! Sin is committed by you and me sinners, and evil is committed by you and me wicked people. However, the punishment of sin-the suffering of hell-falls on the Lord Jesus Christ! What is this? This is substitution, this is love, and this is grace. Sinners! Do you know that your sin has crucified the lovely Lord Jesus? I want you to know that I hope you will believe in this loving savior now because of the love of the Lord Jesus.

The Lord Jesus was born in a manger because there was no place for him in the inn. How desolate! However, there are still many people who have no place for Christ in their hearts today! The Bible says he was born, wrapped in gauze and put in a manger. How cold the gauze is! How hard the manger is! Is this the share that Teana Jiake deserves from the world? Supreme Lord Jesus, he didn't have to go this far, but because he loves you and me, he suffered this birth for you and me. Hey! My sin hurt him.

He has lived for more than 30 years and is not in the shadow of the cross every day. Living without a fixed place, eating regularly and living in fear all day long, in order to lead the world to believe in his future death and obtain eternal happiness. When he was alive, there was nothing refreshing, although sometimes his disciples brought him a little joy; However, their doubts and ignorance, the unbelief and opposition of the world often make the Lord Jesus lament and grieve. Finally, he knew that people's hearts could not be restored, so he shouted loudly in Jerusalem. He cried not only for the guilty city that day, but also for the rebellious people today. Lord, you came to this place because of my sin. If you don't love me, why do you have to bear many contradictions? Nothing special, foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of man who loves us has no place to rest his head. Why did he get into this situation? It is because I love you and me, and it is because of your sin that he has suffered so much. Alas! Because he wants to save us, he is hungry and cold, and he is humiliated; For us, he was hungry and thirsty, running around and dying on the cross. Ah! How elegant! Poor savior, my sin is really hateful. You are my savior, and I want to believe you.

Whenever I am moved by the Holy Spirit and think that the Lord Jesus Christ will die instead of me (sinner), so that I can get rid of the punishment of sin and live forever, I can't help crying and thanking him for his kindness. How much my Lord suffered on the cross! "My Lord, you are poor, because you died on the lonely Golgotha Mountain for my sins." The Lord Jesus is a glorious God in heaven. He is the most sacred. He doesn't have to die.-he can't die. But because he loves the sinners in the world, he came to the world of sin, and stood in the position of sinners in the form of others, and was punished by the suffering people. He died, so you and I can live. What a love! Sin is committed by you and me sinners, and evil is committed by you and me wicked people. However, the punishment of sin-the suffering of hell-falls on the Lord Jesus Christ! What is this? This is substitution, this is love, and this is grace. Sinners! Do you know that your sin has crucified the lovely Lord Jesus? I want you to know that I hope you will believe in this loving savior now because of the love of the Lord Jesus.

The Lord Jesus was born in a manger because there was no place for him in the inn. How desolate! However, there are still many people who have no place for Christ in their hearts today! The Bible says he was born, wrapped in gauze and put in a manger. The gauze is so cold! How hard the manger is! Is this the share that Teana Jiake deserves from the world? Supreme Lord Jesus, he didn't have to go this far, but because he loves you and me, he suffered this birth for you and me. Hey! My sin hurt him.

He has lived for more than 30 years and is not in the shadow of the cross every day. Living without a fixed place, eating regularly and living in fear all day long, in order to lead the world to believe in his future death and obtain eternal happiness. When he was alive, there was nothing refreshing, although sometimes his disciples brought him a little joy; However, their doubts and ignorance, the unbelief and opposition of the world often make the Lord Jesus lament and grieve. Finally, he knew that people's hearts could not be restored, so he shouted loudly in Jerusalem. He cried not only for the guilty city that day, but also for the rebellious people today. Lord, you came to this place because of my sin. If you don't love me, why do you have to bear many contradictions? Nothing special, foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of man who loves us has no place to rest his head. Why did he get into this situation? It is because I love you and me, and it is because of your sin that he has suffered so much. Alas! Because he wants to save us, he is hungry and cold, and he is humiliated; For us, he was hungry and thirsty, running around and dying on the cross. Ah! How elegant! Poor savior, my sin is really hateful. You are my savior, and I want to believe you.

The suffering of Christ in the world, though very difficult, is nothing compared with it. When he suffers for us, he bears the sin for us on the cross. The difficulties in his life are just a small introduction to each other. He came to die, not to live. He came to die for us so that we could live. Sinners! Know that if it were not for your sins, the Lord Jesus would not have died and would not have died. But poor! You and I are sinners, so he came to die for us. A stone-hearted sinner? Don't you accept the Lord Jesus as your savior? He died for you, and you ignored him?

You should remember the night he was in Gethsemane Garden. It was very cold that night, so many people "sat in the firelight to keep warm" (Kyle Gospel 14: 54). However, on such a cold night, your savior prayed earnestly in the open garden, so that "sweat rained down and blood rained down" (Luke 22: 40). What a sight this is! Don't laugh, don't be safe, don't be casual, don't be strong. Christ has come this far because of your sin, my sin. It seems that the Lord began to put our sins on him in the garden, and the shadow of the cross completely covered Christ at this time; Therefore, he was extremely sad, extremely hard, extremely sad, and even sweaty. Oh! I hope you know the pain of his sweating. At this time, he seems to see the overlap between the sin of the world and the anger of God. He's inside. At this time, it seems that he has committed human crimes and is angry with God. That's why he's in such pain. These are just the shadows of his impending crucifixion! Although it is a shadow, but, Lord! You've had enough!

Look, his people are coming. Although he has the ability to ask his father to send twelve battalions of angels to save him, he is willing to give up because he saved us. In the Old Testament, an angel killed more than 100,000 Assyrians (Isaiah 37), and a battalion was about 6,000 people. Aren't there many angels in twelve battalions? Isn't the power of the angels in the twelfth battalion great? I'm afraid there weren't enough people to kill them in Ye Jing that day. But because he wanted to be the savior of you and me, he was humiliated and detained so that he could die. Has God been taken away? Yes Because he wants to save people, that's why. God in the sky, because he wanted to save the world, was taken away, "just like taking a robber." This is because of your sins and mine.

Look, the son of God has been taken away. He was first taken to Annas, the high priest, where our savior was "slapped" by an ignorant servant. Why is he so tortured by people's contradictions? Because I want to save you, I can live forever. It was your sins and mine that hurt him.

After Annas, the world handed over Christ to Caiaphas. The Bible says: He is still bound and released like a criminal. He stood in the position of a sinner and saved the sinner by accepting what he deserved. At the high priest's place, he was "spit in the face, hit with his fist and hit with his palm." "Did he commit a crime? No. No one can prove him guilty. Alas! There's really nothing else. It's just because of your sins and mine that he has come this far.

Later, people brought the Lord Jesus who loved us to the guild for trial, where he was contradicted by many diehards in the world. This is an uncomfortable pain. However, he suffered so much because he wanted to save sinners like you and me. We did this to him.

This doesn't count. The world abused him for no reason. They will kill him and never give up. He was also brought before Pilate, the governor, and falsely accused him of rebellion. However, God proved his son's innocence through Pilate. The governor proved his innocence for the third time. But why was he crucified again? He is not guilty; Innocent, why be punished by suffering? This is nothing else, because the world is guilty, because the world is guilty. "God makes the sinless sin for us, so that we may become the righteousness of God in him. (2 after the forest. 5: 2 1) Innocent Jesus Christ was crucified for your sins. Do you still stubbornly refuse to accept him as your savior? Lord, have mercy on us!

Peter Radokin wanted to be forgiven, so he sent the Lord Jesus to Herod. There, he was despised and laughed at by soldiers, who "dressed him in gorgeous clothes". Do they respect the Lord Jesus? No. The Bible says they made fun of him. Christ the Savior! It was my sin that hurt you. Because you love me, you are so humiliated; Now I want to believe that you love you. Finally, the Lord Jesus was sent back to the governor's office. My dear sinner, he stayed up all night, didn't sleep a wink all night, was tied up and dragged for more than twenty miles all night. How bad his temper is! But he did, because he loved you and me. Although Pilate admitted his innocence, he was finally crucified.

"He flogged Jesus and handed him over to be crucified." (Wu Ke 15) How common it is! However, what a pain it is! "Whip", the whip in Rome is a wooden handle with several straps tied at the end and heavy gold tied at the end. The flogged man, with bare back, bent down and tied to a wood; Whip people with wooden handles and belts. Three lashes are enough to make the whipped person bloody pieces. The glorious Christ was whipped for our sins. Will the cruel Roman soldiers cherish our savior? No. They-like all sinners-"shed blood and their feet flew away" (Romans. 3: 15). How pitiful the Lord Jesus is in their hands! But, thank god! "Because of his whiplash, you have recovered. (Peter 1. 2: 24) People with broken souls! He's been whipped, come and treat him!

"They dressed him in purple and crowned him with thorns! They congratulated him and said, Congratulations, King of the Jews. (Kewu: 17- 18) How ridiculous! It's really embarrassing and uncomfortable. What the world gave to Jesus Christ was not a crown of glory, but a thorn. The Lord Jesus bears the curse for us. Because of the sin and curse of the world, he wears a crown of thorns on his head. How sharp its thorns are! What a good profit! Has his flawless forehead been stung like this? Yes He is willing to bear hardships; He is willing to bleed; Because he knows that if he doesn't suffer, we will sink forever.

"Take another reed and hit him on the head. (section 19) The Lord Jesus wore a crown of thorns. After being hit by a reed, won't the thorn penetrate deeply into his flesh? This kind of biting pain, Jesus Christ of God has not suffered. Because of his love for others, he wanted to die on the cross for others and save people from the lake of fire that sank forever. Therefore, he suffered unspeakable pain. Soldiers-the evil tools of the world-not only suffer with Christ physically, but also continue to grieve with him spiritually: "Spit on his face and kneel down to worship him. ""(19) After teasing, take him to be crucified.

Some soldiers gave Jesus wine, mixed bile and myrrh; It is said that after drinking this, nailing will not hurt; However, our savior refused to drink-he refused to escape the pain, and he had sat down to "calculate" the cost before the future. He loves all the sinners in the world, and he is willing to bear all the sufferings for them-all the punishment of evil; He would rather have a taste of death for sinners, so that sinners can live forever. He wants to feel the bitterness of all crimes instead of sinners, so that sinners can enjoy the joy of his righteousness.

When they came to Golgotha, they crucified him. Are Roman soldiers the only ones who crucified Jesus Christ? Is there only a synagogue? It's really your sin and mine that nailed him to death! The cross is made of a crossbar and a straight wood. The soldiers put the Lord Jesus on it. Spread out his hand and nail it to the wood with a big nail. The meat is cracked! It's bleeding! It hurts deeply! The hands and feet over there are all like this. Later, when the cross was erected, the whole weight of the Lord Jesus hung on these nails. Is it too harsh for God to punish the Lord Jesus like this? No. No. The evil in this world is really heavy! You and I have too many sins! The punishment due to sin is the pain of eternal hell. We sinners deserve what the Lord Jesus suffered on the cross. It is not harsh for God to judge him like this, because sinners deserve this punishment. The credit for the death of the Lord Jesus for sinners has now succeeded. Therefore, "those who believe in him are not condemned, but those who don't, because they don't believe in the name of God's only son" (Jn. 3: 18). Our sins nailed the Lord Jesus like nails. When God was nailed, his blood soaked the nail. Indeed, our sins crucified him, but his blood covered our sins. This is salvation, what a great salvation! "The blood of his son Jesus also cleansed us from all our sins." (About one seventh).

The Lord Jesus has ascended to heaven. Sinners! Look at his bloody sweat! Look at the blood on his forehead stabbed by thorns! Look at the blood from the whip wound on his back! Look at the blood on his hands and feet! Look at the blood under his body! Look at him covered in blood! Oh, look at his hard work! "Without bloodshed, sin is unforgivable." The bleeding savior can forgive your sins, so why do you delay? Don't be deceived into thinking that he has shed blood and suffered a lot, but he is an example to others. The Lord Jesus himself said, "My blood was shed for many people so that they could be forgiven." (Mt. 26: 28) Don't get me wrong, it was he who bled for you; He was crucified instead of you; What he suffered was to bear your sin. "Christ once suffered for sin, that is, the righteous replaced the unjust in order to lead us to God; He was hanged from a tree and personally bore our sins. (Peter 1. 3: 18, 2: 24) Sinners oppressed by sin! Where is your sin? Are you responsible for your sins, or have you committed your sins to Christ? You should remember that Christ died for you. He loves you, so don't be stubborn You should think more about his sufferings, so that you can know his love on the one hand; On the one hand, I know that if you don't believe it, the punishment of sin will be more bitter in the future.