Mencius visited Liang. Liang said, "Old man, you have come a long way. You must have some good ideas for my country. "
Mencius replied, "Your Majesty! Why talk about profits? Only talk about benevolence and righteousness. The king said, "How does my country benefit?" The doctor said,' How can I benefit my family?' Ordinary people and ordinary people say,' how can I benefit myself?' As a result, the country is at stake!
In a country with 10 thousand personnel carriers, the person who killed its monarch must be a doctor with 1000 personnel carriers; In a country with/kloc-0.000 chariots, the person who killed its monarch must be a doctor with/kloc-0.000 chariots. There are 1,000 of these doctors in countries with 10,000 vehicles and 100 in countries with 1,000 vehicles. They don't have much.
However, if righteousness is put behind and benefit is put in front, they will never be satisfied until they win the status of monarch. On the other hand, people who never talk about "benevolence" abandon their parents, and people who never give lectures ignore Wang. Therefore, the king only said benevolence and righteousness, why did he say profit? "
Mencius visited Liang. Standing by the pond, Liang looked back at the goose and reindeer and asked, "Does the wise monarch like this?"
Mencius replied: "A wise gentleman does not take this kind of entertainment as his primary pursuit, and an ignorant gentleman will not appreciate it even if he has it. In the Book of Songs, it is said that the people will build a mourning platform and plan and arrange this matter. It has no fixed date. I don't intend to do it soon, and the people come to help like children. When King Wen arrived in Yue Ling, the doe lay quietly, with a fat figure and a huge white Bai Niao. King Wen came to Lingtai and jumped into the pool. "
Zhou Wenwang used the people's strength to build a mourning platform and dig a swamp, but the people were very happy. They called his platform Lingtai and his pond Lingbog. They are very happy that there are elk and fish turtles here. Ancient sages shared happiness with people, so they could really enjoy gardens and pools.
Tang Shi said: "When your sun dies, you and I will die (Xia Jie once compared himself to the sun). People want to die with Xia Jie. Even if there are birds and beasts on the high platform, can he enjoy it alone? "
Liang Huiwang said: "I really worked hard to manage Liang. When there was a famine in Hanoi, I moved people there to Hedong and transported food from Hedong to Hanoi. There is a famine in Hedong, so do it. I have visited the politics of neighboring countries, and no one can be as dedicated as me. But the number of people in neighboring countries has not decreased, and my number has not increased. What is the reason? "
Mencius replied: "Your Majesty likes war, so please let me use war as an analogy. Drums were drumming, and at the touch of the gun tip, some soldiers threw down their armor and dragged their weapons back. Some people stop running a hundred paces, while others stop running fifty paces. Can those soldiers who run 50 paces laugh at those who run 100 paces? "
Hui Wangdao: "No, it's just that they didn't run a hundred paces, which is also an escape."
Mencius said: "If your majesty understands this truth, then don't expect people who are more than neighbors. If the military corvee does not interfere with the season of agricultural production, the grain will be inexhaustible; Fish and turtles will eat more if the fine net doesn't go fishing in the pond.
If you chop down trees in the mountains with an axe according to the season, there will be endless wood. Food, fish and turtles can't be eaten up, and wood can't be used up. The people are born without regrets, and they are raised and buried. It is the beginning of kingliness that people have no regrets about being born, raised and buried.
Give people five acres of homestead and plant mulberry trees, and those over 50 can wear silk. Domestic animals, such as chickens, dogs and pigs, can be kept by the people at the right time, so people over 70 can eat meat. Each family has 100 mu of arable land, and the government does not interfere in their production season. Then, a few people in a family can stop being hungry.
Do a good job in the school and teach the people repeatedly on the principle of filial piety. Then, the gray-haired old man will not walk on the road by himself or with heavy objects. People over 70 years old have silk to wear and meat to eat, and ordinary people can't be hungry or frozen, so there has never been a situation where they can't practice kingship before.
Now in Liang, pigs and dogs from wealthy families have eaten the food of the people, but they are not constrained to stop it; There are people starving to death on the road, but they don't open the granary to help. When the people died, they even said,' It's not my fault, it's because I was poor for several years.' What's the difference between this statement and killing someone with a knife and saying,' I didn't kill him but used a weapon'? If the king doesn't blame by 2008, then all the people in the world will go to Liang Guolai. "
Liang said to him, "I am willing to listen to your suggestion happily!" "
Mencius said, "What's the difference between killing with a stick and killing with a knife?"
(Hui Wang) said, "There is no difference."
(Mencius asked again) "Is there a difference between killing with a knife and killing with political skills?"
(Hui Wang) said, "There is no difference."
(Mencius added:) "There is fat meat in the kitchen, strong horses in the fence, (while) people are starving, and Chen Zhe's body starved to death in the countryside, which (equals) leads wild animals to eat people together! Wild animals kill each other and devour each other, but people still hate it. As the parents of the people, they manage political affairs, but inevitably lead wild animals to eat people together. How can they be the parents of the people?
Kong Zhongni once said,' I'm afraid the first person who sacrificed clay figurines had no children?' It is precisely because the Terracotta Warriors resemble real people that they are used for martyrdom (imagine martyrdom with Terracotta Warriors is not allowed). How can these people starve to death alive? "
Liang said to him, "You always know that there is no country stronger than Wei. Now that I am in power, the East has been defeated by Qi, and even my eldest son has been killed. The west lost seven hundred miles to the west of the river and ceded Qin. The south was bullied by Chu. I am ashamed of this and hope to avenge all the victims. What do you think I should do? "
Mencius replied, "In Fiona Fang, any small country with a distance of 100 miles in Fiona Fang, you can practice kingship in your own country. If your king is willing to practice benevolent government for the people, reduce punishment, pay less taxes, advocate intensive cultivation and weed in time, let healthy young people use their leisure time to strengthen their moral cultivation of filial piety, respect for their brothers and loyalty, and let them serve their fathers and brothers at home and respect their elders when they go out, even if they are holding hands with wood.
They (the State of Qin and the State of Chu) invaded the farming season of the people, making it impossible for them to farm and support their parents. Parents are hungry and cold, and brothers and wives are separated. They made people suffer. If your majesty goes to crusade, who can compete with him? There is a saying:' benevolent people are invincible in the world.' Please don't hesitate to wander! "
Qi Xuanwang asked, "Can you tell me something about the hegemony between Qi Huangong and Jin Wengong in the Spring and Autumn Period?"
Mencius replied, "Confucius' students didn't talk about the hegemony of Qi Huangong and Jin Wengong, so they didn't pass it on to future generations, and I haven't heard of it. Your majesty, if I have to say it, why don't I talk about unifying the kings of the world with morality? "
King Xuan asked, "How can morality unify the world?"
Mencius said: "Everything is for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Unifying the world in this way, no one can stop it. "
King Xuan said, "Can people like me make the people live and work in peace and contentment?"
Mencius said, "Yes." King Xuan said, "Why do you know I can?"
Mencius said, "I once heard Hu Bi tell me that one day, your majesty, someone was sitting in the main hall and passing by with a cow." When you saw it, you asked,' Where are you taking the cow?' The man who led the cow replied,' I'm going to kill the blood-collecting sacrificial bell'. You said,' Let it go! I can't bear to watch it tremble with fear, just like being executed everywhere without guilt. "The petunia asked,' So there is no bell sacrifice? You said,' How can you not sacrifice the bell? Replace cattle with sheep! -I wonder if there is such a thing? "
King Xuan said, "There is such a thing."
Mencius said, "Your Majesty is kind and can rule the world. When others hear about this, they think you are stingy, but I know you are not stingy, but because you can't bear it. "
Xuan Wang said, "Yes, some people do think so. However, although we are small, how can I be too stingy to part with a cow? I really can't bear to watch it tremble with fear, just like being sentenced to death without guilt, so I replaced it with a sheep. "
Mencius said, "Your Majesty, don't blame the people for thinking that you are stingy. They only see you use a little sheep, not a big cow. How can they know the meaning? What's more, the king pities it without sin. What's the difference between a cow and a sheep? "
Jing Xuan smiled and said, "Yes, I don't even know what kind of psychology it is. It is true that I don't spare money to replace cattle with sheep, but people do have their reasons for thinking so. "
Mencius said, "Never mind. Your majesty doesn't want to be kind, just because you saw the cow with your own eyes and didn't see the sheep. A gentleman can't bear to die when he sees birds and beasts alive; I can't bear to eat their meat when I hear their whining. Therefore, gentlemen always stay away from the kitchen. "
Mencius said, "People want to jump into the North Sea with Mount Tai, which means,' I can't.' This is really impossible. When a man is asked to rub his arm for an old man, he tells people,' I can't do it. This is unwilling to do, not impossible. Your majesty, you have not unified the world with morality. You don't belong to the category of leaping over the North Sea with Mount Tai, but to the category of rubbing your hands for the elderly. "
Respect your own elderly, and then extend to respect others' elderly; Take care of your children, and by extension, take care of other people's children. If you do this, the whole world will be as easy to govern as running in the palm of your hand.
The Book of Songs says,' First, be a wife as an example, then pass it on to your brother, then to your family and your country.' I'm talking about spreading my heart to others. Therefore, Ender's ascension is enough to stabilize the world. If you don't promote Ender, you can't even protect your wife and children.
The reason why ancient sages were far superior to ordinary people was that they were good at popularization; Good performance. Now, your majesty, your kindness can be given to animals, but not to ordinary people. Why?
"You don't know the weight until you weigh it, and you don't know the length until you measure it. Everything is like this, especially the heart. Your majesty, please think about it! Do you really want to mobilize the national army, or do soldiers risk their lives to be enemies of other countries, so that you will be happy? "
King Xuan said, "No, why should I be happy when I do this?" ? I just want to realize my greatest wish. "
Character information
Mencius, whose name was Ke, was born in Zou Guo (now southeast of Zoucheng, Shandong Province). Philosophers, thinkers, politicians and educators in the Warring States period are the representatives of Confucianism after Confucius and before Xunzi, and they are also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius.
Mencius advocated "benevolent government" and first put forward the idea that "the people are more important than the monarch", which was listed by Han Yu as a figure who inherited Confucius' "orthodoxy" in pre-Qin Confucianism and was named "Ya Sheng" in Yuan Dynasty.
Mencius' speech works are included in the book Mencius. Among them, I want what I want, I get more help from the Tao, and I get less help from the Tao. I am also in China, born in sorrow and died in happiness, and I can't get rich and debauched.