1. Don’t forget why we set out just because we have gone too far. -- Kahlil Gibran 2. A person has two me, one is awake in the dark, and the other is sleeping in the light -- Kahlil Gibran 3. You may forget the person who laughed with you: but he cried with you too people will never forget. -- Kahlil Gibran
4 I have despised my soul 7 times: it could be aggressive but pretended to be humble; it filled it with love when it was empty; it chose easy between difficulty and ease; it committed It makes mistakes, but comforts itself by knowing that others will make mistakes; it is free and weak, but regards it as the tenacity of life; it despises an ugly face, but does not know that it is one of its own masks, and it is sideways to the face of life. Mud, although unwilling, is still timid. -- Kahlil Gibran
5. Yesterday is just a memory of today, and tomorrow is just a dream of today. -- Gibran "The Prophet" 6. The desire for ease kills the passion of the soul, and it still grins at the funeral. -- Gibran "The Prophet" 7. 'You may forget those who have laughed with you, but you will never forget those who have cried with you' -- Kahlil Gibran's "Sand and Foam"
8. Generosity does not mean that you give me things that I need more than you do, but that you give me things that you need more than me. -- Kahlil Gibran, "Sand and Foam" 9. Among my sadness today, the most bitter thing is the memory of my joy yesterday. Memory is a way of getting together. Forgetting is a form of freedom. One cannot reach the dawn except by the path of darkness.