The theme of Wang Anshi's poems in his later years
Wang Anshi's political reform was obstinately obstructed by conservatives, and Zongshen had to accept his resignation and let him return to Jinling. This is Wang Anshi's first strike. After Wang Anshi's departure, Lv Huiqing made the imperial court a mess. In less than a year, Zongshen missed Wang Anshi very much. Without Wang Anshi, others really can't afford this reform. So, in February of Xining eight years, Wang Anshi made a comeback. However, in one year, the change is really too great. Zongshen was not an ambitious emperor. Those Lu Huiqing and others are no longer his right-hand man, but have become people who hate him. At this time, the only son died of illness. Wang Anshi finally couldn't hold on, and once again resolutely submitted his resignation and went to Jinling for the second time. After returning to Jinling, the bad news continued. Song Shenzong died and Wang Anshi cried her eyes out. In the 5,000-year history, Zongshen and Wang Anshi, the best partners of the emperor and prime minister, came first. He knew that without Zongshen's departure, the great cause of political reform would end. Sure enough, the high queen mother listened to politics and activated Sima Guang, the biggest diehard. He pushed hard for new laws, which were repealed one by one. What he can't understand is that even those that are uncontroversial and loved by the people have been abolished. Originally, he also pinned his hopes on Su Shi, because he knew that although Su Shi opposed his new law, he was a smart man and would not go to extremes. In fact, Su Shi did have many struggles with Sima Guang, but they all ended in failure. Su Shi's thought is reasonable to keep and unreasonable to abolish. As for Sima Guang, as long as it is formulated by Wang Anshi, it will be abolished. What he sees is not whether the law is good or not, but who made it, and Wang Anshi's will be abolished, no matter whether it is good or not. Wang Anshi was angry and had nowhere to go. In desperation, he sighed: let him go, he has done his best. Now these people are enjoying the bonus of Wang Anshi's political reform, and they are no longer worried that cadres will not be paid, and the benefits are rich. At the beginning of the reform, the emperor didn't even have the money to reward his ministers, so local officials had to raise their own funds to pay their salaries. How can these people forget? This is what he really can't figure out. In fact, the bonus of Wang Anshi's political reform was still enjoyed by Hui Zong Dynasty several decades later. On that day, Wang Anshi was depressed. The so-called depression made him a poet, not to mention that Wang Anshi was a great poet and writer. So he began to sing poems to express his resentment. Two poems almost blurted out: what happened to Zhuge in those days? Only do Wolong for life. After two lines of poetry fell into ink, he laughed and burst into tears. This is not Zhuge, but Wang Anshi himself. Now, he finally saw through, Zhuge immortal general characters, what achievements have been made? What was the result of his resurrection from the dead? Just a doo's surrender. If I had known this, I would never be as good as Wolong, nor would I be in the autumn wind! Wang Anshi laughed and cried for a while, feeling a lot. When he calmed down, he wanted to continue two sentences and become a complete poem, but he felt that he had no inspiration or even no feeling at all, and finally he didn't write it. He wanted to continue later, but he couldn't find the feeling just now, so he had to leave this half poem. Wang Anshi especially likes these two and a half poems. He wrote these two poems as banners and hung them on the wall. He watches TV every day to remind himself not to think about any political reform. He is just an ordinary old man. He wants to let go. Zhuge Liang is like this. Why can't he open his heart? When Wang Anshi reads these two poems every day, he often thinks of the poem he wrote on New Year's Eve that year. How energetic he was at that time, and the future of Dasong will sail to the other side of the light under his helm. On New Year's Eve, he made an exception by drinking wine and walking in the streets of Beijing in his usual rags. No one knows that he is today's prime minister, the chief designer and promoter of political reform. That feeling is not generally good. Listening to the firecrackers and watching the red couplets of every household, I can't help reciting a poem: firecrackers are one year old, and the spring breeze enters Tu Su in send warm. The rising sun sheds light on doors of each household, New peachwood charm is put up to replace the old. The poem says that on New Year's Eve, we should bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, but is this just a chronicle of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new? Not at all! Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new is the fate of the Great Song Dynasty. All the old things will become the past, and a brand-new future is beckoning to him, which will surely become a reality with his efforts. He will be a generation of celebrities, and his name will remain forever. Wang Anshi couldn't help smiling at the thought of this poem. Where there is a generation of famous soldiers, there is a brand-new tomorrow. Everything is just a dream. Let it go, so he recited the unfinished poem: What happened to Zhuge? Only do Wolong for life. The veteran who followed him all the time could not understand his master's laughter and thought he was crazy. But obviously not crazy. Don't say an illiterate veteran, who can feel this feeling except Wang Anshi? My friends, what do you think of Wang Anshi's half poem? What is Wang Anshi's view on political reform? Hope to see your message, let's discuss this controversial history together!