After I saw the movie "Joker" I thought I should write a serious poem, and then I wanted to see what grammar websites suggested for editing. Although the poem uses children as a backstory for the adult characters, the poem cannot be called childish from any poetic perspective. I was reminded of the clown's question when you decided to write serious poetry, why so serious?
The odds were against the kid, they beat him every time. His innocence is tainted - his life is worthless! A normal life is impossible - his future fate is decided. Hate was his destiny - remorse in every laugh!
Underneath the makeup on his face, behind his staring eyes, above the grace of God, behold, That dead soul! For there, in the mind of a madman, lurks a deadly force. No trace of mercy remains - now evil is left to its own course!
Revenge takes the place of self-defense - he dances with a gun in his hand. No more sharing common sense - sudden, unexpected crimes! So chaos became his middle name - and every day went its own way.
Whenever night falls, he wants to make his own way! He watches each new victim bleed out - knowing that their power will surely diminish.
He thrives on his evil deeds - he laughs at those who suffer! He seeks to survive while he can - no matter what happens, he takes risks. He hates helping his fellow humans - he kills people on the spot!
Some people believe he's cool - he's even stolen the hearts of some. Some believe he played a fool - he threw them from under their guard! But once the killer is released, there is no turning back. That's why he hugs the beast every time he attacks!
As if in hell, he wears a crown on his green hair that he wants to comb. Then sliding down the slide, he rolled down - now the hellish home was his home! The Joker was now his title - and he thought the whole world was his.
Do what no one else is allowed to do - Hate every kiss! Hide nothing! Just seize the day! React like a whim! I ask those who think like that, why should they act like Did he go to hell like that!?
In your case, you may have some themes in your mind, or they may come to you later. The poet either sets the theme or responds to a writing prompt, such as a particular idea or phrase. If you were to respond to other people who wrote poetry, it would be possible to write it in a different way than they had done or suggested. When I go to the poemhunter website, I look at the "Submit a Poem" section and see a drop-down list of poetry styles. Over 100 styles show us that we can write in some styles we've never tried before. A Google search can explain their patterns or structures, rhymes and lines.
Otherwise, we write a new poem, whether it rhymes or not. Rhyme is not always suitable for serious poetry. Maybe this is just a writing choice on the part of the poet, but it doesn't always apply. So, for your serious work, it's up to you to decide its style and content, and whether it will pose some challenge to readers. Sometimes serious poetry packs a punch in its conclusion, or simply slows down, as if a problem barely exists with any solution.
Focusing on serious topics can be helpful, but letting this style dominate your thinking is unhealthy. So you can also use some humorous poems to enrich the content. Inspiring stuff. Weird stuff. Something personal, but still worth sharing.
Maybe you can find a free stock image on a website recommended by pinterest-com. I use free photos from sites like and pixabay-com, and if I get permission, I edit the photos to fit into the 640 pixel width section below my poetryhunter poems. Serious poetry can be enriched and sublimated if we also use free photos. We can even edit 2 photos into a single photo that we can use instead. Sometimes we use cartoons, clipart or pictures to illustrate something extra.