compat show: compatible display.
Key words:
compat: English?[k?m?p?t]?American?[k?m?p?t]?
n. Compatible
show: British?[]?American?[?o?]?
v. Show, show; show to..., show; teach (through demonstration) , explain; point out to someone, point out; lead, guide; reveal (emotions, qualities, etc.), reveal; (to someone) show, treat; show, reveal; easy to show, easy to see; Mark, indicate (information, time, measurement); describe, express (for); screen, broadcast; show, display;
n. performance, cabaret; (television or radio ) program; exhibition, exhibition; action, behavior (that reflects inner feelings); put on, false appearance; bright and pleasing scene;
Noun (Show) (America, Brazil) Xiao (name)
[ Plural shows Third person singular shows Present participle showing Past tense showed Past participle shown or shown ]
Related phrases: p>
Fashion show?Fashion show; Fashion show; Fashion show; Stage show
Talk show?Talk show; Talk show; Interview show; Talk show
show off ?Show off; show off; show off; be in the limelight
Bilingual example:
Her poems appear to be very mature .
Show me which picture you drew.