In ancient times, there was only one group of people on the ground. They were surrounded by endless dense forests on three sides, and grasslands on the fourth side. These are some happy, brave, strong people. But once a difficult time came; some other races came from nowhere and drove them deep into the forest. It was very dark and swampy there, because the forest was too old, and the branches were densely tangled together, covering the sky, and it was difficult for the sun to penetrate through the dense leaves and reach the swamp. However, if the sun's rays fall on the water of the marsh, a foul smell will rise, and people will die one after another. At this time, the wives and children were crying sadly, and the fathers were silent and thoughtful. They were overwhelmed by sorrow. They knew that if they wanted to survive, they had to get out of the woods. There were only two ways to go. One way was to go back, but there were strong and fierce enemies over there; the other way was to go forward, but there were strong and fierce enemies over there. Giant trees blocked the road, their powerful branches hugging each other tightly, and their twisted roots firmly rooted in the mud of the swamp. These stone-like trees stood silent and motionless in the darkness during the day, and at night when people lit campfires, they crowded closer around people. No matter it is day or night, there is always a solid circle of darkness around those people, which seems to want to crush them, but they are people who are used to the vast world of the grassland. What's even scarier is when the wind blows through the treetops and the whole forest makes a low sound, as if threatening those people and singing funeral songs to them. However, they are strong people after all. They can still fight to the death with those who have defeated them, but they cannot die in battle because they have traditions that should be preserved. If they are killed by others, , their traditions were extinguished along with them. So they sat and thought over the long night, beneath the low noise of the woods and the noxious stench of the swamp. They sat there, and the shadows of the campfire danced a silent dance around them. It seemed that it was not the shadows dancing, but the evil spirits of the woods and swamps celebrating victory... People always sat and thought. But no matter whether it is work or women, it will not make people physically and mentally exhausted as much as worry. Men were weakened by thought... Fear arose among them, binding their strong hands. Terror was born of women, who wept sadly over the corpses of those who had been killed by the stench and those who had been given to fear. Seizing the fate of living people creates terror. Cowardly words began to be heard in the woods, timid and quiet at first, but then they became louder and louder... They were already preparing to go to the enemy and sacrifice their freedom to the enemy; everyone was frightened by death, No one was afraid of the life of a slave anymore... However, it was at this time that Danko appeared, and he rescued everyone by himself. ”
The old woman obviously often talks about Danke’s burning heart. She spoke beautifully, and her shrill cracking voice painted before me quite clearly the noise of the woods, in the midst of which the unfortunate and exhausted souls were dying of the poisonous odor of the marshes... "Dan Ke was a handsome young man among those people. Beautiful people are always brave. He said to his friends: "You can't move the stones from the road with your thoughts. People who do nothing will not get it. What's the result? Why should we waste our energy on thoughts and sorrows? Come on, let's go to the woods. Everything in the world has an end! Hey! !..." They looked at him and saw that he was the best among them, because there was a lot of strength and fire in his eyes. "You lead us!" they said. "So he led them..."
The old woman closed her mouth and looked at the grassland, where the darkness was getting thicker and thicker. Small sparks from Danke's burning heart always shine somewhere in the distance, like some ethereal blue flowers that bloom for a while and then wither. "Danko led them. They all followed him harmoniously - they believed in him. The road was difficult! There was darkness all around, and at every step they encountered a mire opening its nasty, gluttonous The trees swallowed people up like a solid wall, and the branches were entangled together; the roots stretched out in all directions like snakes, and every step of the way cost those people a lot of sweat and a lot of energy. They walked for a long time...the woods became denser and weaker! People began to complain about Danke, saying that he was young and inexperienced and would not lead them anywhere, but he was still with them. He was walking happily and peacefully.
"But for a moment there was a heavy thunderstorm over the forest, and the trees whispered fiercely and menacingly. The forest seemed very dark, as if it had not been there since. After it grew up, all the darkness in the world was concentrated here. These tiny people walked among the huge trees in the frightening sound of thunder and lightning. They walked forward like those swaying giants. The big trees made a rattling sound and hummed an angry song. Lightning danced on the top of the forest, illuminating the forest with its cold blue light, but then disappeared again, just as fast as it came and went. , as if they showed up to scare people.
The trees, illuminated by the cold light of lightning, seemed to come alive, stretching out their long, knotty hands to form a dense network around those who were escaping from the imprisonment of darkness. They block the same. And it seemed as if something terrible, dark, and cold was watching those who walked from the darkness of the branches. The road was indeed difficult to walk, and the people were exhausted and lost all courage. But they were embarrassed to admit their weakness, so they took out their grievances on Danke, who was walking in front of them. They began to complain that he couldn't lead them well--ah, there was such a thing!
"They stood still, tired and angry, and under the triumphant noise of the woods, in the midst of the trembling darkness, began to interrogate Danko. "They said: You are nothing to us. You, harmful person! You led us and exhausted us, so you deserve to die!" "You said: Lead us! I'm here to lead! Danko puffed up his chest and shouted to them. "I have the courage to lead, so I will lead you!" But what about you? What have you done to benefit yourselves? You are just walking, but you cannot maintain your strength to go any longer! You just walk, walk, like a herd of sheep! ’ But these words made them even more angry. "You deserve to die!" You deserve to die! ’ they shouted loudly.
"The woods kept making a low sound in response to their cries, and the lightning tore the darkness into pieces. Danko looked at those people, for whose sake he had suffered enough He saw that they were now like wild beasts. Many people surrounded him, but there was no noble expression on their faces. He could not expect forgiveness from them, so anger ignited in his heart. And he perished out of pity for the people whom he loved, and whom he thought might perish without him, so that his heart was aflame with desire: he would rescue them and lead them to an easier way. On the way, a strong light of fire lit up in his eyes... But when they saw this, they thought he had lost his temper, so his eyes burned so brightly, and they became alert, like a pack of wolves, Waiting for him to attack them; they surrounded him more closely, that it would be easier to catch Danko and kill him, but he had understood their intentions, and his heart burned more fiercely. Because their thoughts caused him distress.
"Yet the woods kept singing its gloomy song, and the thunder rumbled..." "What else can I do for these people?" ” Danko’s cry was louder than the thunder. Suddenly he opened his chest with his hands, took out his own heart from there, and held it high above his head. His heart burned as bright as the sun, and brighter than the sun. The whole forest fell completely silent, and the forest was illuminated by this great torch of human love; the darkness fled from its light and fled to the forest. Go deep, right there. The darkness shuddered and fell into the foul mouth of the marsh, and the people were stunned as if turned to stone. "let's go! Danke shouted, raising his burning heart high to light the way for people, and he took the lead and ran forward.
They rushed after him as if possessed. At this time, the woods made another noise, shaking the treetops in surprise, but his noise was drowned out by the footsteps of those running. Everyone ran bravely and very quickly. They were all captivated by the strange sight of burning hearts. People are dying now, but there are no complaints or tears when they die. But Danke kept walking in front, and his heart kept burning, burning!
"The woods suddenly parted in front of them. They parted. After they passed by, it closed again. It was still dense and quiet. Danke and everyone were soaked in the rain and washed away. In the ocean of fresh air and sunshine, there were thunderstorms behind them, but here the sun was shining brightly, and the grassland rose and fell, as if it was breathing. The raindrops were shining like diamonds, and the river surface was glowing with golden light... Dusk came, and the river reflected the sunset and looked bright red, matching the hot blood flowing from Danke's torn chest. It's the same color.
"The proud warrior Danke looked at the vast grassland in front of him... He looked at the free land happily and smiled proudly. Then he fell down. ...Dead." The happy and hopeful people did not notice his death, nor did they see Danko's brave heart still burning beside his body.
Only one careful person noticed this and was a little scared. The foot stepped on that proud heart... The heart split apart and turned into many sparks, extinguished... "Before the thunderstorm came, he appeared in the grassland This is how the blue Mars on the planet came about!"