The Great Cold is the last of the 24 solar terms. Great cold, like slight cold, is also a solar term indicating the cold weather. Great cold refers to extremely cold weather. According to China's long-term meteorological records, there is no slight cold in the great cold solar terms in the northern region; But for most parts of the south, the coldest is the great cold solar term.
The above proverbs do not represent the whole country, but are basically circulated in a certain generation of regions, which may be applicable in some regions, but not all regions of the country. An obvious example is that in the severe cold, if you check the weather forecast, there will be more rainy days in the southwest, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and there will be heavy snow in Xinjiang, while most areas in Central China and North China are sunny or cloudy. Judging from the temperature, the lowest temperature in the three northeastern provinces may have reached MINUS 650.
Taking the above example, I want to explain that in the severe cold solar terms, the weather in different regions is very different, and folk proverbs can't represent everything. According to the proverb, if it is sunny today, there will be more snow in the early spring of the next year, even a fright, and there may be cold in the late spring. If it snows today, there will be more rainfall in the next year, but this is not the case. There are many factors, such as late spring cold, rainfall and snowfall.
To sum up, judging the weather next year by the weather performance on the day of heavy snow solar terms, some are unscientific or not strictly prohibited. But after so many years, it can't be said that it is completely wrong. Therefore, personal advice to friends to treat some rumors has certain reference significance, but how to be specific, you need to believe in the weather forecast, and science is the truth.