Chinese-style relationship, the poem Shen Yun read is the sixth poem from the literary poem "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair" written by Pablo Neruda: I Remember You last fall. The full text is as follows, please read:
I Remember You Last Autumn
——(Chile) Pablo Neruda
I Remember You Last Autumn Appearance,
Gray beret, calm heart.
The flames of sunset fight in your eyes.
The leaves are falling to the surface of your soul.
You are like a vine wrapped tightly around my arms,
The leaves collect your slow and calm voice.
The bonfire of astonishment that burns with my longing.
Sweet blue hyacinths that wrap around my soul.
I feel your eyes wandering, autumn is gone:
Gray berets, birdsong and a heart like a house
——I The deep longing migrates there,
and when my kiss falls, happiness is like coals of fire.
The sky of ships, the streets of mountains:
Your memory is composed of light, smoke, and calm ponds!
The depths of your eyes are burning with thousands of rays of light.
The dead leaves of autumn swirl around your soul.