About Titanic: The violin piece "Close to the Lord" when the ship sank. urgent! Add high scores!

"Near my God to Thee" or "Near my God to Thee".

Cameron handles the transition of the fiddlers from playing evening music to hymns very well, when the ship tilts so that the fiddlers - the fictional men and women - can't quite keep their balance. When the protagonist climbed to the stern of the ship, Hartley bowed to the other fiddlers and said: "I have a great honor to play with you tonight. Now, let us each go our own way!" However, just When the fiddler under him turned around, he stood there, as if thinking, "I have nowhere to go, I can only wait to meet the Lord." So he picked up the fiddle again and calmly played the most powerful music. The song that prepared his heart to meet the Lord, "Near my God to Thee".

Hearing the rising rhyme of the day, the violinists he had just said goodbye to also turned around and joined him in his last performance: Nearer my god to thee