In Buddhism, the death curse is said at the place where it died within seven days after its death.
The curse of death:
Mona-Mi Duo Poye, amide-free night in the south.
Dotaga Duoye Duoduo Toche Duoye Daudier Tuo
Amiri Dupuy amiri Dupuy Ami Li Duo Ami Li Duo
Xi Dan Poppy Xidan Poppy Ami Li Duo Alimido
Randy approved Randy A Mi Li Duo A Li Miduo.
Pi Garlando, Pi Garlando and Gami are tired of Chemini.
Jia Jia nacheche Zhi Nuo duojiali
Suopo river
Or recite the whole Tibetan sutra to it.
I used to hear that her pet dog died, so I read Tibetan scriptures and dreamed about the puppy at night. She is very happy and relieved.