Pushkin's poem "ты и вы"! !


Пустое вы сердечным ты

Она обмолвясь заменила

И все счастливые меч ты

В душе возблённой возбудила

Пред ней задумчиво стою

Свести очен с неё нет силы

И го ворю ей:как вы милы!

И мыслю:как тебя люблю!

You and you ①

She accidentally made a mistake and changed the vague you

into the intimate and casual you,

So in my loving heart

it aroused all kinds of sweet thoughts.

I stood in front of her thoughtfully,

gazing at her intently;

I said to her: "How cute you are!"< /p>

But I was saying in my heart: "How much I love you!"


Translated by Feng Chun

①In 1828, Pushkin fell in love with art Anna Olenina, the daughter of the college dean, proposed to her, but later voluntarily revoked the proposal. When Olenina talked about this poem in her diary

she said: "Anna Alexeyevna Olenina made a mistake and called Pushkin " You, on the next Sunday, he will send you this poem.