Translation: There is a moonlight in Chang'an City, and thousands of households are pounding clothes. The autumn wind carries the sound of pounding clothes, and every family misses those who guard the border. When will the border war be put to rest and my husband's expedition end. Full text of the poem
There is a moon in Chang'an and the sound of thousands of households pounding their clothes. The autumn wind never blows away, but there is always love between the two. When the barbarians are defeated, a good man will stop his expedition. Creation background and appreciation
The "Qing Shang Opera·Wu Sheng Songs" of the Yuefu of the Six Dynasties includes "Songs of the Four O'clock in the Midnight". This group of poems by Li Bai is a new word created using the old Yuefu titles. The specific time of its creation Difficult to verify. The whole poem describes the story of the wife of her husband who is on an expedition. She misses her beloved husband on an expedition to the frontier on an autumn night, hoping that the war will end soon and her husband will not have to leave home to go on an expedition. Although it does not write about love directly, every word is permeated with sincere affection; although it does not talk about the current situation, it does not stray away from the current situation. The sentiment and interest are not divorced from the charm of frontier poems. The capital city, under the silvery moonlight, is peaceful on the surface, but the sound of pounding clothes contains the pain of thousands of households; the constant autumn wind also expresses the deep feeling of longing for the borders. It's heart-pounding to read. The concluding sentence is the wife's expectation and Zhengren's heartfelt voice.