17 Shandong Language Volume Classical Chinese

1.20 17 Reciting range of ancient poems in Shandong Chinese college entrance examination 1. Twelve Analects of Confucius (six of which are uncertain); Confucius said, "It's better to keep pace with the times, isn't it? It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar; Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher." Confucius said, "learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous;" Confucius said, "It is not good for me to learn without being silent, to learn without being tired, and to teach without being tired." Confucius said: "In a threesome, there must be a teacher; Choose the good and follow it, it doesn't; Confucius said: "See the sage Si Qi, don't introspect; Confucius said, "When cold comes and summer goes, you will know that pine and cypress are withered." Confucius said, "I am determined to learn five out of ten and stand at thirty. 1. Twelve articles in The Analects of Confucius (six of which are uncertain). Confucius said, "It is all right to learn from time to time. Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Ignorance and dissatisfaction are not gentlemen? " Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher."

Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." Confucius said, "What's the use of studying silently, never getting tired of learning and never getting tired of teaching?" Confucius said, "For a threesome, there must be a teacher; Choose good and follow it, but change it if it is not good. "

Confucius said, "If you don't do it, you will be introspective." Confucius said, "Cold tells the decline of pine and cypress."

Confucius said, "Five out of ten, I am determined to learn; I am thirty years old; Forty without confusion; At the age of fifty, I knew my destiny; I am obedient at the age of sixty; I am still obedient at the age of seventy; I didn't cross the line. " Confucius said, "Why not teach your daughter to read? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing. "

Confucius said, "Listen in the morning and die at night." Confucius said, "Quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality.

Gentle, then a gentleman. Confucius said, "Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy."

Confucius said, "If you don't get angry, you will get angry, you will get angry, you will get angry, and you will get angry." Confucius said: "A gentleman does not want to eat enough, he is prepared for danger in times of peace and is sensitive to things, but he is cautious, honest and clean, which can be said to be studious."

Zi Gong asked, "Why did Confucius call it Wen?" Confucius said, "I am quick and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. It is called' Wen'." Zi Gong asked, "Who can walk for life without saying a word?" Confucius said, "I forgive you! Don't do to others what you don't want. "

Confucius said, "A gentleman is righteous, but a villain is profitable." Confucius said, "Rotten wood can't be carved, nor can the wall of dung be carved. What is the punishment? " Confucius said, "The beauty of a gentleman as an adult is not the evil of an adult.

The villain is the opposite. Confucius said, "You can ask for wealth. Although you are a scapegoat, I will do it for you. " If not, just do as I say. "

Zeng Zi said, "It's a long way to go, but it's Xiu Yuan. Isn't it important to think that benevolence is your responsibility? Isn't it far after death? " Ceng Zi said: "I save three times a day: are you unfaithful to others?" Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? "2. Three" Mencius "

You can't have your cake and eat it. You can't have your cake and eat it. Life is what I want; Righteousness is also what I want.

You can't have both, and you have to sacrifice your life for righteousness. Life is what I want. I want it more than the living, so I don't want it. If there is nothing more in disgust than death, what can be done to avoid evil that can be used to escape evil?

What people want is nothing more than life. Why not use people who can live? What makes people worse than the dead, so why not treat patients who can be cured? If you are right, you are born unnecessary. If you are right, you can make trouble without doing anything. A bowl of rice, a bowl of soup, you can live if you get it, but you will starve if you don't get it.

But with disdain to drink and eat, hungry pedestrians are unwilling to accept it; Kick others' food with their feet, and beggars will not accept it. The senior official accepted it without distinguishing whether it was appropriate or not.

Call it, and the people in the street will be blessed; Begging for help is too much. Is it for the splendor of the house, the service of my wives and the poor people who know how to appreciate me? For the beauty of the palace, the matter of wives and concubines, the poor have me and you? Hometown is free from physical death, and today is the beauty of the palace; Hometown is not subject to physical death, and now it is regarded as a wife and concubine; I don't want to die in my hometown, but now I want to do it for the poor and needy: yes or no? This is called the loss of humanity.

& lt2> was born in sorrow and died in happiness (Mencius). Shun was born in an acre of land, raised between buildings, glued in fish salt, raised in a scholar, raised in the sea by Sun Shuai, and raised in the city by a hundred miles. Therefore, when the sky falls, people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess around. Therefore, patience has benefited them a lot.

People are unchangeable, and then they can change. Trapped in the heart, balanced in consideration, and then made; Color label, sound hair, and then metaphor.

A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad. In this way, you will know that sorrow is enough to make people live and pleasure is enough to make people die.

& lt3> Wen Gong said, "Wealth cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be moved, and powerful people cannot be bent. This is called a gentleman. " 3. Cao Gui argued Zuo Zhuan for ten years, and he attacked me.

Duke Zhuang is going to fight. The king asked to see Lord Zhuang.

His fellow villagers said, "What's wrong with a carnivore asking for it?" He said, "Carnivores are contemptuous, but they can't have foresight." Then they went to the court to see the duke.

Q: "Why fight?" The duke said, "Have plenty of food and clothing. If you dare to be an expert, you will divide people." Yes, he said, "it's not enough to be kind, but people are obedient."

"Gong said," If you dare to add jade and silk, you will believe it. "Yes," I said, "little faith is not blessed, but God is blessed.

"Gong said," Although you can't visit a small prison, you must show your feelings. "Yes, loyalty belongs to you.

You can go to war. Please pay attention to this war.

"Male and take it. Fight for a long spoon.

Zhuang Gongzheng wants to order drums. He said, "Impossible.

"People three drums. He said, "Yes.

"Qi teacher defeat. Their duke ordered the horse to be chased by the horse.

He said, "Impossible." Look at it, look at it and say, "Not bad.

"That's by qi teacher. After winning, the king asked him why he won.

Yes, he said, "It takes courage to fight. High spirits, then decline, three exhausted.

I am tired, I am surplus, so I will overcome it. Great powers are unpredictable and frightening.

I regard it as chaos and look at its flag, so I chase it. "4. Zou Ji satirized the Warring States Policy written by Chabr, the king of Qi. Zou Ji was more than eight feet long, but he was beautiful.

Dressed in royal robes, he peeped in the mirror and said to his wife, "Who am I, Xu Hongmei from the north of the city?" His wife said, "You are beautiful. How can Xu Can Palace be as beautiful as you?" Duke Xu in the north of the city is also a beauty of Qi. Unable to avoid self-confidence, he asked his concubine, "Who am I, Xu Hongmei?" My concubine said, "How is Xu Cangong like you?" Dan said that the guest came from outside, talked to him and asked the guest, "Xu Gong, who is more beautiful?" The guest said, "Xu Gong is not as beautiful as a gentleman.

"Xu Gonglai tomorrow, who see it, think not as good as; Look at yourself in the mirror, as far as the horizon. Thinking about it at dusk, I said, "My wife is beautiful and I am private; The beauty of my concubine is afraid of me; The beauty of the guest is mine. What does he want from me?


2. The college entrance examination language in Shandong Province must recite 90 ancient poems and essays, which is urgent 1. Green, taken from blue, is greener than blue; Ice, water, but colder than water. ("Xunzi Persuasion")

2. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, and the gentleman is knowledgeable and saves himself, so he knows clearly without fault. ("Xunzi, Encourage Learning")

3. So, don't climb the mountain, don't know the height of the sky. Don't face the deep stream, I don't know the thickness of the ground; You didn't know the greatness of learning until you heard the last words of the late king. ("Xunzi Persuasion")

4. My wife is beautiful, and I am private; The beauty of my concubine is afraid of me; The beauty of the guest is mine. What does he want from me? ("Warring States Policy" Zou Ji satirizes Wang Qi's incompetence ")

Today, the land is thousands of miles away, and there are 120 cities. Ladies-in-waiting are private kings, and courtiers are not afraid of kings. They all want kings within their borders. From this perspective, the cover of the king is very embarrassing! ("Warring States Policy" Zou Ji satirizes Wang Qi's incompetence ")

6. A group of officials and people who can stab me in the face will be rewarded; There will be a reward for those who write and exhort me; Those who can slander the city courtyard and hear my ears are rewarded. ("Warring States Policy" Zou Ji satirizes Wang Qi's incompetence ")

7. A close relative who has never worked hard outside, has no answer in his heart, fights alone and is inseparable. (Shimi "Chen Qingbiao")

However, Liu Ri is dying, and his life is in danger. I have no grandmother, no today; Grandma has no ministers, and her years are endless. Mother and son, but also live alone, can not be wasted. (Shimi "Chen Qingbiao")

9. When I was born, I was the first to die. I'm at a loss for my fear of dogs and horses, and I want to pay tribute to it. (Shimi "Chen Qingbiao")

10. The time is September, and the sequence belongs to Sanqiu. The water is cold and the pool is clear, and the smoke is purple. (Wang Bo's Preface to Wang Tengting)

1 1. Feige is full of blood, and there is no land under it. (Wang Bo's Preface to Wang Tengting)

12. Yan Lu, the hometown of Zhong Mingding's cuisine; Gechuan maze, bluebird Huanglong. (Wang Bo's Preface to Wang Tengting)

13. Clouds sell rain, and the colors are distinct. Sunset and lonely Qi Fei, autumn waters and sky are the same color. (Wang Bo's Preface to Wang Tengting)

14. Fishing boats sing late, making the coast of Peng Li poor; Yan Zhen was stunned by the cold, and his voice broke Hengyang's pu. (Wang Bo's Preface to Wang Tengting)

15. Ancient scholars must have teachers. Teacher, so preach and teach to solve doubts. (Han Yu, Shi Shuo)

3. Shandong high school Chinese must recite classical Chinese.

Persuade to learn (excerpt)/Xunzi

Shi Shuo/Han Yu

Chibi Fu/Su Shi

Compulsory Two

Six Kingdoms Theory/Su Xun

A Song of Gong Fangfu/Du Mu

Niannujiao Chibi Nostalgia/Su Shi

Yong Yule Jingkou Gu Beiting Nostalgia/Xin Qiji

Compulsory three

Introduction to the South/Wen Tianxiang (what we asked for was the last few paragraphs, which were rarely tested).

Inscription on the Tomb of Five/Zhang Pu (What we want is the second (? Or third, I can't remember, hehe, and "anyway." Sadly, it brought the sorrow of its people. "

Ten Thoughts of Emperor Taizong/Wei Zhi

Biography of Lian Po Lin Xiangru (excerpt)/Sima Qian (last paragraph)

Hongmen Banquet/Sima Qian (famous sentence)

Compulsory Four

I am for the country/Mencius.

Difficult road to Shu/Li Bai

Gordon/Du Fu

Pipa preface/Bai Juyi

* Jinse/Li Shangyin

Yu Meiren/Li Yu

* The nearest flower/Yan Shu

Yulinling/Liu Yong

Slow voice/Li Qingzhao

Teng Wangge's Preface and Poetry/Wang Bo (the requirement should be to recite two or three paragraphs, but the last few paragraphs are also problematic. I suggest everyone recite them, which is quite good anyway)

Compulsory Five

Chen Qingbiao/Shimi

Ji Xiang Xuanzhi/Gui Youguang (the first paragraph)

Farewell to Changting/Wang Shifu (three tracks)

Report to Ren Anshu (excerpt)/Sima Qian (use that ". Han Fei imprisoned Qin, "it's hard to say." That paragraph, there are some famous sentences)

Fisherman/Chu Ci (Fisherman and Qu Yuan)

Happy Tour (Excerpt)/Zhuangzi (the first two paragraphs)

Preface to Lanting Collection/Wang Xizhi

There are still some articles that have not been supplemented because the textbooks have been deleted.

I don't know if your teacher will ask, but it seems to be on the syllabus.

Such as Meng's Short Songs, Gui Ci, Gui Yuan and so on. .

There are some modern Chinese, but they are rarely tested, especially in Shandong, and they are hardly tested.

Ask again if you don't know anything!

4.20 17 This year's Shandong College Entrance Examination Chinese composition topic is a new material composition about "24-hour bookstores don't drive anyone away".

This material is exactly the same as the 20 17+65438 "The door of Hangzhou Library has been opened to beggars" reported in Weibo on October 8, and may also be related to that sensational event. This year's Shandong college entrance examination composition can be said to be both expected and unexpected.

Unexpectedly, the stem and requirements of the composition questions have not changed, which will not interfere with the candidates and the candidates are practical; The intention of this year's proposition has not changed, that is, to let candidates pay attention to life, think about life and feel life; This year's composition lowered the threshold of examination and gave students a series of loose "digressions"; This year's essay proposition is still an open proposition, without fixed ideas, which can give candidates a very broad thinking space and let them make their own ideas and say whatever they want; There is also that candidates have something to say and can argue about the connotation and significance of the materials. Unexpectedly, this year's college entrance examination composition is contrary to the normal state in the past three years, directly reflecting the theme of the times, and students may face a situation of nothing to say or empty preaching; The materials given are all narratives, which are not only like general material compositions, but also like phenomenon compositions, which have caused confusion to students to some extent. Of course, most students can see it.

In fact, this composition reflects the civilization of the times, the light of human nature, the warmth between people, the praise and praise of bookstores in general, and the care for vulnerable groups and so on. Of course, their sense of service, overall situation, responsibility and humanistic feelings need to be emphasized. As long as we grasp this basic style and the main theme of bookstore praise, we can't emphasize it too much.

5. First exposure, what changes have taken place in the 20 17 national college entrance examination Chinese volume? Compared with 20 16 years, the national new curriculum standard "Chinese examination notes" has undergone great changes in the structure of examination questions, marking, types of questions and ability requirements, which not only follows stability and inheritance, but also embodies innovation. The specific performance is as follows:

(1) Cancel the examination, and list "literary text reading" and "practical text reading" as compulsory examinations, so as to increase the "understanding" ability level of these two types of text reading. The reading score of literary text is 14, and the test questions are set to 1 objective multiple-choice questions, 4 multiple-choice questions and 2 subjective questions; The reading score of practical text is 12, and the test questions are set to one objective question out of four, two out of five and subjective questions.

(2) increased the investigation of ancient cultural knowledge;

(3) In the column of "Reading Texts", we added "Reading Chinese and foreign texts to understand the basic features and main forms of text styles such as political papers, academic papers, current reviews and book reviews. When reading the text, we should pay attention to the rationality and logic of the text, and analyze the arguments, arguments and argumentation methods of the text.

(4) The ability of information screening and integration has been strengthened.

(5) Poetry reading is changed to five-choice two objective questions and subjective questions.

(1) Discuss the reading of similar texts. The topic setting of the three sets of papers in China is quite satisfactory and the difficulty is moderate. There are several options that can't be found in the article, but the meaning is not divorced from the article.

(2) The classical Chinese examination follows the examination center of 15.

(3) Reading ancient poetry combines what poetry is written with how it is written. Thoughts and feelings are the necessary test points, and the answers are refined, scientific and standardized.

(4) Famous sentences and famous articles are written by dictation. The three sets of questions are to fill in poetic sentences according to the context, and pay attention to famous sentences or philosophical and enlightening sentences in classic topics, which are neither biased nor strange.

(5) reading literary texts. Volume A is a foreign novel, while volume B and volume C are all novels by China. The material length is about 1400 words. Pay attention to the examination and analysis of characters and conception skills. The new change lies in the return of inquiry questions.

(6) Practical text reading. All three volumes are biographies of modern people.

(7) Language use, further strengthen the examination of accurate language expression, such as 15 and 17 in the test paper. 15 questions are filled in with function words; 17 uses a thought flow chart.

(8) writing. The theme of 20 16 composition has distinct characteristics of the times, paying attention to social deficiencies, keeping close to the hot spots of the times, paying attention to moral education and educating people, carrying forward socialist core values, guiding students to expand their reading, examining their real writing ability, and truly achieving the purpose of improving their expression and communication ability. Volume B changed the form of written materials in the past and appeared in the form of comic composition.

6. Ask the classical Chinese poetry test questions to Zhao She for law enforcement br/ Jin Taiyuan, fishing career.

Walk along the stream and forget the distance. Suddenly I met the peach blossom forest and grabbed the shore for hundreds of steps. There are no miscellaneous trees in it, and the grass is delicious and colorful.

Fishermen are very different. If you go any further, you will want to be poor.

If there is no water in the forest, make a mountain. The mountain has a small mouth and seems to have light. Leave the ship and enter through the mouth.

Only by being narrow at first can we understand people. Take a few steps and you will be suddenly enlightened.

The land is flat and spacious, so is the house. There are fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees and bamboo. The traffic in the building is so busy that chickens and dogs hear each other.

Some men and women dressed like strangers. The yellow hair hangs low and enjoys itself.

Seeing the fisherman, he was shocked and asked him what he had not done. Answer it.

You have to go home and set up wine to kill chickens for dinner. When the village heard about this man, Xian came to inquire.

Since Master Yunzu escaped from the Qin Dynasty, he led his wife to this desperate situation and did not return, so he was separated from outsiders. You ask what this world is, and I don't know if there are any Han Chinese, regardless of Wei and Jin Dynasties.

This man speaks every word with a sigh. The others went home, eating and drinking.

Stop for a few days and resign. There is a saying in China: "The humanity of outsiders is not satisfactory."

Help the road when you get off the boat, and you are determined everywhere. And the county, Yi Taishou, said so.

The satrap means to send someone with him to find what he wants, get lost, get lost. Liu Ziji, a noble family, heard about it and gladly did it.

If you fail, you will find the disease. Nobody took care of it after that.

1。 I can explain the words added below.

1 fishermen are very different; ② The traffic in the building is not enough for outsiders; They help to build roads; (5) they seek medical treatment; After that, they have no interest. I can translate the following sentences in modern Chinese.

(1) rate wife city people came to this corner, don't come back, then interval with outsiders. (2) ask what happened today, I wonder if there are any Han people, no matter Wei, Jin and 3.

After learning the second paragraph, from what aspects did the author describe the people in the Peach Blossom Garden? My study: 4. "This person has a sound every word, all of which are sighs."

What did the fisherman say? Why is everyone sighing? My association: 5. The following two questions are different in difficulty and score. Please choose one to answer.

(Answer both questions, only score according to the first question) ① The language of this article is concise and rich in meaning. Please give an example. My appreciation: ② What kind of social ideal did the author Tao Yuanming place in this article? Can this social ideal be realized under the conditions at that time? Try to evaluate it.

My query: (8) 1. Surprised ...; ② Field path; 3 worth it; 4 before, old; ⑤ Soon; 6 ferry.

2。 (1) led his wife, children and neighbors to this isolated place and never went out again, thus cutting off contact with outsiders.

(2) (They) asked what dynasty it was, and they didn't even know the Han Dynasty, let alone the Wei and Jin Dynasties. 3。

One is activity (farming), the other is dressing (men and women dress like strangers), and the third is mental state (yellow hair hanging over their heads and enjoying themselves). 4。

Fishermen are talking about the history since the end of Qin dynasty. Taoyuan people regret that the world outside Taoyuan is so turbulent and dark, and people outside Taoyuan have been living a miserable life.

5。 (1) If the language used to describe the question between fishermen and villagers is a proof, the author does not describe it positively, but summarizes it with "I wonder if there are any Han people in Wei Jin".

But there is richness in simplicity, and all the problems are in it, which is also rich. ② A self-sufficient, peaceful and quiet society without class, exploitation and war.

The author's social ideal objectively reflects the requirements of the broad masses of the people and has certain positive significance; But in class society, it can only be a fantasy, but it can't be realized. Second, Tao Yuanming 1 in Peach Blossom Garden. Later generations condensed it into an idiom according to the story of Peach Blossom Spring. What is this idiom? What does he mean? A: Xanadu refers to a place that is not influenced by the outside world, or a beautiful world in fantasy.

2. First, what is the use of the mysterious scenery description of nature? A: This scene is mysterious, suggesting that there will be a "fairyland", which adds an atmosphere for fishermen to enter Taoyuan and paves the way for the beauty of Taoyuan. What are the two aspects of the third paragraph? Answer: (1) Village people's hospitality style of "setting wine to kill chickens for food" and "putting the rest at home".

(2) When writing about the Qin Dynasty, villagers should avoid fooling around. 4. Why do Taohuayuan people come to this place? A: The ancestors of Taohuayuan people came to this isolated place with their wives, children and neighbors to escape the war in the Qin Dynasty.

5. Why do people in Taoyuan tell fishermen not to be humane? A: People in Taoyuan are very vigilant. They want to keep this "desperate situation" and avoid war. They don't want outsiders to know. 6. How do you understand the reason why Taohuayuan people "don't come back"? A: To avoid the war, the folk customs here are simple, free and happy.

7. When a fisherman leaves the Peach Blossom Spring, he "helps to the road" and "looks around". Later, the people looking for the Peach Blossom Garden "found the goal" but "can't walk any further". What is the author's purpose in writing this way? A: The purpose of the author's writing is to make people feel that Peach Blossom Garden is a place that seems to exist, but also seems to be real and unreal, suggesting that "Taoyuan" is a fictional society and the reality does not exist.

8. Liu Ziji and Tao Yuanming were contemporaries. Finally, what is the purpose of writing that Liu Ziji is going to find the Peach Blossom Garden? A: People feel that Taoyuan is out of reach, which adds a strange color to Taoyuan. 9. Why do you think Taoyuan people "sigh"? A: the outside world has changed a lot; Frequent wars; Social darkness; A person's life is painful; Long isolation time; Listen to what the fisherman says.

10, why did the author invent a beautiful realm relative to the dark real society in this article? A: I pinned my political ideals and reflected the wishes of the broad masses of people; Yearning for a better life, denying and criticizing the dark society. 1 1. Why did the author make up a relatively beautiful realm of a dark real society in this article? A: I pinned my political ideals and reflected the wishes of the broad masses of people; Yearning for a better life, denying and criticizing the dark society.

12, the author's fictional paradise is the author's ideal society, which also reflects the author's desire to advocate peace, stability and pursue a better life. 13, Peach Blossom Garden is a romantic narrative prose by Tao Yuanming, and it is an idealized rural life under the small-scale peasant economy. The most obvious artistic conception is the word "odd". Name three "oddities".

A: (1) The environment is great. (2) being isolated from the world for many years.