Go to hell. Go to hell. Christian poetry

In the universe, or in this world, about 95% of human information is similar. Only 5% of the content is different. This difference makes a huge difference. This is the soul information of this person.

When a person dies, his soul or mind will leave the body. When I leave my body, I want to go to a tunnel. And this tunnel is the body. Or the energy center of the body. It happened in an instant and there was no pain.

Then you will get a body. The previous answer was bardo. In a more scientific way, this body is called a star. Your star will have some energy defects because of your various experiences or special experiences in life. But it doesn't affect you.

Stars can fly. But not the kind of flight you think. Because you are from another latitude at this time. Or the vibration is in a higher frequency range.

In this frequency range, many characteristics of the three-dimensional earth do not apply to the frequency band you are in at the moment.

But you can see things on the earth, and you can also see what your loved ones are doing and know their thoughts. Yes, at the moment, you know what they think.

But now they can't see you.

Even a few days before you leave your body, you will feel strange. You need to adapt to the new environment and new body.

You will be confused. Until you learn to adapt. Then there will be a moment when you will witness the miracle.

Revised answer in 2022