How much can A earn as a qualified translator in a month or a year? According to our experience, a translator who meets our requirements and can spend most of his time doing translation work can earn more than 1 thousand a month and earn almost 12 thousand a year (provided that he mainly translates Chinese into English). A qualified interpreter can earn 8,-1, yuan if overtime is not counted, and 12,-15, yuan if he works on a project site and often works overtime. A translator who can only translate English into Chinese can earn about 6-7 yuan a month and about 8 yuan a year. Of course, there is also day trader, who has a fast translation speed. Even if he is completely translated into English, he can earn 1, yuan a month.
B A good translator in the petrochemical industry can earn about 3, yuan a year. I know an interpreter. He works as an interpreter during working hours, and the daily rate is 6-65 yuan. Based on the calculation of 2 days per month, he can earn 12,-13, yuan a month without overtime. If he is busy at work and has overtime, he can earn about 3, yuan (overtime is frequent), which means his interpretation income is basically about 15, yuan a month. In addition, the rate of simultaneous interpretation in the evening and on weekends and holidays is 2,-2,5 yuan for half a day and 3,5-4, yuan for the whole day.
C if he has 3 full-time simultaneous interpretation opportunities every year, he can earn about 1, yuan. So his income will reach 4 thousand. Interest time for translation (completely Chinese-English translation, never Chinese-English translation, because the price difference is large), he can earn more than 1 thousand.