What are the characteristics of image thinking in literature and art?

(1) Imagery

Imageability is the most basic characteristic of image thinking. The object reflected in image thinking is the image of things. The form of thinking is imagery, intuition, imagination and other figurative concepts. The tools and means of its expression are graphics, images, schemas and figurative symbols that can be perceived by the senses. . The image nature of image thinking gives it the advantages of vividness, intuition and integrity.

(2) Illogicality

Image thinking is not like abstract (logical) thinking, which processes information step by step, end to end, and linearly; Use many image materials to combine them together to form a new image, or jump from one image to another. Its processing of information is not serial processing, but parallel processing, which is two-dimensional or three-dimensional. It allows the thinking subject to quickly grasp the problem through image thinking as a whole. Image thinking is probability or plausibility thinking, and the results of thinking need to be proved by logic or tested by practice.

(3) Roughness

Image thinking reflects the problem in broad lines, the grasp of the problem is a general grasp, and the analysis of the problem is qualitative or semi-quantitative of. Therefore, image thinking is usually used for qualitative analysis of problems. Abstract thinking can give precise quantitative relationships, so in actual thinking activities, abstract thinking and image thinking often need to be skillfully combined and used collaboratively.

(4) Imagination

Imagination is the process in which the thinking subject uses existing images to form new images. Image thinking is not satisfied with the reproduction of existing images. It is more committed to pursuing the processing of existing images and obtaining the output of new image products. Therefore, imageability gives image thinking a creative advantage. This also illustrates the truth; creative people usually have strong imaginations.