Guan Ju <> Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river island. A graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of quarrels. There are various water plants flowing left and right. A graceful lady, I long for her. If you don't get what you want, you will sleep hard and think about it. Leisurely leisurely, tossing and turning. There are different kinds of watercress, pick them from left to right. A graceful lady, she is a friend of the piano and the harp. There are different kinds of watercress, with leaves on both sides. The fair lady is played with bells and drums.
Zi Jin <> Qing Qing Zi Jin, my heart is leisurely. Even if I don't go, will Zi Ning have no heir? Qingqingzi wears it, and I think about it for a long time. Even if I don't go, Zi Ning won't come? Picking and reaching, in the city gate. Not seeing him for one day is like missing him for three months.
Jing Nu <> Jing Nu and his concubines are waiting for me in the corner of the city. Love but not see, scratch one's head and hesitate. The quiet girl is promiscuous, which makes me troublesome. Tongguan Youwei, said that the girl is beautiful. Since shepherding and returning to grassland, it is beautiful and unique. The gangster girl is beautiful, and the beautiful woman is the beauty.
Jianjia <> Jianjia is green, and the white dew is like frost. The so-called beauty is on the water side. If you follow it back, the road is blocked and long; if you follow it, you will wander in the middle of the water.
Mountain Ghost<> If someone comes to the mountains, he is led by Xue Li to take the girl Luo; he looks at you with his eyes and smiles, and admires him for his good graces; he rides on a red leopard and follows him. Wenli, Xinyi carts are coming with laurel flags; Shilan is carrying Du Heng, and the fragrant fragrance is leaving behind the thoughts; The rest of the place is secluded, and the sky is nowhere to be seen, the road is dangerous and difficult, and the only one is coming; the appearance is independent on the mountain, and the clouds are beautiful. And down below; The Qiang is dark, the day is dim, the east wind is drifting with the rain of gods; the spiritual practice is left and forgotten, and the age is over, who is the flower; picking three beauties in the mountains, the rocks are covered with vines and vines; I resent the young master and feel sad Forgetting to return home, you miss me and can't be idle; the people in the mountains are fragrant, drinking from stone springs shaded by pines and cypresses; you miss me but are suspicious; thunder fills the rain, and the caves chirp at night; the wind rustles and the trees rustle. , I miss you, but I am worried about you.
Phoenix seeking phoenix? Qin song There is an unknown beauty, I will never forget it when I see it. Not seeing you for a day makes me miss you like crazy. The phoenix is ??soaring, and the phoenix is ??begging for it from all over the world. Unfortunately, the beauty is not on the east wall. Use the qin to represent your words, and write your heartfelt chats. When will I see Xu Xi, I will comfort my hesitation. May your words be worthy of your virtue, and join hands to support each other. If I can't fly, I will perish. Something to Think About Han Yuefu is in the south of the sea. Why ask Yijun? A double-beaded tortoiseshell hairpin, dazzled with jade. I heard that you had other intentions, so I pulled them, destroyed them and burned them. Destroy and burn it, and the wind will blow up its ashes. From now on, don’t miss me again. I miss you so much! When roosters crow and dogs bark, brothers and sisters-in-law should know it. The concubine is shouting! The autumn wind solemnizes the morning breeze, and the east knows it in a moment.
Shangxie, Han Yuefu, Shangxie! I want to know you, and live forever.
There are no mausoleums in the mountains, the rivers are exhausted, the winter thunders tremble, the summer rains and snows, the heaven and the earth are united, I dare to be with you! Go, go, go, go