What's Cain's wife's name?

So Cain left his face and went to live in the land of Noah 1 east of Eden. Cain lay with his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. Cain built a city and named it Enoch after his son. The way of Cain refers to the religious way of following one's own will and serving God. Cain's genealogy is abbreviated because Cain is a man who has sinned against God, is far away from God, and has no communication with God. He and his descendants have always followed the path of Satan, which is the path of death. Cain left God and built a city. His descendants invented animal husbandry for a living, music for self-entertainment and sharp weapon for self-defense. Finally, there is a godless culture. The result of this culture is satisfying lust, adultery, fighting with each other and murder. We see these examples from Lamech, a descendant of Cain. However, in the fourth chapter of Genesis, the genealogy of Cain and his descendants does not indicate anyone's age. For this genealogy is the genealogy of the lost, and their years are not counted before God. (Gen 4 10 ~ 24. ) When we are far away from God and die in sin, there are no years to count before God. When we repent, turn to God and fellowship with God, that is the beginning of our spiritual years. After becoming an apostle, some years are still uncountable before God. We can see in the Bible that some years are omitted because God thinks these years are empty and uncountable. There are also some days written by God in the Bible, which can serve as our warning. Israel belongs to God and has been rescued from Egypt, but the days when they were ruled by the enemy, enslaved and bound are not counted. When they serve other gods, their days are lost, which is beyond God's calculation. The days when we live according to people's wishes, the days when we are far away from God, the days when we fail, and the days when we fall are all regarded as countless years by God.

Two paths for two brothers:

In Genesis 4, we see two opposing families. Adam's family is a family that believes in the gospel. His father opened the way to believe in the gospel, his mother paved the way, and his son Abel also embarked on this road. But Lamai's family is a family that pursues the world. Father satisfies lust, mother pays attention to decoration, and son Juba pursues entertainment. What a contrast! In the first autumn, people ate something wrong. According to our idea, this is not very serious. When I was a young disciple, I tried to argue with God and asked: What's wrong with eating a piece of fruit? I met other disciples, and they shared the same idea. However, if we read the fourth chapter from the third chapter of Genesis, we will see evil things from that little seed. This evil seed is first manifested in religion and the way of worshipping God. Can you imagine that the descendants of Satan living among fallen people will make him worship God? However, as we can see, this kind of seed in Cain really made him worship God, not in the way or revelation of God, but in his mind, that is, the mind of a fallen man. What is the concept of a fallen person? That's how Satan behaves in people. The second fall of men-men's lies and arrogance-the next chapter explains the further development of this son: first it develops into jealousy, and then it develops into anger, hatred, murder and lies. Cain not only killed his brother, but also deceived God. Imagine such a person dare to lie to God! After Cain killed Abel, God was still kind and merciful to him. It can be said that God did not come to judge Cain, nor did he come to execute him. God asked Cain where his brother was. This question shows that the door to repentance is still open. If I were Cain, I would say,' Lord, forgive me for killing my brother. I did such a guilty thing. In the light of the gospel, I will confess my sins and ask for forgiveness. But listen to Cain's answer: "I don't know, am I my brother's keeper?" "(Gen. 4: 9. This answer is a big lie, the first lie in human history. John 8: 44 makes it clear that Cain was not the only one who lied, and the devil also lied from the beginning. Cain is the embodiment of a liar and a devil. Satan is a liar, and Cain cooperated with him to tell a big lie. The first lie on earth was not told to people, but to God. Now pay attention to the development of that seed in Genesis 4: from worshipping God to lying to God. Not only that, Cain was arrogant. He said, "Am I my brother's guardian? This statement shows his arrogance. Now we can see how far people have fallen. Every evil thing seen in Genesis 4 comes from a small seed injected into people in Genesis 3. The seeds of evil remain in our temperament. On the surface, you may be gentle, generous, kind and kind; In fact, the evil seeds of Satan live in your temperament. When I was a young disciple, I said,' Since Satan is in Cain and Cain is so evil, why didn't God get rid of him? If I were a god, I would sentence him to death. But God is kind and compassionate. He opens the door to repentance for Cain and all the fallen people. God also told Cain, "You will wander and wander on the earth." (Gen. 4 12. ) What is drifting? Wandering, or wandering, means no goal, no home, no satisfaction and no rest. Wandering people have no shelter and no comfort; He kept wandering on the ground, drifting from one place to another. God told Cain that he wanted to be such a vagrant. However, this is still a compassionate judgment. Whenever Cain repents and seeks God's forgiveness, God is willing to forgive him. Suppose Cain said, "Lord, I was wrong. I didn't accept the way you showed it to my parents, which is the way my parents told me. Now I repent and accept this road. Lord, forgive me. If Cain prayed like this, God would forgive him. But listen to Cain's reaction to God's merciful judgment. " Now you drive me out of this land, so that I can't see your face; I will wander on the ground, and anyone who meets me will kill me. "(a 4 14. There is no confession here. Cain just bargained with God that he would be driven out of the land. Cain did not repent and went his own way. His own way is to leave God's face. So Cain left his face and lived in the land of Nod east of Eden (Gen. 4 16. The origin of human culture and the reasons for its development. The development of human culture is due to the loss of God. The original God who created man is everything to man. God is man's protection, maintenance, supply, joy, entertainment and defense. God is everything. In the garden, people don't need to do anything except farm and cooperate with God. God is everything to people in the garden. However, when people lose God, they lose everything. He lost protection, safety, maintenance, supply and entertainment. Without God, people have to invent their own culture. People need to invent something because they have lost everything. Cain left God and went his own way. The first thing he did was to build a city. He created a culture of unbelief. Satan began to work from Cain and talked about building a city. Maybe Satan said, "Cain, you are afraid that people will kill you." In order to survive, you need a city to protect you. Because Cain lost God, he was afraid. He has lost God as his supply, joy and defense. In ancient times, the main purpose of cities was protection. So Cain built such a city to protect himself. In a godless culture, people have to fend for themselves. Cain didn't name the city after his son. He gave his son the same name as his city, because in a sense, his city is his child, and he loves it as much as he loves his son. Please note that the name Enoch means to initiate, and it refers to what Cain initiated, which is very interesting. Cain was the first person to build a city, the first person to design a city and the first architect. Cain was an inventor and initiator. However, his first invention was not a city, but a religion. First, he invented religion; Secondly, he invented the architectural city. One of Cain's descendants was named Lamech. Lamech means "strong" and "capable" in Hebrew; Lamai is the seventh generation of mankind and an able person. He married two wives and practiced polygamy. (Gen. 4 19. Therefore, polygamy began in Enoch, which means "wandering". Lamai practiced polygamy in order to satisfy his own lust. Polygamy violates God's natural laws for human survival. Marriage is a necessary condition for human survival. But marriage must be restricted according to the principle of monogamy. This principle was formulated by God in order to maintain the survival of mankind. Lamai was the first person to break the sacred principle of marriage. His first wife's name was Ada, which means "make-up". She is a person who can beautify herself. Ada is a wife who pays attention to makeup. With these two wives, Lamech exposed his lust. One day, Lamech boasted to his two wives: "Lamech said to his two wives: Ada, Zillah, listen to my voice. Lamai's wife listened to me carefully. That mature man hurt me and I killed him. That young man hurt me and I hurt him. " If Cain is killed, he will be rewarded sevenfold, and Lamech seventy-seven times. (Gen. 4, 23 ~ 24. Lamech is more arrogant than his father Cain, boasting that he killed the young man who harmed him and also harmed the young man who harmed him. Therefore, Lamai is not only a polygamist, but also a murderer and an arrogant braggart. After reading this short passage, we know how terrible the first culture of mankind is without God. All these evil things must have happened in Enoch built by Cain. This can be called city life, which is as evil as life in big cities today. Ada, Lamai's first wife, invented herding livestock to make a living, and she gave birth to Jabba and Juba. Jabba is the father of those who feed livestock. (Gen 4: 20. He invented herding livestock to make a living. He became a vagrant, wandering from one place to another because he had no land to work for him. No one in America wants to wander, because the land in America is very fertile. Therefore, no one here needs nomadism. But Jabba found that the land didn't work for him, so he had to wander and feed the livestock to make a living. Making a living for oneself is the main aspect of human culture. The invention of cities is for human survival, and the invention of animal husbandry is for human life. (c) It is better to entertain yourself than to invent music. (Gen 4: 2 1. He invented the piano and flute. In fact, the name "Juba" means "jubilation", "happy voice" or "music". "What is music? Music is a kind of entertainment and makes people happy. Why do people need such entertainment? Because he lost God as his happiness. God is the real enjoyment of mankind. Why do people go to the movies and dance? Because they are empty. Youba invented music because people were empty at that time. He is in vain and nothing can satisfy him. Because there is nothing to entertain him, he must invent some entertainment for himself. The principle of all kinds of entertainment today is the same. Because there is no god, people need entertainment. Some of you may be familiar with the story of the Welsh Renaissance, which happened about 70 years ago. At that time, all theaters and entertainment venues in Wales were closed because everyone was saved. They have something better than secular entertainment. They do. Lamai satisfied his lust, and Ada decorated herself with cosmetics and ornaments. From this pair of parents, Youba was born. He is the inventor of music. Here we see a family composed of lust, decoration and entertainment. What kind of family is this? Today, many families are like this: fathers satisfy their lust, mothers pay attention to clothing and decoration, and children pursue entertainment. Isn't this a modern family? Lamai satisfied his lust, and Ada decorated herself with cosmetics and ornaments. From this pair of parents, Youba was born. He is the inventor of music. Here we see a family composed of lust, decoration and entertainment. What kind of family is this? Today, many families are like this: fathers satisfy their lust, mothers pay attention to clothing and decoration, and children pursue entertainment. Isn't this a modern family? If you look at the current world from a historical perspective, you will find that it is only the further development of human culture invented in the fourth chapter of Genesis. The situation in today's world, like the culture invented in the fourth chapter of Genesis, is composed of four elements: a city for people to live in, various ways of making a living, entertainment and defense. As we can see, people have produced a culture without god. The result of this culture is satisfying lust, adultery, fighting with each other and murder. We have seen such an example in Ramah. Therefore, we can see from the holy words that the little seed of humanity injected into Genesis III has developed to such a degree. To all Cain's evil deeds, he added the satisfaction of lust and the struggle between people. How many evil things have developed from that small seed scattered into human nature! Zillah not only gave birth to Tubacain, but also gave birth to a daughter named Naamah. (Gen 4: 22. ) Nama's name means "make yourself cute and likable." "Why did she make herself attractive? But for men's lust. This is also a side of modern society. Young ladies like to dress up cute. Therefore, every item of modern culture exists in the form of seeds in the fourth chapter of Genesis. Now we know the origin of human culture. It appears because people have lost God. If you read the fifth chapter of Genesis, you will see that all the people mentioned list their ages. For example, Adam lived 930 years. But the genealogy of Genesis 4 does not list anyone's age. Why? Because this family tree is the family tree of the lost. Everyone in the fifth chapter of Genesis is saved, so the genealogy is the genealogy of the saved. The saved people walk on the path of God, so their days are numbered in the eyes of God. On the contrary, those who are lost are lost in the eyes of God, and their years are not counted before God. How old did Jabba, Juba and Tuba Cain live? Nobody knows. But we know exactly how old Adam and Methuselah lived-Adam lived 930 years and Methuselah lived 969 years. Genesis also mentions that Enoch-not Enoch in Genesis 4-lived 365 years. In the eyes of God, his days are numbered.