Collect as many idioms containing East, West, South, North, China and you as possible.
Tearing down the east and filling the west, the river of no return went east and west, and the incident happened. Get married soon, get married flat, and the friendship of the host country is crooked. The host country is a thousand horses riding the east wind, and the east wind is mighty. The east wind overwhelms the west wind, the east helps the west, and the east view continues. Mr. Dong Guo fished a needle in the East China Sea, and the dust in the East China Sea shot at the East. The east arrow shoots south, the east works hard, the west swallows go here and there, and the talons come back, making an effective contribution to the east, eating vegetables in the west, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the west, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the west, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the west, spreading vegetables in the west, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the west, spreading vegetables in the east, spreading vegetables in the east. All I need is the east wind, rising sun, rising east, rising east, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising west, rising east, rising west. The sun in the east, the sun in the east, the sun in the east, the purple sky and the east stop fishing, touch the east, bend the west, hunt the west, fish the east, scatter the east, smash the east, fall to the east, move the west, knock on the east, see the west, see the east, move the east, hit the east, look at clothes, search the west, see the east, talk about the west, talk about the east and escape from the west. East window, east bed is good, east bed is good, things are easy to be right. The east is moving eastward, the west is moving, the east is pulling, the west is pulling, and the east is watching. Don't look at the western wall, look for the western wall, look for the western wall, cover the eastern wall, cover the eastern wall, sue the east, drive the east, swim the east, swim the west, complain about the west, look around, explore the east, complain about the east, run west, run east, flee west, hit the eastern wall, leave the corner, spread the east, spread the east bed, and choose the east bed. In addition to hiding in Tibet, running here and there, the east is not bright, the east wind is bright, the east wind is over the ear, the east wind is in France, the east gate is yellow, the east gate is chasing rabbits, and the west is painting the west. The beauty of the southeast is in the southeast, and the southeast bamboo arrows twists the west, pinches it in the east, moves it in the west, grasps it in the east, moves it in the west, floats it in the east, moves it in the west, and supplements it in the east. Guess it is in the west, and guess it is suspected to be hidden in the east Thirty years ago, the east corner of Hexi fell, saying "West, Song Yu", stealing the east wall, pushing the east, making the east work, sleeping in the east, pointing to the east, pointing to the east, saying that the west was demolished, making up the east, making the east wrong, and the east was overwhelmed by the west wind, supporting the east, supporting the west, dragging the west, pulling the east, pulling the scales and claws, complaining about the east, eating the west, eating the east, eating the west, eating the west. In the eyes of the lover, beauty disappears in the west, the sun shines in the west, and the east is attacking the west. Luo Zhongdong should cut the candle at the western window and complain about western learning. He sucked up the Xihe River and moved eastward to make up for the west. He refers to the west with the east. He painted the west, combining the west to make up the west, and tearing down the west to make up the east. He waited for the moon. He said that the west was hit by the east. He made the east look at the west, look at the west, climb the east and hit the west. Zero, West, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, West, East, East, East, East. I am looking for it. I'm reporting. I want to sue the Oriental Center. I am complaining about it. I'm angry about it. I am looking for it. I am looking for it. I am looking for it. I am looking for it. I hid. I am looking for it. I am running. I am running. I am running. I am running. I am running. I am running. I am running. I move east and west, bump into east, float west, stop east, float west, move east to make up west, gather east, guess west, suspect east, hide Tibet east, copy west, drag west, drag west, go east, drive west, hit east, rush west, rush east, cover west, cover crane, swim west, buy east, buy west. Thirty years after sunset, 30 years in Donghe and 30 years in Hexi, talking about sending Buddha to the west from the east, stealing from the east and touching the west, pushing the west, setting the sun in the west, clearing the country in the west, pure land in the west, west wind, falling leaves in the west, south dawn, west dawn, thin food in the east, sleeping in the west, crying in the west, suits and ties, living in the west, east, west, west, north gate, east. Jia Nanfeng and Nanguan Chu prisoners Nanji Beidou Nanjin East Arrow Conan Yimeng South and North to South. Baicheng south emphasizes north and south. The soft south mountain can move south. Beiyingnan Town fought in the north and the south. Nanguan Mountain in the south is the treasure of southeast China. Southeast Beauty bamboo arrows is east, west, south, north, south, south, north, south, south, north, south, south, south, south, south, south, orange, north, south, south, south, south, south, north, south, north. South Tongnan Chebei Zuoxuebei Township Southern Yan Southern Yan Pillow Yongshu Nanyueniao Nanqi Guide Attack North North North Road Long Beidou Zunbeifeng Love Baby North Gate Nanya North Gate Lock Key North Ritual North Lost Ma Beiyuan will not scrape North City North Xugong Jiangnan North East West South South South South East South South South Sea North South Drinking Northwest Wind Horse Kong Ji North Selling North Jianan Beidou South to South Cavity North Tune South Ruan North Nan Yan Bei, North Eagle South Dou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou Beidou North Chasing Death North Running North Running North Management Key, Send the news of the north gate, the voice of the north, Polaris arch, lying in the north window, running south, winning the north war, marching north, facing north, eyebrow south, boat south, car north, riding south, orange north, south to north, north to south, north to north, expedition south to north, exploring north, south to south, falling north to Mount Tai, Beidou south to north, far behind, heading north. In the middle of the shaft, the column fell into the cloud, and the evil words slandered the things in the pool. In the wind, the candles in the candle pot are in the middle of the raw fish pot The armor in the fish's belly is just right, soft and interesting. In ancient and modern times, Chinese and foreign countries have a glimpse of the leopard, and the cymbals are in the pot, and there are words in the painting. Take a chestnut from the fire and hit the stream. Sharp winds slow down medical treatment, and quick wits are used. The defeat was all in the middle of the well. In the mouth of a castle in the air, the fleas in orpiment's mouth are bitter, and the things in the basket are happy. In the meantime, the bird in the cage is a fly in the ointment. It is said in the dream that arrogance and anger are destined in the dream. If you don't help yourself, you are stronger outside the tiger than inside, and the middle hand is even worse. Very clever, very surprising, hit the nail on the head. In the fist, you choose the sandbird screen, and you choose that person. Among lions, dragons will be knocked out during the day. During the day, it will be a city. At noon, it will be like falling into the fog. At noon, it will be like falling into the sun. In the middle of the mountain, the prime minister's trap was in the middle of the mountain. As a pioneer, Liao Hua walked out of the mire with duplicity and implication. The iron clanked outside, the turtle in the urn was strong, and the turtle in the urn was caught in the middle. There are countless things in my heart. There are countless things in my heart. There are many things in my heart, and there are many things in my heart. Destroy the cloud, the crane let it spread rumors and slander, and it was right to throw the boat into the river in Zhong Zhong's words. A pot of gold is committed to indecision, neutrality and neutrality, and the center of Chinese and Western medicine shakes the golden mean. In the deer cave, the bones in the boat fight for the enemy in the deer. The people in the Central Plains were shot in the back, and the things in the snake shadow in the book cup were sad. It's a pity that the middle moves, the hole is to the point, the paper is expensive, the short is short, and the long is malicious, or the kettle is on fire, and the fish in the kettle is gray. Fishing for the moon in the sea, singing the fox in the pot, stabbing in the world, blessing hitting the key point, burning frugally in the flame, not paying attention to ceremony, overcorrecting, advancing and retreating moderately, rope forbidding advancing and retreating, looking for fire in the well, living in the shaft, being medium strong, medium strong, bending in the middle, taking care of the horse in the Central Plains, making a mistake in five busy days, losing the bag, leaking the bag, stabbing the fish in the cow's hoof, and missing it. Chinese and foreign people, Long Hudou, will move in China and will move in China. There are no heroes in the mountains when the moon is full. The monkey said that overlord is still empty, but he eats deeply, holds deeply, hides deeply and is thick. Nine times out of ten, immortals catch the moon in the water, catch salt in the water, and survive in the dead. Tan Yan is stronger outside and slightly weaker in the fog, and wins the Central Plains. Falling in the fog is not the point, but the nail wagging its tail is the point. Allow yourself to hold photos in the middle of the house. The red envelope in the big pillow is in your arms, filling your own pocket and wasting money to feed the poor. The boat lost in the bottom column, a pot of gold flowed in a pot, and the combination of Chinese and foreign countries was sneaky.