The meaning of "Shang", which is the same as Zi Tongshang, is clothes. From "The Book of Songs·Qin Feng·Wu Yi". The original text is "How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. When the king raised an army, he repaired my spear and spear. I share the same enemy with you. How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. When the king raised an army, I repaired my spear and halberd. I worked with you together. . How can I say that I have no clothes? The king raised his army and went with me. "Extended information "Yu Tongshang" means clothes. From "The Book of Songs·Qin Feng·Wu Yi". The original text is "How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. When the king raised an army, he repaired my spear and spear. I share the same enemy with you. How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. When the king raised an army, I repaired my spear and halberd. I worked with you together. How can I say that I have no clothes? The king raised his troops and went with me.