What literary forms and ideas does the British romantic writer Wordsworth advocate?

Wordsworth firmly advocated in "Lyric Ballads Preface" published in 1800 that the mission of writers is to find human nature in the true reflection of daily life and ordinary events, because Only in the "humble pastoral life" do "all our basic emotions exist together in a simpler state" and "people's enthusiasm is one with the permanent form of natural beauty." ". His little poem "Ode to Narcissus" shows a picture of tranquility and happiness that is completely different from capitalist urban civilization. It expresses people's desire to find ideals in nature and the final destination of human nature. His famous works such as "Tintern Abbey", "To the Cuckoo", "To the Butterfly" and "The Sparrow's Nest" praise the perfect human nature embodied in children and have not been contaminated by industrial civilization, showing one of the themes of his creation. Important features: Explore the return of human nature in the affirmation of nature. Although Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey and other writers passively escaped from the world and escaped from reality, they nevertheless provided a prescription for the restoration of freedom for people who were in the early stages of objectification. This was also the basic tendency of many British writers’ creative themes and artistic expressions in the early 19th century.