What are the ten principles of economics?

Economics is a subject that studies how to manage scarce resources. The ten principles of economics are a summary of the central ideas in various fields of economic research, which are mainly reflected in three aspects:

(1) How do people make decisions?

Principle 1: People are faced with trade-offs. People usually have to give up another thing they like to get it. Decision-making is to ask economic people to weigh between one goal and another.

Principle 2: The cost of something is to get what it gives up. Because people are faced with trade-offs, it is necessary to compare the costs and benefits of alternative action plans, that is, opportunity costs.

Principle 3: Rational people consider marginal quantity. People usually consider marginal quantities to make optimal decisions. Only when the marginal benefit of a behavior is greater than the marginal cost will rational decision makers take this behavior.

Principle 4: People will respond to incentives. Because people make decisions by comparing costs and benefits, when costs or benefits change, people's actions will also change. Therefore, people will respond to incentives.

(2) How do people trade with each other?

Principle 5: Trade can make everyone's situation better. Trade enables countries to specialize in activities with comparative advantages and enjoy all kinds of goods and services, thus making everyone's situation better.

Principle 6: The market is usually a good way to organize economic activities. Enterprises and families trade with each other in the market, prices and personal interests guide their decision-making, and the market economy maximizes social welfare in most cases.

Principle 7: The government can sometimes improve market results. The market needs the protection of the government. When the market fails, the market cannot allocate resources effectively. Government intervention in the economy can improve efficiency and promote fairness.

(3) How does the overall economy work?

Principle 8: A country's living standard depends on its ability to produce goods and services. The growth rate of a country's production determines the growth rate of average income. In countries with high productivity, people enjoy a higher standard of living.

Principle 9: When the government issues too much money, prices rise. Inflation is the rise of the overall price level in the economy, and the chief culprit of most inflation is the growth of money.

Principle 10: Society faces a short-term trade-off between inflation and unemployment. When the government increases the amount of money in the economy, it may cause inflation and reduce the unemployment level in a short time. The trade-off between inflation and unemployment is only short-term, and policymakers can choose the combination of inflation and unemployment that affects the economy.