Sully Prudhomme (1839~1907) French poet. His main poems include "Destiny", prose "Testament of Poetry" and "On Fine Arts". In 1901, his work "Loneliness and Reflection" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "It is a demonstration of noble ideals, perfect art and rare soul and wisdom"
Theodor Monson (1817~1903) German historian. His major poems include the five-volume "History of Rome" and the editor-in-chief of the 16-volume "Complete Latin Inscriptions". In 1902, his work "Rome" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "The greatest master of history writing in the world, which is undoubtedly reflected in his masterpiece "History of Rome""
Bj?rnsten Bj?rnsson (1832-1910) Norwegian dramatist and poet ,novelist. His major works include the plays "The Emperor" and "The Glove of Challenge", and the collection of poems "Poems and Songs". In 1903, his work "The Glove of Challenge" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for the award: "With the poet's vivid inspiration and rare innocent heart, he wrote his works gracefully, gorgeously and colorfully"
Frederick Misttal (1830~1914) French poet. His main works include the poems "Golden Island", "Provence" and "Miloy". In 1904, his work "Golden Island" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "His poetry contains fresh creativity and real charisma, which faithfully reflects the simple spirit of his nation"
José Echegaray (1832-1916) Spanish dramatist ,poet. His major works include "The Great Matchmaker", "It's Either Crazy, It's Divine", etc. In 1904, his work "The Great Matchmaker" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "Because of the richness and excellence of its unique and original style, the work restores the great tradition of Spanish comedy"
Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) Polish novelist. His major works include "The Third Woman" and "The Crusader Knights". In 1905, his work "The Third Woman" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "For his outstanding achievements in writing historical novels"
Giozue Carducci (1835~1907) was an Italian poet and literary critic. His main works include the poetry collection "Poems of Youth", the long poem "Ode to Satan", and the monograph "The Development of Italian National Literature". In 1906, his work "Poetry of Youth" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for the award: "Not only for his profound knowledge and critical research, but more importantly for celebrating the characteristics, creative momentum, fresh style and lyrical charm of his poetic masterpieces"
Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) British novelist and poet. His major works include poetry collections "Barrack Ballads" and "Seven Seas", novel collections "The Resistance of Life" and animal stories "The Jungle Book". The 1907 work "Tiger!" tiger! "Won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "The works of this world-famous writer are characterized by meticulous observation, unique imagination, powerful spirit, and excellent narrative"
Rudolf Eucken (1946-1926) German philosopher. His major works include "The Outlook on Life of Great Thinkers", "The Ism and Value of Life", "Man and the World - Philosophy of Life", etc. In 1908, his work "Essays on Spiritual Life" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "His fervent pursuit of truth, his ability to penetrate thoughts, his broad observations, and the enthusiasm and strength he showed when he defended and explained an idealistic philosophy of life in countless works"< /p>
Thelma Lagerl?f (female) (1858~1940) Swedish writer. His major works include the novel "Jerusalem" and the fairy tale "Journey Riding a Goose". In 1909, his work "Journey Riding a Goose" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for winning the award: "Because of the noble idealism, rich imagination, and plain and beautiful style unique to her works"
Paul Johann Ludwig von Hesse (1830~ 1914) German writer. His major works include the play "Bayer Castle" and the novels "The Proud Girl", "Trepi Girl", "Nirena", etc. In 1910, his work "The Girl of Treppi" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "To commend this lyric poet, dramatist, novelist and world-famous short story writer for the artistic perfection he achieved in the spirit of idealism during his long and prolific creative career"
Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist. His major works include the plays "The Blind Man" and "The Blue Bird", and the collection of essays "The Double Garden", "Death", "Ant's Life", etc. In 1911, his work "The Wisdom of Flowers" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "Due to his multi-faceted literary performance, especially his dramatic works, which are not only rich in imagination and full of poetic whimsy, but sometimes appear in the form of myths, they are also full of profound revelations. This revelation is wonderfully touching. It touches the readers' heartstrings and inspires their imagination."
Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946) was a German playwright and poet. His major works include the plays "Before Sunrise" and "The Fall of the Bell". In 1912, his work "Rat" won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Reason for award: "To commend his rich and diverse outstanding achievements in the field of dramatic art"
Rabindranath Tagore (1861~1941) Indian poet and social activist. Important works include the poem "Gitanjali", the novels "Two Acres of Land", "Shipwreck", etc. In 1913, his work "Ji Tan Juan Li - Hungry Stone" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for the award: "Because of his extremely sensitive, fresh and beautiful poetry; which was written with superb skills and because he expressed it in English himself, his poetic thoughts have become a part of Western literature"< /p>
The related work "The Other Shore"
No award was awarded in 1914.
Romain Rolland (1866~1944) French writer and music critic. His major works include the masterpiece "Johann Christophe" and the biographical works "The Biography of Beethoven", "The Biography of Michelangelo", "The Biography of Tolstoy", etc. In 1915, his work "Johan-Christophe" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "The noble ideals in literary works and the sympathy and love for truth with which he depicts various types of characters"
Weilner Heitenstein (1859-1940) was a Swedish poet and novelist. His major works include the poetry collection "The Pilgrimage Years" and the novel "King Charles' Men" etc. In 1916, his work "The Age of Pilgrimage" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for the award: "In recognition of his important representative position in the new era of Swedish literature"
Karl Jellerup, Danish writer . His major works include the poetry collection "The Scroll of My Love"; the novels "Ming Na," "Mill Murder", "Already Warm for Life", etc. In 1917, his work "The Murder at the Mill" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "For his diverse and rich poems - they contain high ideals"
Henric Pontoppidan , Danish novelist. His major works include the short story "Removing the Shadow"; the novel "Promised Land" trilogy: "Lucky Pierre", "The Night Watch", "The Kingdom of the Dead" and "The Paradise of Man", etc. In 1917, his work "The Kingdom of Heaven" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "For his faithful depiction of current Danish life"
No award was awarded in 1918.
Karl Spitler (1845-1924) was a Swiss poet and novelist. His major works include the epic poems "Olympian Spring" and "The Crucifixion of Prometheus". In 1919, his work "Olympian Spring" won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Reason for award: "Special recognition for his outstanding performance in the epic "Olympus Spring""