1, Sisei: In the Book of Songs, Daya, Siqi, Wenwang, Siqi are the great leaders, Sisei of Wenwang is the mother of Zhou Jiang, and the wife of the imperial palace. It means soft and quiet Adopt blue: In The Book of Songs, Xiaoya Du Renzhi adopted green, "blue will be adopted in the end, but it will not be profitable." It means to choose blue, which means hard work and practicality.
2. Shu Shen: In the Book of Songs Yan Yan, "Warming and benefiting, Shu Shenzhi." It means virtuous and cautious. Meng Wei: What is Ji Mengwei in The Book of Songs Xiaoya? Xiong Weiwei Wei Wei. "It means the beautiful scenery in my dream.
3. An Xi: "Silk and Miao, Samsung is in the sky" in The Book of Songs tang style Planning the Future. On what occasion, see this lover? Son, son, what is such a good person? " The word "Yi Xi" means precious and unique. Jing Zi: "The Book of Songs and White Boat" "Meditation can't fly." It means calm and reserved.
4. Youyou: In The Book of Songs Feng Wang Li Shu, "You are in the sky, who is this!" It means faraway and profound. Moon: In The Book of Songs, the moon comes out. "The moon comes out bright and beautiful." Means noble and bright. Yan Yong: "The Book of Songs Daya Wenwang" "As the saying goes, filial piety is also." It means never forgetting filial piety.
5. Hey, what's in the Book of Songs? "I think about it now, and it's raining and snowing." It represents the appearance of snowflakes, which means purity and elegance.
The benefits of learning The Book of Songs are as follows:
1. Learning The Book of Songs has many benefits. First of all, it can improve our language and writing ability, and let us better understand and use ancient Chinese. Secondly, by studying the Book of Songs, we can understand the historical background, cultural connotation and people's living conditions of ancient society, so as to better understand the origin and evolution of China culture.
2. Reading The Book of Songs is also a kind of enjoyment of beauty, which allows us to appreciate the rhythmic beauty of ancient poetry and cultivate our aesthetic interest and artistic accomplishment. In the process of studying the Book of Songs, we can adopt some effective learning methods. First of all, reading, reciting and writing are the basic methods to learn the Book of Songs.
3. Through repeated reading, reciting and imitating, we can gradually master the language rules and expressions of ancient Chinese. Secondly, it is very important to understand the background and annotations of The Book of Songs. By reading relevant notes and reference materials, we can better understand the theme and ideological connotation of poetry and deeply explore the history and culture of ancient society.
4. Learning The Book of Songs not only helps to improve our language and writing ability, but also helps us to better understand the origin and evolution of China culture and cultivate our aesthetic taste and artistic accomplishment. Therefore, we should cherish this opportunity, study the Book of Songs hard, and let it play an active role in our growth and development.