The ruler's preference. The Tang Dynasty can be said to be a great power era in China and a peak of the development of feudal society. The country is rich and strong, Taizong is prosperous, Xuanzong is prosperous, and the people are open. Poetry is the first choice for scientific research. Scientific research is to select talents for the country and serve the rulers. Therefore, the preferences of rulers determine the future of officials. If the rulers, including people in the upper class, are pursuing poetry, it is also a factor that children can read poetry.
Li Shimin of Emperor Taizong was also of foreign origin, and treated all foreigners equally, so Chinese talents were so confident, and various schools of poetry and songs emerged in an endless stream, which could be described as a hundred flowers blooming. Poems and songs prevailing in the Tang Dynasty have made outstanding contributions to the history and culture of China, which is also the reason why China culture has a long history and is profound.