Good words of encouragement in the Bible.

The golden words of encouragement in the Bible are as follows:

1. Trust the Lord with all your heart, not your own cleverness. Whatever you do, know him, and he will show you the way. Don't think you are wise, just fear the Lord and keep away from evil.

2. The human heart is more deceitful than anything else, so bad that who can understand it? I, the Lord, search and test people's hearts, and I will reward every man according to his deeds and the results of his actions. Because God did not give us a timid heart, but gave us a strong, loving and conscientious heart.

3. Be careful lest gluttony, drunkenness and the worries of this life tire your hearts, and that day will suddenly come to you like a net. He who faithfully saves his life saves his own life; People who ignore their own path will die.

There are too many sufferings and too many poor and helpless people in this world. According to the Bible, they are all your brothers and sisters and need your care and help. When you have the ability to help them, you should give them a little warmth and love. Caring for others means caring for yourself.

The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, they will no longer be rewarded and their names will not be remembered. Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished. They will no longer have any part in what they do under the sun.