2. Lyrics:
I saw you the first time I opened my eyes.
The first time I cried, you wiped me dry.
You helped me when I fell for the first time.
This is the first time I have called my mother. You are the happiest.
The first time I left home, you gave it to me.
I am very excited about your first achievement.
It was you that I called for in my first despair.
It was you who praised me when I was just sensible.
Mom, mom, I miss you.
I am so lonely at night without you.
Is the road to heaven too crowded?
Have a good rest when mom is tired.
Mom, mom, I miss you.
It has been raining since you left.
Take your beloved oiled paper umbrella.
Mom, you should take care of yourself.
Mom, mom, I miss you.
You inspired me.
We have an appointment, right? We made an appointment to meet here in the afterlife.
Do we have an appointment? Mom, I'll wait for you here.