Clouds like cotton candy float in the sapphire sky. They float carefree, thick or light, instead of just changing their posture. Sometimes it is like a running white rabbit, and sometimes it is like a butterfly flying from a distance, slowly, slowly and bit by bit, expanding into a wisp of gauze.
Looking at the gauze-like cloud, I feel as if I have become a cloud, and the blue sky has become a stage for me to show myself. I drifted, drifted to the earthquake-stricken area. Wow, I landed in Wenchuan disaster area from the sky, turned into a tent and landed on the ground of the disaster area. Under the tent, the children study with peace of mind; Under the tent, people enjoy the warmth; Under the tent, everyone is at ease.
Looking at the strong figure of the people in the disaster area, I felt very comfortable and returned to the sky. My good friends moon and stars have an appointment with me! I feel a little cold without the sun. Yes, it's winter now, and I suddenly realized it.
I immediately went down to the disaster area, turned into a quilt and sent it to every household. The old man and children slept soundly under my protection. They must be dreaming a sweet dream that their home is extremely beautiful.
At dawn, the sun is warm. A new day has begun in the disaster area. I saw in the air that my uncle of the People's Liberation Army started nervously to build aid again. I was moved again. It is they who have saved thousands of people, who have built a big channel of life, and who have shed blood and sweat for the future of the disaster-stricken areas. I am very touched! Touched! I turned into strips of hada and silk scarves and gave them to my loved ones' People's Liberation Army to show my love.
Clouds like cotton candy float in the sapphire sky. They float carefree, thick or light, instead of just changing their posture. that's me ...