1. Original text:
The water became astringent and the boat could not enter. After traveling six or seven miles by land, we stopped at the Medicine Master Temple. The temple faces Zizhi Mountain, and many monks study there, unlike a city. Beyond Xinsu, you will meet a small stream, then go out to the left of the mountain, wade into the stream, and circle around the mountains. In the distance, you can see the white snake winding down to the big gully and covering the stream. The mulberry fields and wheat fields communicate with each other, the fields are hidden in the bamboo trees, the woodcutter, the boy and the herdsman chase each other, the real thing is in the picture! If you want to ask about the historical names of places, your guide is Pu Ye, who does not understand the Wu language deeply. He either insists on asking, or refuses to ask. After ten questions, he only gets two or three answers. Crossing the second ridge, there is a pavilion at the beginning of the road, with the word "Xue Dou Mountain" painted on it.
(Excerpt from Deng Mu's "Xue Dou Travels")
2. Translation:
The water is shallower, and the boat is not smooth, and people can't pull the boat. Cannot enter. After walking six or seven miles on land, they stayed at Yakushiji Temple. Yakushi Temple is backed by Zizhi Mountain, and most of the monks like to study, unlike those who go to government offices in the city.
After two nights, I followed the creek and came out from the east side of the mountain. Crossing the stream, it is surrounded by mountains on all sides. From a distance, what looks like a white snake winding down into the valley is probably the water in the mountain stream. Mulberry fields and wheat ridges are connected up and down. Farmers are hidden among the bamboo trees. Children collecting firewood and grazing herds chase each other and play. It is really as beautiful as walking in a picture. I wanted to ask about the name of the experience here, but the bearers were simple and rustic and did not understand the dialect of Wudi. Some reluctantly answered, and some did not answer the question. It took about ten sentences to understand two or three sentences.
After crossing two mountains, there was a pavilion facing the road. On the pavilion, the words "Xuedou Mountain" were written in red and black paint