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? Although the turtle has a long life
Cao Cao
The turtle has a long life, but still Sometimes.
The tan snake rides on the mist and turns into ashes in the end.
The old man is brave and ambitious.
The martyrs are full of ambition in their old age.
The period of profit and contraction is not only in the sky.
Nurture the blessings of happiness and enjoy eternal life.
Fortunately, I sing to express my ambition.
The Ji family is about to attack Zhuan Yu.
Ran You and Ji Lu met Confucius and said, "The Ji family will have something to do in Zhuan Yu (yú)."
< p>Confucius said: "Please! Is this what you have done? Zhuan Yu, in the past the king was the lord of the Eastern Mongolia, and he was in the territory of the country, and he was the minister of the country. Why attack?"< p>Ran You said: "Master wants it, but neither of my two ministers want it."Confucius said: "Please! Zhou Ren has a saying: "Chen Li will line up, and those who can't will stop. "If you don't hold on to the danger, if you don't support the upturned body, how can you make use of it? And you have said it before, the tiger's croak comes out of the tree, and the turtle and jade are destroyed in the tree. Whose fault is it?"
Ran You said: "My husband, Zhuan Yu, is really close to me. If I don't take it now, future generations will worry about it."
Confucius said. : "Please! A gentleman, a sick man, says what he wants, but he must do it. Qiu also heard that those who have a country and a family do not worry about being widowed, but worry about inequality, and do not worry about poverty but worry about insecurity. There is no poverty in Gaijin, and there is harmony without widows, and peace Wu Qing. If the people from afar are not convinced, then they will come here to cultivate their virtues. Now it is due to Yu Qiu. If the people from afar are not convinced, they will not be able to come. The country will fall apart and cannot be defended. I am planning to start a war within the country. I am afraid that Ji Sun's worries are not in Zhuan Yu, but within Xiao Qiang. He dressed in court, looked into the mirror, and asked his wife, "Who is more beautiful than Mr. Xu in the north of the city?" His wife said, "You are so beautiful, how can Mr. Xu be as beautiful as you?" Mr. Xu in the north of the city is the most beautiful in Qi. also. Avoid not being confident, so he asked his concubine again: "Who is more beautiful between me and Mr. Xu?" The concubine said: "How can Mr. Xu be as good as you!" One day, a guest came from outside and sat down to talk with him. He asked the guest: "I and Mr. Xu are more beautiful." Which one is more beautiful?" The guest said, "Mr. Xu is not as beautiful as the king." Tomorrow, when Gong Xu comes, he will look at him and think that he is not as good as him. When he looks into the mirror, he will think that he is not as good as he is. I thought about it when I went to bed at night, and said: "My wife loves me because she is private; my concubine loves me because she is afraid of me; my guests love me because they want something from me."
So he went to the court to see me. King Wei said: "I sincerely know that I am not as beautiful as Mr. Xu. My wife is a private minister, my concubines are afraid of me, and my guests want to ask for anything from me. They all regard me as beautiful than Mr. Xu. Today, Qi is thousands of miles away and has one hundred and twenty cities. All the ladies in the palace are secretive to the king, all the ministers in the court are afraid of the king, and all the people in the four realms are looking for the king: from this point of view, the king is very shielded."
The king said: "Good." He then issued an order: "Those ministers and officials who can criticize others for their faults will receive the upper reward; those who write to remonstrate with others will receive the middle reward; those who can slander (bàng) and ridicule (cháo) in the city and court (cháo) and listen to the ears of the few will receive the lower reward. "When the order was first issued, the ministers came to remonstrate, and the court was like a market. After a few months, they came in time (jiàn); after a period (jī), although they wanted to say something, they could not advance.
When Yan, Zhao, Han, and Wei heard about it, they all came to Qi. This is called victory over the imperial court.