When they first entered the army gate, the armed police uncles came back from morning exercises and saw that their style was very neat. I admire them. After a while, they began to train. I went to their dormitory when they were training. Walking into the dormitory door, you can see that their coats and quilts are neatly folded, and the corners are clearly folded without any wrinkles. At this time, I feel ashamed to think that the quilts that get up every day are folded by my mother. Scholars will be invited to fold quilts in the future. At this moment, I heard something and went to have a look. I saw the armed police uncles lying on the ground one by one, some crawling around, and some with blood on their hands. They are still crawling there without making any noise. Seeing the blood on their hands, I think I will cry to my mother every time I bleed. Who will they complain about their injuries? What is my injury compared with theirs? I think they are the real heroes, the real good armed police. They selflessly dedicated the vigor of their youth to the army and the people. They are role models for us to learn from.
Today's one-day tour of the police camp made me gain a lot. I will remember this day and follow the example of the armed police uncles and learn from them.