I dare not care about the poem of the enemy who throws money, but this poem is to persuade relatives and friends to forgive themselves. Even if they are together, they dare not care about kissing. It is a pity that they spend a lot of money to fight the enemy's banner and kill them into ghosts for ten years. Tibetan poetry is a special form of poetry, which embeds the first word of each poem into what you want to express. The first word of each sentence in the whole poem constitutes a complete person's name, place name, enterprise name or a blessing. Tibetan poems have profound meanings, high taste and heavy value, which can be described as a word of gold.
A survey of Tibetan poetry
The so-called Tibetan poetry is to hide a word or a word expressing a certain will in a certain position in a sentence and express it in the form of poetry. This is the so-called Tibetan poetry. Tibetan poems include Tibetan poems, Tibetan tail poems, Tibetan waist poems and mixed Tibetan poems. Later, poetry games gradually formed. Tibetan is divided into hiding and hiding, so it is collectively called Tibetan poetry.