Zhuangzi said, "There is great beauty in heaven and earth without saying anything, and there are four seasons of knowing the law without saying anything, and everything is reasonable without saying anything." The great beauty of heaven and earth, the sequence of four seasons, and the prosperity and decline of all things are all caused by the great power of nature, which goes without saying or discussing. The ebb and flow of everything in the world begins to end, which is a real realm of greatness and beauty. ?
The Beauty of Wordless is a leading figure in aesthetics, and one of the pioneers and founders of modern aesthetics in China. Mr. Zhu Guangqian's works on beauty are already aesthetic enjoyment just by reading Mr. Zhu's words. ?
Mr. Zhu Guangqian talked about the appreciation, creation and education of beauty from the philosophy of beauty with the topics of "starlight", "transformation", "wonderful realization" and "life interest". Mr. Wang teaches us how to discover beauty, feel beauty, appreciate beauty, create beauty and convey beauty. ?
excerpts from selected books
1. Words convey meaning, but meaning is by no means completely expressible. Because words are fixed and have signs; Meaning is rapidly changing and ethereal. Words are scattered, meaning mixed. Words are limited and meanings are infinite.
2. The value of a work of art depends on whether it can create a great number of ideal worlds with a little help from the real world.
3. There is a proverb in China, which says, "King Kong glows, but Bodhisattva lowers her eyebrows". The so-called glowering is revealing; The so-called low eyebrows are implicit. Anyone who looks at the idol with his head down and his eyes closed is often particularly impressed.
4. We have two attitudes towards life. When human resources can do it, we try our best to conquer reality. When there is nothing we can do, we should temporarily transcend reality and save our energy to conquer reality from other aspects in the future. Where is the detachment going? Go beyond the ideal world. There are obstacles and restrictions everywhere in the real world, and the ideal world is the sky where birds can fly, which is extremely open and free.
5. The less you say, the more you keep, the greater, deeper and truer the aesthetic feeling.
6. Many people live in the world where this car is like running water in Ma Rulong, just like taking a car for a ride in the Alps valley, rushing by in a hurry and having no time to look back and linger on the scenery, so this rich and gorgeous world has become a lifeless prison.
7. If we want to improve literature now, we must first improve our literary appreciation. To improve our literary appreciation, we must first make special efforts in poetry and cultivate our ability to appreciate the beauty without words. Therefore, I hope that literary creators will make more efforts in poetry, and poetry should occupy an important position in the school Chinese curriculum.
8. To see the beauty of things themselves, we must jump out of the practical world and appreciate their own images with the spirit of "doing nothing". In a word, there is a distance between beauty and real life. To see the beauty of things themselves, we must look at them from a proper distance.
9. Walking is a free and unrestrained action. Its weakness is that there is no plan and no system. People who value the unity of logic will despise it and hate it, but Aristotle's school, the master of western logic, is called "Walking School", which shows that walking and logic are not absolutely incompatible.
1. A practical attitude takes goodness as the highest goal, a scientific attitude takes truth as the highest goal, and an aesthetic attitude takes beauty as the highest goal.
11. Rigid beauty is dynamic, while flexible beauty is static. Moving like a drunk, still like a dream. Nietzsche said in the Origin of Tragedy that there are two kinds of art, one is the product of drunkenness, and music and dancing are the most obvious examples; One is the product of dreams, and all plastic arts, such as poetry and sculpture, belong to this category.