Why can't you kill people?

Chapter III: No killing.

God's sacred legal information

"If you want to enter life, you should observe the precepts" (Mal. 19: 17).

Gospel and commandment

52. A man came to Jesus and said, "Teacher! What should I do to live forever? "(Ma 19 16). Jesus replied, "If you want to enter life, you should keep the commandments" (Mal. 19: 17). By life, Master means eternal life, which means sharing God's life. We must obey the Lord's commandments, including the commandment "Do not kill", in order to get this life. The first command in "Don't Kill Life" and "Ten Commandments" was quoted by Jesus when a rich boy asked him which commandments he should obey: "Jesus said," Don't kill life, don't commit adultery and don't steal "(Mal. 19: 18).

God's commandments have never been separated from his love: his commandments are often gifts for people to grow and enjoy joy; Therefore, it has become an indispensable and important factor in the gospel. In fact, it is the "gospel": the good news of joy. The gospel of life is a generous gift from God and an arduous task for mankind. It makes people who enjoy "freedom" feel amazed and grateful; It also requires people to accept, maintain and practice with a deep sense of responsibility. When God gives life, he also asks people to love, respect and carry forward life. This gift then becomes a commandment, which is a gift in itself.

Man is the portrait of God's life. According to the creator's will, he wants people to be rulers and masters. The Bishop of Nice wrote: "God enables man to perform his role as king of the earth ... man is made in the image of the one who rules the universe." . Everything proves that from the beginning, people have a solemn and noble nature ... people are kings. Therefore, man was created to rule the world, because he gained the appearance of the king of the universe; He is a portrait of life, and he shares the perfect prototype of God with his dignity. God calls people to bear children, govern the earth and manage other living things (see Genesis 1: 28). Man is not only the ruler and master of other things, but also his own ruler and master. In a sense, man is the master of life, and this kind of life is received by man, and can also be transmitted through reproductive behavior completed by carrying out God's plan with love and respect. However, human sovereignty is not absolute, but a position: that is the true image of God's unique and infinite sovereignty. Therefore, people must fulfill this responsibility with wisdom and love, and share God's infinite wisdom and love. Its existence depends on voluntarily and happily observing God's sacred laws (see hymn 1 19). Because he understands that the Lord's commandment is a gift of grace, and God will always protect his dignity, pursue true happiness and benefit mankind. Man is not the absolute master and final judge of everything in the world, let alone life, but "the executor of God's plan". This is why human beings are unparalleled great.

Life is the wealth entrusted by God to mankind and should not be squandered at will. Life is also a gift given by God to human beings, which should be well used. Man must give the book of life to his master (see Ma 2514 ~ 30; Lk 19 12 ~ 27).

"I will get back the blood debt that killed you" (Gen. 9: 5)

Human life is sacred and inviolable.

53. "Human life is sacred, because life contains" God's creative action "from the beginning, and always maintains a special relationship with its only ultimate creator. From the beginning to the end of life, only God is in charge: under no circumstances can anyone claim the right to directly destroy the life of an innocent person. The encyclical "Gift of Life" uses these words to explain God's central idea that human life is sacred and inviolable.

In fact, the Bible regards the prohibition of "not killing" as God's commandment (for example. 2 13; SHEN WOO 17). As I emphasized, this commandment can be found in "Ten Words", which is the core of God's covenant with his chosen people. However, as early as when sin and violence were rampant and God sent down floods to punish mankind in order to wash away sin, there was already a commandment not to kill in the Covenant between God and mankind (see Gen. 9, 5-6).

God declared that he was the absolute master of human life, and man was made according to his image and appearance (see Chuang 1, 26-28). Therefore, human life is sacred and inviolable, which embodies the inviolability of the creator itself. It is for this reason that God will severely judge any violation of the "don't kill" commandment, which is the foundation of all life in society. God is the guardian of the innocent (see Genesis 4: 9 ~15; Yi Siyi14; Wu Ye 034; Hymn 19: 24). Therefore, God indicated that he didn't like to see creatures die out (see Zhiyi 13). Only the devil is happy about this: because of the devil's jealousy, death has entered the world (see Wisdom 2: 24). The devil is "a murderer from the beginning" and "a liar and the father of a liar" (John 8: 44). He deceives mankind, leads people to sin and death, and regards sin and death as the goal and fruit of life.

54. Obviously, the commandment "Do not kill" has a strong negative connotation: it points out the maximum that people can never surpass. However, this commandment also implies a positive attitude of encouraging absolute respect for life; It leads to the improvement of life and advances along the road of giving, receiving and serving love. Covenant people have made slow progress on this road of thinking. Although they sometimes run counter to each other, they have gradually matured and prepared for Jesus' great preaching, that is, the commandment of loving your neighbor is like the commandment of loving God; "All laws and prophets rely on these two commandments" (see Ma 22: 36-40). St Paul emphasized that "you shall not kill ... any other commandment is contained in this sentence:" Love your neighbor as yourself "(Romans. 139; See Gal. 5 14). The new law absorbs the commandment of "not killing" and makes it complete, which becomes an indispensable condition for "entering life" (refer to Mal. 19: 16 ~ 19). If the apostles felt the same way, they firmly said, "Whoever hates his brother is a murderer; As you know, whoever kills people has no eternal life in him "(if 13: 15).

It can be seen from the oldest non-biblical work of Christians, The Biography of the Twelve Acts, that from the very beginning, the tradition of church life clearly reaffirmed the commandment of "not killing": "There are two paths, one is the path of life, and the other is the path of death; There is a big difference between the two ... According to the teaching precept: Do not kill ... Do not have an abortion, and the baby is killed at birth ... The way to die is as follows: ... They have no sympathy for the poor and are indifferent to suffering, they deny their creator, they kill their own children and destroy God's creation by abortion; They drive away the poor and oppress the suffering people; They protect the rich and unfairly judge the poor; They are full of evil. Son, may you avoid this evil forever! " forty-two

Over time, the church tradition has always taught that the commandment "Do not kill" has absolute and unchangeable value. As we all know, in the first few centuries, "murder" was one of the three most serious crimes, and the other two were apostasy and adultery. The murderer must have a particularly heavy and long-term public redemption in order to be forgiven and return to the church.

55. This is not surprising: killing a person with a portrait of God is a very serious crime. Only God is the master of life! However, in the face of many events in personal and social life, which are often tragic events, Christians have been seeking a fuller and deeper understanding of what is forbidden and stipulated by God's commandments from the beginning. In some cases, the values put forward by God's law seem to be self-contradictory. Take self-defense as an example. In fact, it is difficult to avoid conflicts between the right to protect one's own life and the obligation not to harm others' lives. Of course, the intrinsic value of life and people's responsibility to love themselves as others are the basis of the real right to self-defense. The commandment of "Love your neighbor" was formulated in the Old Testament and reconfirmed by Jesus. This high standard commandment is based on "Love yourself": "You should love your neighbor as yourself" (Valley 12: 3 1). Therefore, no one can give up the right to self-defense just because he doesn't love life or himself. Only according to the spirit of true happiness (see Ma 5: 38 ~ 40) can we deepen our love for ourselves through heroic love and turn our love into complete self-sacrifice, and then we can give up the right of self-defense. The noblest example of self-sacrifice is the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus himself.

What's more, "for those who must be responsible for another person's life, family or national interests, self-defense is not only a right, but also a huge responsibility." Regrettably, sometimes an attacker has to take his life to prevent him from hurting others. In this case, the attacker can be said to have eaten his own fruit, even if he has lost his rationality, he does not have to bear moral responsibility. Four or five

56. It is against this background that the issue of the death penalty arises. On this issue, the church and the people are increasingly inclined to demand very strict restrictions, or even completely abolish the death penalty. We should look at this problem when the penalty system is gradually more in line with human dignity and therefore more in line with God's will for mankind and society. The main purpose of social punishment is to "compensate the chaos caused by crime". In order to correct the offender's violation of personal or social rights, the government authorities must give the offender enough punishment as a condition for regaining his freedom. In this way, the competent government departments can also achieve the purpose of maintaining social order and ensuring people's safety, and at the same time give criminals the motivation and help to reform. Si Qi

In order to achieve these goals, it is obvious that the nature and degree of punishment must be carefully evaluated and decided, and criminals should not be sentenced to death unless it is absolutely necessary, that is, it is not enough to maintain social security. However, with the continuous improvement of the penalty system today, this situation is very rare, if not completely extinct.

In any case, the principle pointed out in the new edition of Catholic Doctrine is true and effective: "If bloodless methods are enough to protect human life from invaders and protect public order and personal safety, government authorities must use these methods because they can better promote the realization of public welfare and conform to human dignity." 48

If we must respect every life so carefully, even criminals and illegal intruders, then the "don't kill" commandment is of absolute value when applied to the innocent, especially the weak and helpless, because they can only find the ultimate defense in the absolute binding force of God's commandment to prevent others from being arrogant and doing whatever they want.

In fact, innocent human life is absolutely inviolable, which is a moral truth clearly taught by the Bible. It has always been supported by the church tradition, and it has been constantly put forward in her teaching. This consistent discipline is the clear result of "belief transcendental consciousness". This transcendental consciousness, inspired and maintained by God's Holy Spirit, can protect God's people from making mistakes when they are "in general agreement on religious and moral issues".

Taking innocent lives directly is an absolute and serious illegal act, especially in the initial and final stages, but personal conscience and the whole society are becoming more and more insensitive to such acts. Faced with this situation, the church's disciplinary power is getting louder and louder to safeguard the sanctity and inviolability of human life. The right of Pontifical discipline is particularly enduring. Just like the right of bishops, many rich documents on teaching and pastoral spirit are published by the college of bishops or individual bishops. The Vatican II Grand Council also forcefully raised this issue with a short and sharp chapter. Five zero

Therefore, through the authority granted by Christ to Peter and his successors, in harmony with Catholic bishops, I am convinced that it is often a serious immoral act to kill innocent people directly and intentionally. This theory is based on unwritten law, and people find their hearts in the light of reason (see Luo. 2: 14- 15), which was once again confirmed by the Bible, handed down by the church and taught by local and universal disciplines. May 1

Deliberately depriving innocent people of their lives is often a moral evil, and it can never be legal, whether for its own purpose or as a means to achieve a good goal. This kind of behavior is actually a serious violation of moral law, and it is also a violation of God, the creator and protector of moral law. It violates the basic virtues of justice and kindness. "No one can kill innocent people in any way, whether it is a fetus or an embryo, a baby or an adult, an old man or a terminally ill person, or a dying person. In addition, no one can ask for life-destroying behavior, nor can he explicitly promise or acquiesce to himself or the person entrusted with care. There is no power to legally recommend or allow such behavior. " Wuer

Speaking of the right to life, every innocent person's life is absolutely equal. This equality is the foundation of all realistic social relations. In order to establish a real relationship, this relationship must be based on truth and justice, recognize that every man and woman is a "person", not an object of being used, and protect them. In the face of this moral law prohibiting the direct taking of innocent lives, "no one enjoys privileges or exceptions, whether he is the master of the whole world or the' poorest of the poor' on the ground, there is no difference. We are all absolutely equal in moral requirements. " Wusan

"I'm still in the womb, and you saw it with your own eyes" (Yong 139 16)

Abortion is a heinous crime.

58. Among all crimes endangering life, the characteristics of induced abortion make it a particularly serious and tragic crime. The Vatican II Grand Council defined abortion and infanticide as "heinous crimes". May Fourth Movement

But today, in the conscience of many people, the feeling of the seriousness of this crime has become increasingly blurred. The general people's concept, behavior and even the acceptance of abortion by law are all obvious signals, indicating that people's moral concepts have fallen into an extremely serious crisis and they are increasingly unable to distinguish good from evil. Even when the basic right to subsistence is threatened, good and evil are still indistinguishable. Seeing such a grim situation, we should have the courage to face up to the truth, rehabilitate all kinds of behaviors, and don't compromise or deceive ourselves for convenience. At this point, the prophet's rebuke is straightforward: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; People who take darkness as light and light as darkness! " (Yiwu 20). Especially for abortion, an ambiguous term, such as "termination of pregnancy", is widely used in an attempt to cover up the true nature of abortion and reduce its seriousness in the eyes of everyone. Perhaps this linguistic spectacle itself is a manifestation of conscience. But no language can change this fact: in any way, induced abortion intentionally and directly kills a person at the early stage of a person's existence, that is, from conception to birth.

If we realize that the behavior of induced abortion is murder, especially when we consider what is destroyed, the moral seriousness of this behavior is obvious. Abortion destroys a person at the initial stage of legal existence. We can't think of anyone more innocent than this. This man is definitely not an aggressor, let alone an illegal aggressor! This man is so weak and helpless that he lacks even the most basic way of self-defense, that is, the crying of the newborn baby. The unborn child is confined in the womb and is completely protected and cared for by the woman who is pregnant with him. However, sometimes it is the mother who decides and asks to take the child away, or even puts it into practice herself.

Yes, if the decision to take the fetus out of the womb is not purely selfish or for your own convenience, but has more important considerations, such as the health of pregnant women or the maintenance of the minimum living standard of family members, it is often very tragic and painful for the mother. Sometimes I just worry that the situation after the baby is born will be worse than not being born at all. However, these reasons and other similar reasons, no matter how serious and tragic, cannot be used as a reason for deliberately killing innocent people.

59. Besides the mother, there are often others who will decide the death of the fetus. When the father of the child not only pressured the mother to have an abortion, but also made her face the problem of pregnancy alone, thus indirectly encouraging her to make such a decision, the father may be the first to blame. The essence of this family's "love group" and its mission of becoming a "sacred palace of life" have been seriously hurt and desecrated. Besides, no one can ignore the pressure from other family members and friends. Sometimes, the pressure on a woman is so great that she is psychologically forced to have an abortion. Of course, in this case, the person who directly or indirectly forced her to have an abortion should bear moral responsibility. Doctors and other medical personnel should also be responsible if they use this life-saving technology to kill people.

But legislators who advocate and approve abortion laws, as well as managers of health care centers that actually carry out abortion, also have responsibilities. And those who help spread the concept of indulgence and neglect motherhood; Those who should have-but failed to-ensure effective family and social policies to support families, especially those with large population or special economic and educational difficulties, should also bear full and significant responsibilities. Finally, we can't ignore those networks that extend in all directions and systematically advocate the legalization and popularization of abortion, including international institutions, foundations and organizations. In this respect, abortion goes beyond the scope of personal responsibility and the harm caused to the parties, and has a unique social scope. That is quite serious harm to society and its culture, and the initiator is the person who should have promoted and maintained society. As I said in my letter to my family, "we are facing a great threat to the life of individuals and the life of civilization itself." What we are facing is an "evil structure" that can be called against unborn human life.

60. Some people want to rationalize abortion. They claim that the result of pregnancy cannot be regarded as an individual's life, at least for a certain number of days after conception. But in fact, "once the egg is fertilized, a new life has been formed. It belongs neither to the father nor to the mother. More precisely, it is a new human being, developing on its own. If he is not human, he will never be human. Obviously ... Modern genetics provides valuable evidence. It points out that it has been planned from the beginning to be a "person" in this life, and the characteristics of this individual have been decided. Once fertilized, the exploration of human life begins, and it takes time for each of his abilities to take their place and play a long-term role. Although the experimental data itself can't make us realize the existence of spiritual soul, the scientific research on human embryos can provide "a valuable indicator through which we can identify a person's existence in the early stage of human life through reasoning: how can a human individual not be human?" "On May 8th.

Scientific debates and philosophical discussions related to human embryos have not been formally involved in church discipline. However, from the perspective of moral responsibility, the mere possibility of involving "people" is enough to make it rational to prohibit any act of killing human embryos. This is a very important question. It is for this reason that the church has been teaching in the past and now that the fruits of human reproduction should be unconditionally guaranteed from the moment they first existed. This kind of respect is deserved by the whole person, that is, the human being who is integrated with body and mind should be guaranteed. "People should be respected from the moment of conception and should be regarded as an' identity'. Therefore, human life should be respected from the very beginning, just like an identity with various rights, the most important of which is the inviolable right to exist of every innocent human being. " Wujiu

6 1. The Bible has never talked about the issue of intentional abortion, so it has not directly and specifically condemned it. However, the Bible shows great respect for people in the womb, so it is reasonable to infer that God's commandment "not to kill" must extend to the unborn fetus.

Human life is sacrosanct at every moment of its existence, including the initial stage before birth. All human lives belong to God from the womb, and God seeks and knows them. Form them with your own hands and summarize them; When they were small, unformed fetuses, God looked at them and watched them grow up in the future. Their life span has been calculated, and even their mission has been written in the "Life Book" (see Yong 139 1, 13 ~ 16). Many chapters in the Bible can also prove that the six O's were the objects of love and care from God and Father and personality when they were still in their mother's womb.

The statement of the Ministry of Information Science of the Holy See is correct. From the beginning to the present, the church tradition has clearly and consistently described abortion as a particularly serious immoral behavior. The ancient Greek and Roman Empire was a place where abortion and infanticide were rampant. When the first Christian groups first contacted them, they strongly opposed this custom through teaching and practical actions. The records of the twelve apostles mentioned above also clearly prove the 62 nd. Among Greek church writers, Athenagoras wrote that Christians believe that women who use abortion are murderers, because children are "blessed by God" even though they are still in their mothers' womb. Among the Latin authors, Deldorian affirmed: "Preventing someone from being born is a premeditated murder; Killing a person who has been born is not much different from killing him at birth. One day he will be a man, and now he is a man. " June 4th.

In the 2000-year history of Christianity, godfathers, shepherds, teachers and others in the church have been teaching the same teaching principles. Even the debate between the scientific and philosophical circles about "the exact moment when the soul of the spiritual body is given to the human body" has never made the church condemn the immorality of abortion without hesitation.

62. In recent years, the doctrine of the Pope has also strongly reaffirmed this universal doctrine. Especially in the encyclical of "Holy Marriage", Pope John XI refuted the rhetoric that defended abortion. On the other hand, Bjord XII opposes all acts of direct abortion, that is, every act aimed at directly destroying human life in the womb, "whether this act is an end or a means to achieve a certain end." Pope John XXIII reiterated that human life is sacred, because "from the beginning, life includes God's direct creative activities". As mentioned earlier, the Vatican II Grand Council also severely condemned abortion: "From the very beginning of pregnancy, we should be extremely careful to protect life, and abortion and killing babies constitute heinous crimes." Liuba

Since the first few centuries, church laws have punished abortion. Although punishment is sometimes severe and sometimes mild, it has been affirmed in various periods in history. 19 17 church regulations punish abortion by expelling religious sects. Following this tradition, the revised Church Law declares that "anyone who tries to have an abortion but succeeds should be punished by self-discipline". Absolute punishment is used by all people who know this law, so it also includes those who can't commit these crimes without their help. Through this repeated application, the church made it clear that abortion is a very serious and dangerous crime, so it encouraged those who committed this crime to repent in time. In the church, the purpose of absolute punishment is to make a person fully aware of the seriousness of certain crimes, so as to truly repent and regret.

Because the traditional teachings and disciplines of the church are so consistent, Pope Paul VI can claim that this tradition has never changed and cannot be changed. Therefore, through the authority granted by Christ to Peter and his successors, the bishops in harmony and universality-they also condemned the crime of abortion on various occasions; Moreover, when consulting with them before the promulgation of this notice, although they are scattered all over the world, their views on this teaching are the same. Therefore, I declare that direct abortion, that is, an act with abortion as its purpose or means, often constitutes a serious ethical disorder, because it deliberately kills an innocent person. This teaching is based on the moral laws of nature and the word of God, which is handed down by the church and taught by general and universal discipline. Qisan

No situation, purpose or law can make an essentially illegal act legal, because it violates the laws of God written in everyone's mind, recognized by reason and preached by the church.

63. The evaluation of abortion ethics can also be applied to some recent interventions on human embryos. Although these interventions are reasonable in themselves, they will inevitably destroy those embryos. This is an experiment with embryos, which is becoming more and more common in the field of biomedicine and has been legal in some countries. Although "as long as the life and integrity of the embryo are respected and it does not cause excessive danger to the embryo, the treatment measures for the embryo should be regarded as legal, in order to restore the embryo, improve the health of the embryo or prolong the existence of a single embryo", it should still be explained that taking human embryos or fetuses as experimental objects is a crime against human dignity, because embryos and fetuses are also human beings and have the right to receive the same respect as every born baby. Seven five

The same condemnation also applies to the use of live human embryos and fetuses as "biological materials" or as transplanted organs or tissues to treat certain diseases. Sometimes these spare embryos are "made" through in vitro fertilization. Killing innocent people like this, even to help others, is still absolutely unacceptable.

There are some prenatal examinations that can find possible fetal abnormalities at an early stage, and the morality of this behavior must be evaluated with special care. Because these inspection techniques are very complicated, we must make careful and rigorous moral judgments. If these tests do not cause abnormal danger to the mother and fetus, the purpose is to treat the fetus as soon as possible, or to know the condition of the fetus as soon as possible, which is helpful to accept the unborn child calmly, then these tests are morally justified. However, due to the limited possibility of prenatal treatment, these tests are often for prenatal care and health care, and selective abortion is carried out to avoid giving birth to various congenital abnormal babies. This mentality is shameful and should be greatly condemned, because it believes that the value of human life can only be measured within the parameters of "normality" and physical health, which opens a door for the legalization of infanticide and euthanasia.

However, so many brothers and sisters with severe disabilities can still live bravely and calmly when they are accepted and cared for by others, and let us know the true value of life. Under such difficult circumstances, this kind of life is even more precious to them and others. The church is very close to married couples who are still willing to accept grieving severely disabled children. As for those families who can accept children abandoned by their parents because of their disabilities and adopt them, the church is also deeply grateful.

"I cause death and I give life" (Deuteronomy 32: 39)

The tragedy of euthanasia

64. At the other end of life, people have to face the mystery of death. Today, due to the progress of medicine, the cultural environment often does not accept the concept of "transcendence", so the near-death experience has new characteristics. When the popular trend is to evaluate the value of life only by how much happiness and happiness life can bring, "pain" seems to be an unbearable setback that everyone must avoid. If a life, with many fresh and interesting experiences waiting for him to experience, is suddenly interrupted by death, people will think that death is "unreasonable". But once life is full of pain, and it is mercilessly doomed to suffer more pain, people will think that life is meaningless and death becomes a "reasonable liberation".

In addition, when people deny or ignore the basic relationship with God, they will think that "man" is their own yardstick and standard and has the right to ask for social security, so that he has complete autonomy and can decide how to handle his own life. Especially the people in some developed countries, because of the continuous progress of medicine and the rapid development of medical technology, feel that this should be done. Today's scientific and medical circles use very advanced systems and equipment, which can not only treat incurable diseases in the past, but also alleviate or eliminate pain, and maintain and prolong life, even extremely weak life; For patients with sudden collapse of physiological function, they can maintain their lives artificially or engage in organ transplantation in special ways.

In this environment, the temptation of euthanasia is growing. Euthanasia is to control death, let it happen before the right time, and "gently" end the life of yourself or others. These behaviors seem logical and humane, but when we examine them more carefully, we will find that they are actually absurd and inhuman. We are facing more worrying signs in the "death culture", especially in a prosperous and progressive society, because this society is characterized by paying too much attention to efficiency and can't stand the increasing number of elderly and disabled people, which is considered to be too heavy a burden. These people are often isolated by their families and society, because this society is almost entirely based on production efficiency. According to this standard, a life with disability and no hope of recovery will no longer have any value.

65. In order to have a correct moral judgment on euthanasia, we must first have a clear definition. Strictly speaking, euthanasia refers to doing or not doing something in order to eliminate all pain, which will lead to death or intentionally lead to death. Therefore, the occurrence of euthanasia lies in its intention and method of use. Liu Qi

Euthanasia must be distinguished from the decision to give up the so-called "invasive treatment". "Invasive treatment" means that the treatment method is no longer suitable for the real situation of patients, because this treatment is not commensurate with the expected results; Or because this treatment has brought an excessive burden to patients and their families. In this case, when death is imminent and inevitable, people can "refuse to use hopeless and troublesome methods to prolong their lives, only