Qu Yuan (340 BC-278 BC), whose real name was Ping, was born in Zigui, Hubei Province, and was an aristocrat of Chu at the end of the Warring States Period. Qu Yuan became famous at a young age. He is good at studying and dealing with chaos. At the age of twenty, he rose to the position of the left (equivalent to the position of deputy prime minister). When Qu Yuan entered, he discussed state affairs with Wang.
Give orders, then welcome guests, deal with princes (Historical Records), and all internal and external affairs can be handled properly. He is an all-round development of young and promising national cadres, deeply trusted by Wang Huai. Qu Yuan advocated training statutes, selecting and appointing talents to make Qiang Bing rich. Unify Qin to the outside world, then unify China, and realize the great reunification of the Chinese nation.
Of course, Qu Yuan's proposition was not smooth sailing, and both Ling and Shangguan Doctor Jin Shang dismissed Qu Yuan's proposition. No matter what Qu Yuan advocated was correct, Ling Zilan and Shangguan Doctor Jin Merchants tried their best to deny and question it. Therefore, Qu Yuan was constantly opposed and slandered by Ling, Shangguan doctor and Shanxi merchants, which led him to be promoted as a doctor, exiled to the Northern Han Dynasty and became king.
Qu Yuan, who was full of resentment, went from Pidu to Ezhou, Dongting, Shui Yuan, Xupu, Xiangshui and the lower reaches of Miluo River in Hunan. At that time, the lower reaches of the Miluo River belonged to Luozi State of Chu, with a vast territory and a sparsely populated area, remote roads and barbaric folk customs. In the early Warring States, Luo Zi and other vassal states were destroyed by Chu State, and the lower reaches of Miluo River became a remote city in the south of Chu State. After Qu Yuan was exiled, he lived in Yuren Mountain on the north bank of Miluo River.
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These poems are rich and vivid in imagination, sincere and profound in feelings, profound in meaning, touching human nature, and full of color, with the intention of leaving fragrance far away, but not striving for spring (the sunset glow is in a hurry, Pan said). Qu Yuan in exile was not depressed because of personal frustration and misfortune, but his fighting spirit was high. The publication of these works established and achieved Qu Yuan's unshakable position in the history of world literature.