The sheep's wool covers are warm, and the rooster's wings are cool. The desks in the classroom are neatly arranged.
The so-called imitation is to write according to the style of the original sentence, which is a form of imitation. But the content cannot be the same. "Imitation" is for lower-grade students to lay the foundation for real writing in the future. Because imitation can expand the thinking space, expand association and imagination, and make the content of "writing" "rich" and more "colorful", thus cultivating and exercising students' "writing" ability.
Bird's Feathers
A more advanced imitation is as follows:
If I are a flower, use me to decorate the world; if I am a breath of wind, use me to wipe it Go away from worries; if I am a leaf, use me to block the scorching sun; if I am a ray of light, use me to illuminate the future!
If life is a book, then time is a pen, writing life; if life is a river, then time is the surging waves, driving life; if life is It is a flower garden, then time is a flower that embellishes life.
Bird feathers
Even streams and rocks grow in summer. Yesterday, the river was still lying low at the bottom of the river bed, but within a few days it had grown much taller. Later, it even used its hands to pick up the guardrail beside the river bed, and even tried to climb out of the fence. The stone pavement has gained weight in the summer. You squeeze me and I squeeze you. It is so lively that even earthworms crawl out to watch the fun.