Does Christ really exist?

Christ is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Messiah, meaning "anointed". The "anointed" is the honorific title of the king (page 300 of the Bible), that is, the title. Christ is Jesus. Jesus is the name, which means "God saves". "She will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins (Matthew. 1: 2 1). It is generally called Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ really exists. Just say three things and you will understand:

(1) Jesus Christ is a real person. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, there is no denying it. All countries in the world adopt the calendar year. It is undeniable that Jesus was born in the first year of A.D. (Jesus was born on 20 12).

There is no denying that Jesus was crucified and bled to death. In ancient Rome, the cross was the most cruel instrument of torture to punish prisoners, but today, it has become a symbol of redemption in hospitals, pharmacies, ambulances and the International Red Cross all over the world. Why? All this is because Jesus was crucified for our sins. Jesus is the scapegoat. Anyone who believes in him, the precious blood on the cross can wash away his sins and save his soul, so that he can rise from the dead and enter heaven like Jesus. Therefore, the blood-stained cross is no longer a cruel instrument of torture, but a symbol of redemption.

③ The three major religions in the world: Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Christianity comes first. Because the number of Christians is the largest, accounting for one third of the global total (about 2 billion people believe in God and Jesus). If Jesus Christ does not exist, where does Christianity come from?