Abraham's grandson is called Jacob (also known as Israel). According to Genesis, after fighting an angel all night, Jacob got the title of Israel, which means "warrior of God". ), Jacob gave birth to twelve sons (whether there are twelve sons is unknown, but according to expert research, the Hebrews have twelve tribes, and the twelve sons are actually the leaders of the twelve tribes in Hebrew). One of the twelve sons is named Yue Se. He is loved by his father, so his brothers are jealous. They sold him to an Egyptian businessman, but fortunately, Yue Se became the prime minister of the Egyptian palace. When there was a famine in Canaan and his brothers went to Egypt to borrow food, Yue Se returned good for evil, and then all the Hebrews moved to Egypt. During the 300 years of living in Egypt, it happened that the pharaohs of the new kingdom were trying to create an Egyptian empire, looking for an unprecedented number of slaves to keep the domestic economy running. Most Hebrews became slaves and suffered all kinds of slavery. At this time, Moses, a Jew, led his compatriots out of Egypt after struggling with Pharaoh. After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites settled near Mount Sinai for more than forty years, looking for ways to go to Canaan. On the way home, life in Israel was extremely difficult. Many wars broke out and people began to fall apart. Under the guise of the commandments of the Lord God, Moses launched a "Puritanism Movement" against the apostate Hebrews, claiming that the Lord taught him the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai as a covenant between the Lord and the Hebrews, that is, the "Moses Ten Commandments".
Hebrew civilization was born in the land called Palestine today and Canaan in ancient times. Hebrews are the ancestors of Jews today. But in the ancient world, the Hebrews' political status was relatively unimportant, and their civilization was not as prominent as that of Egypt and Mesopotamia. But from 65438 BC to 0200 BC to 400 BC, the Hebrews founded a religion-Judaism, which had a great influence on the formation of early Christianity and Islam. People regard Hebrew civilization as one of the sources of Western European civilization. Jews still play an important role in the world. To this day, the Jewish issue remains an important issue in world affairs. Therefore, the Hebrews are of extraordinary importance in history.