Cao Gui is neither a military commander nor a civil servant, but he is proficient in the art of war. He learned that Qi was going to send troops to attack, and Duke Zhuang of Lu was ready to resist, so he offered to see Duke Zhuang. His relatives, friends and neighbors advised him: "State affairs are in the hands of big officials who eat meat every day. Why bother?" Cao Gui said: "Those big officials are short-sighted and will not have foresight."
When Cao Gui met with Zhuang Gong, he first proposed that winning the trust of the people was an important political preparation before the war and a guarantee for the victory of the war. And asked him to go with him in the battle, so Zhuang Gong told him to start with the car. At the place of the spoon, Qi and Lu's army met. The two sides lined up and the battle was about to begin. I saw the Qi army beating gongs and drums to prepare for the invasion. Zhuanggong is also ready to beat gongs and drums to meet him. Cao Gui stopped: "Wait a minute." See lujun didn't respond, and played a drum. In this way, the Qi army beat gongs and drums to make three links, while the Lu army always held its ground. It was not until the Qi army had three drums that it said, "Now you can join the army!" As soon as the drums of the Lu army rang, they ordered to kill the enemy, and the soldiers shouted and rushed to the enemy lines, which was extremely fierce. The Qi army was defeated and fled in confusion.
Zhuang Zhengyi wanted to order the pursuit, but he was stopped. He got off the bus and looked at the wheel tracks of Qi soldiers on the ground. He climbed onto the front crossbar of the car and noticed the enemy's retreat. Then he said, "Now you can pursue!" Zhuanggong immediately ordered the pursuit. The Lu army pushed forward and drove all the Qi troops out of the country.
This victory, Duke Zhuang of Lu did not understand why Cao Gui commanded like this. Cao Gui said: "War needs courage. High spirits, then decline, three exhausted. I'm exhausted, so I can overcome it. (Fighting mainly depends on courage. When playing drums for the first time, the soldiers had the greatest courage, and when playing drums again, their courage dropped a little; On the third drum, all the courage disappeared. When the enemy's courage disappeared, we were in high spirits, so we defeated them. Cao Gui also said: "Qi's military strength cannot be underestimated. Maybe an ambush will be set to deceive and defeat us. I' see its chaos and watch its flag', so I can rest assured to chase it. "("Chaos ",wheel tracks are chaotic;" Weak flag ",the flag cover fell down, indicating that you fled in a hurry. )
Blind horse: it is extremely dangerous to run around here and there.
The idiom "The Blind Touch the Elephant" comes from Liu Yiqing's Shi Shuo Xin Yu Pai Diao. The original text is: "The blind man rides a blind horse and comes to the deep pool in the middle of the night." In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Huan Xuan, Yin Zhong Kan and Gu Kaizhi got together to chat and see who said something thrilling.
Gong Yu Yishan: Taihang Mountain and Wuwangshan Mountain are 700 miles in all directions and seven or eight thousand feet high. They were originally located in the south of Jizhou and the north of the north bank of the Yellow River.
At the foot of Beishan, there is a man named Gong Yu. He is almost 90 years old and lives facing the mountain. Gong Yu was caught in a traffic jam in the north of the mountain. So Gong Yu called the whole family to discuss and said, "I will try my best to level the steep mountain and make it reach the south of Yuzhou and the south bank of Hanshui, ok?" Everyone agreed with him. Gong Yu's wife raised a question and said, "With your strength, even the heaped-up mountains in Kuifu can't be razed to the ground. What can Taihang Mountain and Prince Wu do? " Besides, where do we put the mud and stones? "Everyone said," Throw the earth and stone on the edge of the Bohai Sea, north of the hidden soil. " Yu Gong then led three sons and daughters who could bear the burden, chiseled stones and dug dirt, and transported them to the Bohai Sea with a dustpan. The neighbor's widow named Beijing has an orphan, who is only seven or eight years old, skipping to help them. Winter and summer change seasons only once.
The wise man in Hequ stopped Yugong with a smile and said, "You are so clever. With your remaining strength, even a grass on the mountain can't be destroyed. What can you do with mud and stones? " Gong Yu of Beishan sighed and said, "You are stubborn and stubborn to the point where you can't change it. You are worse than widows and weak children. Even if I die, I still have a son; Son gives birth to grandson, grandson gives birth to son; A son has a son and a son has a grandson; There is no end to children and grandchildren, and mountains do not increase. Why worry about digging rough? " There is nothing to answer about knowing beans in a meandering river.
When the mountain god with the snake heard about it, he was afraid that he would continue to dig and reported it to the Emperor of Heaven. Touched by his sincerity, the Emperor of Heaven ordered Kua 'e's two sons to move two mountains. One is in the east of Shuofang and the other is in the south of Yongzhou. Since then, there have been no hills south of Jizhou and Hanshui.
There was a man named Zhong Jun in the Liang Dynasty in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He wrote a book about poetry, called Poetry. In the book, he wrote: "Wen Wen Yi Li means sad and far away, thrilling, and can almost be described in one word." It means that a good article can't be too much or too little. The action value of each word 1200 gold. This is a story about the end of the Warring States Period.
Hanging beam and stabbing stocks: In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a man named Sun Jing, a famous politician. At first, because of his shallow knowledge, he was not reused, and even his family looked down on him, which greatly stimulated him. He made up his mind to study hard, often closed the door and continued reading alone. Reading from morning till night every day, often forgetting to eat and sleep. After studying for a long time, I am tired, but I still don't rest. After a long time, I was too tired to doze off. Afraid of affecting his study, he came up with a special method. In ancient times, men had long hair. He found a rope and tied it firmly to the beam. When he is tired of reading, he dozes off. When his head is lowered, the rope will hold his hair and hurt his scalp, wake up immediately and continue to study.
This is the story of Sun Jing's hanging beam.
During the Warring States Period, there was a man named Su Qin, who was also a famous politician. When I was young, because of the lack of knowledge, I went to many places to do things and was not taken seriously. After returning home, his family was also very cold and looked down on him. This is a great stimulus to him. So, he made up his mind to study hard. He often studies late into the night, is very tired, often takes a nap and wants to sleep. So he thought of a way, prepared an awl and stabbed himself in the thigh when he dozed off. In this way, I suddenly felt pain, woke up by myself, and then insisted on reading. This is the story of Su Qin's "stabbing stocks".
Stupefied: Ji Yanzi domesticated cockfighting for Zhou Xuanwang. Ten days later, Zhou Xuanwang asked, "Is the chicken tamed?" Ji Xunzi replied, "No, I am vain." 10 days later, Zhou Xuanwang asked again and replied, "No, call when you hear a noise, and jump when you see a shadow." 10 days later, Zhou Xuanwang asked again and replied, "I still care about speed, and I feel very strong." Ten days later, Zhou Xuanwang asked and replied, "Almost. Even if other chickens crow, it will not change. Looks like a wooden chicken, and virtue can be said to be perfect. Other chickens dare not fight, turn around and run. "
There was a gentleman who raised chickens for the King of Qi. These chickens are not ordinary old hens, but cockfighting that must be trained to participate in the competition.
There is a short story in Zhuangzi: Mr. Ji only kept 10 days, and the king of Qi asked impatiently, "Have you kept it?"
Mr. Ji replied: "Not yet. Now these chickens are still very arrogant. "
After 10 days, the king of Qi asked again, and Mr. Ji replied, "Not yet. As soon as they heard the sound and saw the figure shaking, they panicked. "
After another 10 day, the King of Qi came again. Of course, he still cares about his cockfighting. Mr. Ji said: "No, he is still sharp-eyed and domineering."
After 10 days, the King of Qi had given up hope of watching him fight cocks. Unexpectedly, Teacher Ji said this time: "Almost enough. Although the chicken sometimes crows, it doesn't panic. Looks like a chicken made of wood. I'm ready. Other chickens dare not challenge and can only escape. "
Suspecting neighbors of stealing axes: Once upon a time, a countryman lost an axe. He suspected that the neighbor's son stole it, and observed the way the man walked, like stealing an axe; Look at the man's face and expression, it's like stealing an axe; Listening to him is more like an axe thief. The man's words and deeds are like an axe thief.
Not long after, (the man who lost the axe) found his axe while turning over the grain. When he met his neighbor's son the next day, he felt that his words and deeds were nothing like the man who stole the axe.
Buy bamboo slips and return pearls: A businessman in the State of Chu sold his pearls to people in the State of Zheng. (Jewelry) is packed in wooden boxes of magnolia trees, smoked with cinnamon peppers, decorated with (exquisite) pearl jade, decorated with beautiful jade and decorated with kingfisher feathers. Zheng's men bought the box, but returned the jewels to the merchant. This can be said to be good at selling boxes, but it cannot be said to be good at selling pearls. The Chu people stood there awkwardly with the returned pearls. He thought others would appreciate his pearls, but he didn't expect the exquisite outer packaging to exceed the value in the box, so that "a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role" made the Chu people laugh and cry.
Hearsay: During the Warring States Period, there was a man named Shorty in the State of Qi. Once, he met a man who loved to talk empty talk.
Empty talk to Aizi: "A duck laid 100 eggs at a time."
"This is impossible!" Ai Zi said.
Empty talk: "It was two ducks that laid 100 eggs at a time."
Ai Zi said, "That's impossible."
The empty talker added, "About three ducks."
Ai Zi still doesn't believe it.
Empty talkers increase the number of ducks again and again until they reach 10.
Ai Zi said, "Can't you reduce the number of duck eggs?"
The talker said, "That won't do! It is better to increase than to decrease. "
The empty talker said to the dwarf, "Last month, a piece of meat fell from the sky, which was 10 foot wide and 10 foot long."
Ai Zi listened and said, "Impossible."
The colloquialist added, "That's about 20 feet long."
Ai Zi couldn't help asking, "How can there be meat 10 foot long and 10 foot wide in the world?" Or fall from the sky. Where did it fall? Have you seen it? Which family is the duck you just mentioned? "
Empty talk: "I heard it from the street."
Confucius said, "Listen to his words and abandon his virtue." (Tu: Tong Tu). It means: it is immoral to listen to unfounded words on the way and spread them around.
Bring the dead or dead back to life. Describe medical skills. Metaphor is to save seemingly hopeless things.
Dreamed of the south bank
Bai Juyi
The scenery in Jiangnan is very beautiful, and the picturesque scenery has long been familiar. When spring comes, the sun rises from the river, the flowers on the river are brighter than red, and the green river is greener than the blue grass. How can we make people not miss Jiangnan?
Jiang Nanyi, the most memorable is Hangzhou. Looking for laurel trees in Zhongshan Temple in the month, watching the tide on the pillow in the county pavilion. When will you revisit?
Jiang Nanyi, followed by Wu Gong. Wu Yi cup of spring bamboo leaves, Wu Wa dance lotus drunk. Will we meet again sooner or later?
Children fishing
Hu yingneng
A child with unkempt hair and immature face is learning to fish by the river. He is sitting sideways in the grass, and his shadow is set off by weeds.
Hearing the voice of passers-by, the child waved, afraid to disturb the fish and dare not respond to passers-by.
Benign farmers (1)
After cutting the grain at noon, sweat dripped down the soil.
Who knows that every meal in the plate is bitter.
Sow a drop in spring and harvest thousands of trees in autumn.
There are no idle fields in the four seas, and farmers starve to death.
A note for the absent.
Dao Jia
When I asked your students under a pine tree, "my teacher," he replied, "went to pick herbs."
However, through these clouds, how can I know which corner of the mountain it is facing? .