Who is the betrayer in The Last Supper?

Judas was a traitor at the last supper.

The name Judas is the most famous in the Bible, and The Last Supper reminds believers of this traitor. However, it was later analyzed that Judas betrayed Jesus because Jesus secretly inspired him, because Jesus was finally resurrected with Judas' silver coins.

Judas, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ 12, recorded in Luke that at the last supper, after the Lord Jesus announced the meaning of the Eucharist and made a covenant, he immediately said something that surprised all the disciples at that time: "Look, the hand of the man who betrayed me is on the table with me."

Judas Iscariot, a disciple chosen by the Lord, stayed with the Lord for three years, eating and eating together. The Lord Jesus gave him many opportunities to repent, but he still stubbornly refused to repent.

According to Jewish custom, the host will kiss every guest before taking a seat. If so, the Lord Jesus will also kiss Judas on the mouth. Before meals, the Lord Jesus will wash his disciples' feet. The Lord Jesus will not let Judas go, and the Lord Jesus will also wash Judas' feet.

When eating, the Lord will dip bread into Judah, but Judah still stubbornly refuses to regret it. As agreed with the chief priests, when the Lord Jesus was in Gethsemane Garden, "when no one was in front", he led people to catch the Lord and marked him with a kiss. Luke and John both mentioned that "Satan entered the heart of Judah."