What day is the Sabbath?

Sabbath (Chinese pinyin: ān xοri), (Sabbath), an ancient Jewish festival. According to ancient Jewish law, the seventh day of the week is a rest day. It can be seen from the Jewish classic "The Pentecost of Moses" that the Sabbath is first related to God's creation. God and the Lord finished their creation in six days, and the seventh day was a rest day. Secondly, the Sabbath embodies the concept of equality, because there is no distinction between master and servant on this day; The Sabbath is once again associated with the concept of "holiness". As a festival, it is an agreement between Israel and God, which is sacred and unchangeable.

The word Sabbath comes from Akkadian, which means "seven", and Hebrew means "rest" and "stop working". The Sabbath is different from the later Christian Sunday. Sabbath is the end of the week, which is also called Sunday. Christian Sunday is the beginning of a week to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. According to the ancient Jewish law, a light must be lit before the Sabbath begins, and a housewife starts a holy day by praying when lighting a light. I'm not working today. Talmud, an oral law book, lists in detail 39 kinds of jobs that were banned that day. Put on your best clothes that day, full of joy, eat three meals a day, and read a special sacred blessing before dinner. Some people criticize that the Sabbath system is increasingly contradictory to modern life. But in Jewish times and regions, the Sabbath was neither lazy nor boring. This is a day of spiritual holiness and happiness. People get rid of daily affairs and pursue spiritual cultivation and realm improvement through public prayers, classic studies and special religious speeches. Therefore, some people think that it is it that ensures that Jews can alleviate mental tension and stress in a hostile environment during their long scattered life.