About life in Ye Zhi. I want to know.

William Butler Yeats (1865- 1939) was born in Dublin. His father was a pre-Raphael painter and had frequent contact with various artists since he was a child. Influenced by romanticism, Ye Zhi's early poems were integrated into his exploration and thinking of Irish rural life and national myths. His main works are included in the collection of poems "Wandering in Ois and Others" (1889) and "The Wind among the Reed" (1899). Later, Ye Zhi explored objectivism and mask theory. The publication of 19 14' s poetry collection "Responsibility" marked the end of Ye Zhi's early creation, which reflected the communication between poetry and ordinary people's lives that he had been pursuing. The following three collections of poems: Cool Wild Swan (19 19), Michael Rowe Buzz and the Dancer (192 1) and Tower (1). The work Phantom (1925) shows Ye Zhi's complicated and obscure mysticism system completely. 1924, Ye Zhi won the Nobel Prize in Literature. The spiral staircase and other poems (1933) continues the style of the tower, and repeatedly uses various images to discuss life and social problems. After Ye Zhi's death, Eliot called him "the greatest poet of our time".